

单词 swarthy
释义 swarth·y 英ˈswɔːðiː美ˈswɔrðiAHDswôr“Yē ☆☆☆☆☆高四GS宝COCA⁴³³⁶⁹BNC³²⁶¹⁰iWeb⁴¹⁹⁰⁵Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

naturally having skin of a dark color;

a dark-skinned beauty

gold earrings gleamed against her dusky cheeks

a smile on his swarthy face

`swart' is archaic

来自 swart,黑黝黝的,-y,形容词后缀。用以形容皮肤黑的。GRE红宝书s死, war, thy: 死在战斗中的人的皮肤是黝黑的, 因为是被大炮轰死的.
war 战 + 音:士,战士在战火中都是黑黝黝的;war + 死,战死
GRE难词记忆swarthy→swarth=swart 黝黑的+y→swarth 音“是 what”→是什么让他的皮肤变得黝黑谐音记忆swarth=swart黝黑的+y→swarth音“是what”⇒是什么让他的皮肤变得黝黑近义词 black黑的dark黑暗的dusky微黑的swart有害的tawny黄褐色的leathery皮似的inky墨水状的…dark-skinned深肤色的tanned被晒成棕褐色的…weather-beaten饱经风霜的

She has aswarthycomplexion.她的肤色黝黑。adj.dark-complexioned
同义词 black,brown,brunet,dark,dark-hued,dark-skinned,darkish,dusky,swart,tan,tawny
反义词 blonde,fair,light,pale
brunetadjective dark
brunettenoun dark
brunette/brunetadjective dark hair and/or skin
darkadjective shaded complexion, hair
darkeradjective shaded complexion, hair
darkestadjective shaded complexion, hair
adumbral,bistered,black,brunet,brunette,dark-complexioned,dark-skinned,dusky,ebon,ebony,sable,swart,swarthy,tan And a swarthy, a kind of can't see through mystery in the air all around, very tempting.
山色一片黝黑,一种看不透的神秘感在四周飘荡着,很诱惑力。 ysb999

The door was opened by a swarthy foreign-looking maid, with a prominent bosom under a gay neckerchief, whom he vaguely fancied to be Sicilian.
一位黑黝黝的异国面孔的女佣开了门。她胸部高高隆起,戴着花哨的围巾,他隐隐约约觉得她是个西西里人。 kekenet

The streets of Black Rock City hustle and bustle with activity as a swarthy unknown by the name of Swearengen arrives seeking wealth and power by any means necessary.
自从一位名为 Swearenge的不计代价寻求财富和权力的黑暗神秘人的到访给这个城市注入了活力后,黑岩市就拥有了熙熙攘攘的街道。 yeeyan

“ Well, the world would be a lot better off if there were more like him, ” the pompous, swarthy little man now said virtuously, as if this sentiment expressed his own pious belief and practice.
“呃,要是人人都像他一样,世界一定会更好吧?”那个自命不凡的黑小个子男人有良心地说,似乎这就是他自己真诚的信仰和习惯一样。 blog.sina.com.cn

A swarthy man in his50s, he had worked in nuclear-power stations for25 years.
一个50多岁黝黑皮肤的男士,已经在核电站工作了25年。 ecocn

He had the swarthy complexion of someone who had spent a fair amount of time under the sun, working the land.
他肤色黝黑,像个长期顶着太阳在田间劳作的农民。 fortunechina

He had a swarthy face, and it looked kind and warm.
他有一张黝黑的脸,慈祥又温馨。 blog.sina.com.cn

His skin was curiously and unpleasantly swarthy, and save for a fringe of thin black hair at either side, his head was completely bald.
他的皮肤是种奇怪的难看的黑色,头上除了边缘两侧几根黑发外,几乎就是秃头了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Of salt wave washed his swarthy cheek.
咸涩的浪花溅上他黝黑的脸。 ebigear

Sunlight extraordinarily good. By now, you came. Swarthy and healthy, on body residual sand, looks like one time about the life silent expression.
阳光出奇地好。这时,你们就来了。黝黑而健康,身上残留的沙子,像一次关于生活的无声表达。 blog.sina.com.cn

The other swarthy plotter had entered, and was standing behind the count's chair.
另外有人进来了,并站在伯爵的椅子背后。 en400

The sailor is swarthy from the sun of the tropics.
水手被热带的太阳晒得黑黝黝的。 foodmate

The same cleft chin, bright eyes, and swarthy skin.
一样的下巴裂缝,明亮的眼睛,浅黑的皮肤。 yeeyan

Their women are handsome, and have tall, slim, well-knit figures; and with their free and easy movements, and natural independent airs, they look to me like swarthy Englishwomen.
他们的妇女生得俊俏,身材颀长、苗条、结实,举手投足间透着洒脱和轻松,天生一副独立不羁的气度。我觉得除了皮肤黝黑以外,她们和英国妇女没有什么两样。 yeeyan

There da Vinci saw before him a dark swarthy man; his long, shaggy and unkempt hair sprawled over his face, which betrayed a character of viciousness and complete ruin.
达·芬奇看到他面前的一个晦暗黝黑的男人,他的长而蓬乱、邋遢的头发散乱地遮着他的脸,体现出邪恶和完全颓废的特征。 blog.sina.com.cn

You'll grow ragged and weary and swarthy.
尽管你会变得粗糙、疲倦、黑黝黝。 gssx




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