

单词 sweater
释义 sweat·er 英ˈswetə美ˈswɛtɚAHDswĕtʹər ★★☆☆☆小初中高四六研I牛4COCA⁶²⁷⁵BNC⁹³¹³iWeb⁶⁸⁴⁷Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

C 毛衣

a warm piece of clothing with sleeves, that wear on the top part of one's body

a crocheted or knitted garment covering the upper part of the bodya person who perspires
用作名词 n.
动词+~pull over〔put on〕 one's sweater穿上毛线衣形容词+~light〔warm〕 sweater轻便〔暖和〕的毛线衫new〔red〕 sweater新〔红〕毛衣介词+~in the sweater穿上毛衣
故事记忆有一个 Leader领导独自去 Theater剧院穿一件 Sweater毛衣被当成 Cleaner清洁工这工作我能 Do做为什么你说 No不不要我我就 Go去其实我希望 So这样对方说:我这样想 Also也故事记忆有一个 Leader领导独自去 Theater剧院穿一件 Sweater毛衣被当成 Cleaner清洁工钱博士sweat出汗+er者→使人出汗的衣服→锻炼时穿的紧身衣服⇒毛线衣,针织衫,运动衫sweat出汗+er者→使人出汗的衣服→锻炼时穿的紧身衣服⇒毛线衣,针织衫,运动衫。非常记忆sweat汗〖熟词〗+er耳〖拼音〗⇒汗从耳旁流下浸湿了厚运动衫小学英语速记联想记忆:weather天气冷了要穿sweater毛衣蒋争熟词记忆sweat汗er表物⇒吸汗的毛线衫近义词 jumper跳跃者perspirer大汗淋漓的人…
用作名词n.Sweaters are often made of wool.毛衣常由羊毛织成。
用作名词This woolensweatermay keep you warm in winter.这件羊毛衫在冬天可以保暖。
She slipped into thesweaterand dashed out of the door.她匆匆穿上毛衣, 冲出门去。
He put on a thicksweatersince it was cold in the morning.早晨很冷,他穿上了一件厚毛衣。noun.knitted jacket or jersey
同义词 sweatshirt cardigan,jersey,jumper,pullovermaillot,raglan,shrug,slipover,turtleneck The green or blue sweater?
绿色还是蓝色的毛衣? yeeyan

The sweater is moth-eaten.

“ Ommmmm.” And fetch my sweater from the dry cleaner before they give it away.
“嗯…”我应该把从干洗店把我的毛衣扔掉以前把它取回来。 yeeyan

“ Well, it’s certainly true that a family can only have one head, ” said a guy in a Snoopy sweater who I guessed was Pastor Mike.
“嗯,一个家庭当然只能有一个人当家,”一个身穿史努比毛衣的家伙开口说道。我猜他就是迈克牧师。 yeeyan

Although spring was coming, he still left his sweater on.

He pulled her sweater off undid the button of her jeans.
他把芭芭拉的毛衣脱掉,并把她的牛仔裤纽扣解开。 yeeyan

He stands at the gate of Kabul University in a red sweater black jeans and tinted prescription glasses.
他站在喀布尔大学的门口,戴着有色的近视眼镜,穿着红色的毛衣、黑色的牛仔裤。 yeeyan

I draped the sweater over her.
我将毛衣盖在她身上。 yeeyan

I heard her beating the shoes against each other and shaking out my pants and sweater.
我听到她拿着那双鞋相互击打和抖动我的短裤和毛衣的声音。 yeeyan

I hesitated, took off my sweater and shirt, and hesitated again.
我犹豫一下,脱下毛衣和衬衫,又犹豫起来。 yeeyan

Imagine touching a sweater before buying it from a home shopping channel.
想象一下从家庭购物频道买毛衣前先触摸其质感; ebigear

My little sister and I went in one day and strolled from stand to stand in the fashion department until we found the right stand and the right sweater.
我小妹妹和我有一天去了那家商场,在时装部一个摊位一个摊位地逛,直到我们终于发现了那个摊位和想要的毛衣。 yeeyan

My sweater is made of wool.
我的毛衣由羊毛构成。 hjenglish

She was dressed as she was always dressed: in black jeans and a blue sweater.
她的打扮像以往穿戴一样:身穿黑色牛仔裤和蓝色的毛衣。 yeeyan

She wore skintight jeans and a white sweater.
她穿着紧身牛仔裤和白色毛衣。 yeeyan

Somebody pinched my sweater.

Terrible because you spend your trip fearing that it’ll break in your bag and ruin whatever sweater you wrapped it in, along with the rest of your clothes.
很糟是因为你在旅程中都会担心它在你的袋子里有没有破而且毁了你包在外面的毛衣,连带着其他衣服。 yeeyan

These reinforcing effects mean that our social fabric can fray at the edges, like a yarn that comes loose at the end of a crocheted sweater.
这种边缘增强效果说明我们的社交网络边缘是疏松、易磨损的,就像用钩针编制的毛衣尾部松掉的纺线一样。 yeeyan

Upstairs, I placed it on the shelf in my closet, underneath a sweater.
到了楼上,我把它放进壁橱里的一层、一件毛衣底下面。 yeeyan

We start with the lady in the black sweater.
我们先从穿黑毛衣的女士开始。 worldbank

Where's my sweater?
我的毛衣在哪里? hjenglish

Whose is this sweater?
这是谁的毛衣? edu.sina.com.cn




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