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词汇 swayed
释义 sway·ed 英sweɪ美sweɪ COCA²¹⁵⁵⁶BNC²³⁷²²Economist¹¹⁸⁹⁶
vt. & vi. 摇摆; 摆动

move, first to one side and then to the other; swing

vt. & vi. 控制; 影响

control or influence; govern the direction of

controlling influencepitching dangerously to one side
move back and forth or sideways;

the ship was rocking

the tall building swayed

She rocked back and forth on her feet

move or walk in a swinging or swaying manner;

He swung back

win approval or support for;

Carry all before one

His speech did not sway the voters

cause to move back and forth;

rock the cradle

rock the baby

the wind swayed the trees gently

sway, fluctuate, swing


swing指一边或一头固定在某处而另一边或另一头成弧形摆动; fluctuate指没有规律地上下起伏、波动; sway指灵活或不稳定的东西缓慢地晃动。






用作动词 v.
~+名词sway the minds of people动摇人心~+副词sway deeply〔strongly〕深刻地影响sway directly直接影响sway dreamily恍惚地摇摆sway gently轻轻地摇摆sway gravely〔seriously,severely〕严重地影响sway greatly〔materially〕大大地影响sway immediately立刻影响到sway indirectly间接影响sway mentally精神影响sway personally个人影响sway profoundly深刻地影响sway quickly非常敏感sway religiously彻底控制sway restlessly不停地摇摆sway rhythmically有节奏地摇摆sway tremendously强烈地影响sway unconsciously不知不觉地影响sway unfavourably产生不利的影响sway violently强有力地摇摆sway vitally极大地影响sway back and forth前后摆动~+介词sway between two opinions在两种意见之间摇摆不定sway from side to side左右摇摆sway in the breeze在微风中摆动sway in the wind在风中晃动sway to随着…摇动sway to the music随着音乐节奏摇摆
sway to v.+prep.

摇向…; 倾向 swing to sth

sway to sthThe dancers swayed to the music.那群人随着音乐婆娑起舞。sway sth to sthThe wind swayed a tree to the ground.风将一棵树吹倒在地。
The weight of the passengers swayed the car to the right.旅客的重量使车向右侧倾斜。
The weight of the load swayed the boat to the left.负载的重量使船倾向左边。
The earthquake caused the wall to sway to the right.地震使墙向右倾斜。
sway with v.+prep.

支配; 伴随着〔用…摇晃…〕 control; swing with

sway with sbThat was the motive that swayed with her.那就是支配她的动机。sway sth with sthShe swayed her body in time with the music.她随着音乐的节拍摇晃着身子。
He swayed his head from side to side with worry.他忧心忡忡地频频摇头。
She swayed the baby's cradle with her foot until the baby went to sleep.她用一只脚摇晃着婴儿的摇篮,把婴儿摇睡了。近义词 swingwaverimpress
S+~+AThe trees were swaying gently in the wind.树在风中轻轻摇曳。
She swayed and fell in a faint.她摇摇晃晃晕倒在地。
He didn't fall, but swayed a little.他稍许晃了一下,并未跌倒。
The sailboat swayed on the stormy sea.帆船在暴风雨的海面上摇晃。
His resolution never sways.他的决心从不动摇。
S+~+ n./pron.Wind swayed the curtain.风吹动窗帘。
The wind sways the tall grass.风吹动着长得很高的草。
The speaker's words swayed his audience.这位演讲者的话对听众产生了很大影响。
Nothing could sway him once he had made up his mind.他一旦打定了主意,什么也动摇不了他。
She made a speech that swayed many voters.她作了一次影响了许多投票人的演说。
The prospect of cold weather swayed them, and they decided to go south.即将到来的寒冷天气使他们决定南迁。
He's very easily swayed.他很容易受别人影响。
He was swayed by his feelings.他受他的感情支配。
The audience was swayed by the speaker's conviction.听众被演讲者的说服力所打动。
When choosing a job don't be swayed by false promises of future high earnings.当找工作时,不要被将来会得高薪等虚假的承诺所影响。


sway既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词、代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常与介词with或to连用。

用作动词The branches of the trees wereswayingin the wind.树枝在风中摇晃。
Smokestacks are known toswayin the wind if they are not rigid enough.如果烟囱没有足够的刚度;它就会在风中摇摆。
Do youswayyour hips when you walk ?你走路时摆动臀部吗?
His powerswaysthe world.他称霸天下。
Martha won't let anyoneswayher decision.不会让任何人影响她的决定。
Nothing couldswayhim from his decision.没有什么能动摇他的决心。用作名词swayof the ferry made him feel sick.渡船摇摇晃晃,他感到恶心。
In medieval times the church heldswayover many countries.在中世纪, 教会支配着许多国家。
Among English playwrights, few would deny that Shakespeare holdssway.在英国的戏剧作家中鲜有人能否认莎士比亚文学泰斗的地位。
Tom has greatswaywith him.汤姆对他有很大的影响力。
She was brought up under theswayof Communism.她是在共产主义影响下长大的。as in.governed
同义词 dependent,determined,directed,guided,inclined,influenced,ordered,regulatedconsequent,obedient
反义词 autonomous,capricious,free,self-determined,unrulyas in.influenced
同义词 altered,changed,determined,formed,inveigled,motivated,moved,persuaded,shaped,turned
反义词 keptas in.managed
同义词 controlled,regulated,supervisedcommanded,compelled,directed,dominated,mastered,ordered,piloted,ruled,run
反义词 free,undisciplined,uneducated,ungoverned,unsupervised,wildas in.susceptible
同义词 affected,easy,impressionable,inclined,liable,prone,ready,receptive,responsive,sensitive,vulnerable,wide openaroused,be taken in,disposed,easily moved,fall for,given,gullible,impressed,impressible,influenced,mark,movable,nonresistant,obnoxious,open,out on a limb,persuadable,predisposed,pushover,roused,sensible,sensile,sentient,sitting duck,soft,stirred,subject,sucker,suggestible,susceptive,swallow,tender,touched,tumble for
反义词 insensitive,unlikely,unresponsive,unsusceptibleresistant,resistingas in.touched
同义词 affected,disturbed,impressed,stirredgrabbed,melted,softened,upsetturned on by,turned on to
反义词 unemotional,unmoved,untouched
governedadjective controlled
influencedadjective affected
managedadjective governed
susceptibleadjective exposed, naive
affected,aroused,be taken in,disposed,easily moved,easy,fall for,given,gullible,impressed,impressible,impressionable,inclined,influenced,liable,mark,movable,nonresistant,obnoxious,open,out on a limb,persuadable,predisposed,prone,pushover,ready,receptive,responsive,roused,sensible,sensile,sensitive,sentient,sitting duck,soft,stirred,subject,sucker,suggestible,susceptive,swallow,swayed,tender,touched,tumble for,vulnerable,wide open
touchedadjective deeply moved emotionally
affected,disturbed,grabbed,impressed,melted,softened,stirred,swayed,turned on by,turned on to,upset It was only a month ago, when Amy canceled her European comeback tour after she swayed and slurred her way through barely recognizable songs in her first show in the Serbian capital of Belgrade.
仅仅是一个月之前,艾米宣布取消她的欧洲复出巡演,而她上一场在塞尔维亚首都贝尔格莱德的演出中,由于酗酒在舞台上摇摇晃晃,根本听不清她在唱些什么。 yeeyan

The quake swayed buildings in Taipei, but there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage and no tsunami alert was issued.

Being peaceful enables you not to be swayed by events, hardships and difficulties, and to maintain inner poise, clear judgement and common sense in such situations.
保持平和能使你不被事件和困难动摇,从而让你的判断和常识更加清晰。 yeeyan

But even the toughest Palestinian critics of Mr Abbas within the PA tend to be swayed by the personal benefits of the status quo.
但即便是在巴民族权力机构中对阿巴斯批评最为尖锐的人,若牵涉到个人职位的变更,也会变得动摇起来。 ecocn

But other purchasers of objects touched by a famous person are swayed by so-called contagion: the implicit belief that the thing retains some essence or physical trace of the former owner.
但有些买家买下名人碰过物品则是被所谓的名人传播效应影响了——他们确信这件物品仍保留了前主人的精神和触痕。 hjenglish

But the rule by the many was no remedy for the ills of oligarchy, according to Plato, because ordinary people were too easily swayed by the emotional and deceptive rhetoric of ambitious politicians.
但对柏拉图来说,多数人统治也不是治疗寡头政治的一剂良药。这是因为普通民众太容易被那些野心家们用情绪化和欺骗性的花言巧语所左右。 yeeyan

By lunchtime, children were tossing rocks at the animal’s blowhole while its limp body swayed in the shore break like so much seaweed.
到了午餐的时候,孩子们向鲸鱼的喷孔处扔石头,它的疲软的身体在岸边就像被很多海藻击打而摇摆。 yeeyan

Companies are increasingly being swayed by what IT gear consumers especially their own staff are buying.
IT设备消费者尤其是本企业员工购买的设备正日渐影响企业。 ecocn

For those who won't be swayed, there is hope for less grizzly alternative.
对那些不会动心的人们而言,这里有一种不那么灰暗的选择。 foodmate

He swayed and shimmered; he was elegant, he was graceful.
他看起来是那样的优雅和得体。 yeeyan

He and Mr Oakeshott were both swayed, too, by Labor’s deal with the Greens.
他和奥克少特先生在工党与绿党的生意谈判中随风摇摆。 ecocn

His ideas swayed this way and that.

I swayed to my opponent's views in my deep heart.

If the fort were attacked when Lincoln was ostensibly only supplying it with provisions, Northern opinion could be swayed to support an all-out attack on the“ disloyal” states.
在外界看来当林肯给要塞供给给养时,如果要塞遭到攻击,北方舆论将彻底倒向支持对这些“背信弃义”州邦进行全力反击。 yeeyan

It remains to be seen whether the Constitutional Court will be swayed by this unusual manoeuvre.
宪法法庭是否受到这一不同寻常的举动的影响还需拭目以待。 ecocn

Many people, though, are swayed by the number they write on the cheque that they give to the dealer.
然而大多数人却会为他们交给经销商的发票上的数字所动摇。 ecocn

The Associated Press reported that buildings swayed in Taipei, the capital, when the earthquake hit but that there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage.
美联社报道地震发生时首都台北市的建筑物明显晃动,但是没有伤亡和破坏的直接报道。 yeeyan

The jury was not swayed by Fritzl's11th- hour confession of guilt, or his claim to be sorry“ from the bottom of my heart”.
陪审团并没有受 Fritzl11个小时的自白认罪或者他称自己“从内心”感到抱歉所影响。 yeeyan

The radio was humming and the leaves of the banyan trees in the massive front yards swayed in the sun.
收音机里传出轻柔的哼唱,宽大的前院里,印度榕树的叶子在阳光下婆娑摇曳。 yeeyan

The cart swayed.
马车又开始摇晃了。 yeeyan

Their fat bodies swayed as they walked, and they glanced curiously at me with their yellow- lidded eyes.
他们大腹便便,一步三摇,并用长着黄色眼帘的眼睛好奇地打量我。 yeeyan

We're social creatures and easily swayed by other people.
人类是社会动物,很容易被其他人所动摇。 yeeyan

Yet, swayed by Afghanistan, the British government has spared the army the worst of the cuts while sacrificing its fixed-wing maritime air power.
然而,被阿富汗搅得头晕的英国政府却不削减陆军而是牺牲自己的海上空军。 ecocn




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