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词汇 swarms
释义 swarm·s 英swɔːm美swɔːrm COCA²⁹⁹¹⁵BNC³⁸⁶⁶⁹Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
vi. 群集

be present in large numbers; move in a swarm

a moving crowda group of many things in the air or on the ground;

a swarm of insects obscured the light

clouds of blossoms

it discharged a cloud of spores

be teeming, be abuzz;

The garden was swarming with bees

The plaza is teeming with undercover policemen

her mind pullulated with worries

move in large numbers;

people were pouring out of the theater

beggars pullulated in the plaza

用作动词 v.
~+副词swarm amazingly令人惊异地挤满swarm curiously不寻常地挤满swarm habitually惯常地挤满swarm infrequently罕见地挤满swarm magnificently壮丽地挤满swarm remarkably不平常地挤满swarm savagely野蛮地挤满swarm scathingly不留情地挤满swarm spectacularly引人入胜地挤满swarm about成群四处游荡~+介词swarm back into成群拥回swarm out of蜂拥而出swarm with挤满,充满
swarm about v.+adv.

成群四处游荡 go everywhere in a crowd

swarm aboutBees swarmed about in the orchard.蜜蜂成群地在果园里飞来飞去。
swarm across v.+prep.

蜂拥着穿过 pass in a crowd

swarm across sthThey swarmed across the bridge.他们蜂拥着穿过那座桥。
swarm back into v.+adv.+prep.

成群拥回 return in a crowd

swarm back into sthWhen the rain started the crowd swarmed back into the hotel.雨一开始下,人群就拥回旅社。
swarm out of v.+adv.+prep.

蜂拥而出 go out in a crowd

swarm out of sthWhen the bell rang, the children swarmed out of the school.铃声一响,孩子蜂拥而出离开了学校。
swarm with v.+prep.

挤满; 充满 be crowded with sth/sb

swarm with sb/sthThe stables swarmed with flies.马厩里尽是苍蝇。
The swamp swarms with mosquitoes and other insects.沼泽地里到处是蚊子和其他虫子。
The open tents swarmed with mosquitoes.蚊子在敞开的帐篷里成群地飞来飞去。
The house swarmed with rats.这屋中老鼠群集。
The beach is swarming with bathers.海滩满是浴客。
The scenic spot swarmed with tourists.这个风景区挤满了游客。
The White House rose garden was swarming with security men.白宫玫瑰园里密布着保安人员。
I swarmed with the work at the present.我目前被这个工作弄得苦不堪言。近义词 fly飞pile堆group群cloud云horde群teem充满bevy一群meet遇见crowd人群flock一群flood淹没hover盘旋cluster群drove畜群throng人群flight飞行circle圆圈gather聚集bristle刚毛collect收集assemble集合pour不断流动stream小河pullulate繁殖
S+~+AWhen bees swarm, hundreds of them come together in a great mass.蜜蜂搬家时都挤成一大团。
Customers swarmed before the counter.柜台前挤满了顾客。



用作名词I saw aswarmof bees attacking the poor monkey.我看到一群蜜蜂正在攻击可怜的猴子。
He has received aswarmof letters.他已经收到了一大批信件。
The locustswarmhas destroyed all the crops and vegetables.蝗虫群毁坏了所有的庄稼和蔬菜。
Like bees in aswarm, these stars move on ever changing orbits.好比蜂群内的蜜蜂那般,球状星团内的恒星运行在不断变化的轨道之上。用作动词Many studentsswarminto the canteen after class.放学后,很多学生拥进食堂。
Myriads of small marine insectsswarmthe ocean.无数的海中小昆虫群集在海洋中。
These shores will stillswarmwith the dead of my people.这一带海岸仍将到处有我们祖先的英灵出没。
I knew the train was coming as I had seen the passengersswarminto the platform.我看到乘客们涌上站台,知道火车就要进站了。 Christmas Island has erected some“ crab crossings”: walls or plastic fencing along roads that detour the crab swarms away from traffic, according to the Christmas Island National Park website.
据圣诞岛国家公园网站介绍,圣诞岛上建立了一些“红蟹斑马线”:通过沿路设立围墙或塑料围栏让蟹群避开交通。 yeeyan

Staff members say the rainy season, with its mosquito swarms and moldy clothes, attracts the toughest volunteers.
志愿者们说,在多雨的季节,蚊子成群结队,衣服馊酸难闻,这时最能吸引意志坚强的志愿者。 yeeyan

The moment darkness descends, swarms of infested Terran refugees and Marines try to stagger into your base through the two chokepoints.
夜幕一旦降临,成群被感染的人类难民和陆战队员就会试图通过两个咽喉地带攻进你的老家,派陆战队员进驻地堡。 yeeyan

The agency’s Secretary General, Jacques Diouf, says if more is not done to tackle the swarms of invading pests, they could spread east to countries, including Afghanistan and Pakistan.
联合国粮农组织秘书长杰克奎耶斯.迪乌夫说,如果不采取进一步行动来应对成群的来犯蝗虫,它们可能会向东蔓延到包括阿富汗和巴基斯坦在内的国家。 worldbank

The graphics are really great, provided you're on a newer phone. The flying mechanical swarms of enemies move fluidly, and the outlines are crisp enough for you to pick out individual targets.
假如你用的是新买的手机,游戏的画面就相当的赞,蜂拥而至的敌人像液体一样涌过来,他们的外形棱角分明,便于你分辨射击目标。 yeeyan

The novel's characters never come so alive as when they are amid Canton's swarms.
小说的人物如果不是在广州密集人群中,他们就不会这么活灵活现。 ecocn

With swarms sometimes extending for hundreds of kilometres, and containing billions of individuals, they conquered by sheer force of numbers.
有时蝗群覆盖数百公里,包含数十亿个体,它们完全是通过数量来取胜。 fao

A celestial silence that is compatible with a thousand sorts of music, the cooing of nests, the buzzing of swarms, the flutterings of the breeze.
一种天上才有的幽静与千万种音乐融洽共存,鸟巢中的咕咕声,蜂群的嗡嗡声和风的飒飒声。 ebigear

All that has to do with swarms.
所有这一切都跟有群体智慧有关。 yeeyan

Bees and locusts, they move in swarms also, and even humans.
蜜蜂和蝗虫,它们也是群体活动,甚至人类也是。 yeeyan

But on that day I will deal differently with the land of Goshen, where my people live; no swarms of flies will be there, so that you will know that I, the Lord, am in this land.
当那日,我必分别我百姓所住的歌珊地,使那里没有成群的苍蝇,好叫你知道我是天下的耶和华。 ebigear

But swarms of protesters again poured on to the streets, defyingtear-gas, warning shots and baton charges.
然而成群的示威者再次涌向大街,尽管迎接他们的是催泪瓦斯、警告的枪弹和挥舞的警棍。 ecocn

He sent swarms of flies that devoured them, and frogs that devastated them.
他叫苍蝇成群,落在他们当中,嘬尽他们。又叫青蛙灭了他们。 ebigear

In the future, swarms of computers, like colonies of ants or flocks of starlings, will be directed via cloud computing toward global problem solving.
在未来,电脑群,像蚂蚁的殖民地或者欧椋鸟群一样,将会被云计算带领起来解决全球性问题。 yeeyan

In the Sundarbans, beeswax and honey are produced by wild bee swarms that build hives on branches, in tree holes and crevices.
在松达班,野蜂群在树杈、树洞和岩缝筑巢,生产蜂蜡和蜂蜜。 fao

In swarms, the movements of even small animals might have a serious effect.
在成群出现的时候,即使是很小生物的运动方式也可能影响深远。 yeeyan

Just as adult locusts form swarms, hoppers will, given the right conditions, stop behaving as individuals and line up in marauding bands up to5 kilometres wide.
如同蝗虫成虫结群那样,蝗蝻在条件适宜的情况下将不再继续其作为独立个体的习性并开始集结成宽达5公里的劫掠性虫带。 fao

Miller identifies four major principles of smart swarms: self- organization, diversity of knowledge, indirect collaboration, and adaptive mimicking.
米勒定义了聪明蜂群的四大主要原则:自我组织能力、知识的多样性、间接合作和适应性的模拟。 yeeyan

Photo7: Swarms of krill, a cornerstone of the entire Antarctic food chain, feed on phytoplankton that grows on the underside of sea ice.
图7:成群的磷虾是整个南极动物食物链的基础。 它们以浮游生物为食,生长在海冰的上层。 yeeyan

Scientists were stumped because migrating swarms normally come down to rest every night.
科学家们困惑了,因为迁飞蝗群通常要每晚落地休息。 fao

Since then, sounds of doors slamming and bands playing had been heard there. Swarms of flies infested the place.
从那以后,猛烈的关门声,乐队的演奏声,成群的苍蝇就有了。 ecocn

Soon they found they were surrounded by swarms of enemies. But the soldiers would rather die than surrender.
很快他们发现他们被一群群的敌人包围,但士兵们宁死不投降。 ebigear

Television audiences around the world have complained about the din from the horn, which critics liken to a herd of trampling elephants or swarms of bees.
来自世界各地的电视观众都在抱怨非洲喇叭的吵闹,他们指责其声音就像一群狂躁的大象或是成群的蜜蜂。 yeeyan

The northerners believed the aurora was a reflection cast by large swarms of herring into the sky.
北方人相信,极光就是成群的鲱鱼将鳞光反射到了天际。 yeeyan

They came to town in swarms.

This could lead to the spread of diseases, the death of their bees or huge swarms in their neighbours' gardens.
这样一来可能导致疾病的蔓延,导致他们自己的蜜蜂或临近花园里大群蜜蜂的死亡。 yeeyan

We humans walking through Times Square or Grand Central, we are moving swarms.
我们人类经过时代广场或大中央,我们一群一群的走着。 yeeyan

Swarms highlight the complicated side of real things.
群突出了真实事物复杂的一面。 yeeyan




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