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swarm 英swɔːm美swɔrmAHDswôrm ★☆☆☆☆高四六研IMST宝4八GCOCA¹³¹⁰⁵BNC³⁰⁸⁴⁴iWeb¹¹⁷⁵⁴Economist¹⁷⁷⁴⁸ 基本双解英英词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus例句 n.群⁶;蜂群v.云集⁴;充满²名词swarmer过去分词swarmed现在分词swarming三单swarms 动物单位多总述昆虫纲自然
v.动词 vi. 群集be present in large numbers; move in a swarm Noun: a moving crowda group of many things in the air or on the ground;a swarm of insects obscured the light clouds of blossoms it discharged a cloud of spores Verb: be teeming, be abuzz;The garden was swarming with bees The plaza is teeming with undercover policemen her mind pullulated with worries move in large numbers;people were pouring out of the theater beggars pullulated in the plaza 来自古英语 swearm,嗡嗡声,来自 Proto-Germanic*swarmaz,嗡嗡声,来自 PIE*swer,蜂鸣声, 耳语声,拟声词,词源同 absurd. 用作动词 v. ~+副词swarm amazingly令人惊异地挤满swarm curiously不寻常地挤满swarm habitually惯常地挤满swarm infrequently罕见地挤满swarm magnificently壮丽地挤满swarm remarkably不平常地挤满swarm savagely野蛮地挤满swarm scathingly不留情地挤满swarm spectacularly引人入胜地挤满swarm about成群四处游荡~+介词swarm back into成群拥回swarm out of蜂拥而出swarm with挤满,充满 用作动词v. swarm about v.+adv.
成群四处游荡 go everywhere in a crowd swarm aboutBees swarmed about in the orchard.蜜蜂成群地在果园里飞来飞去。 swarm across v.+prep.
蜂拥着穿过 pass in a crowd swarm across sthThey swarmed across the bridge.他们蜂拥着穿过那座桥。 swarm back into v.+adv.+prep.
成群拥回 return in a crowd swarm back into sthWhen the rain started the crowd swarmed back into the hotel.雨一开始下,人群就拥回旅社。 swarm out of v.+adv.+prep.
蜂拥而出 go out in a crowd swarm out of sthWhen the bell rang, the children swarmed out of the school.铃声一响,孩子蜂拥而出离开了学校。 swarm with v.+prep.
挤满; 充满 be crowded with sth/sb swarm with sb/sthThe stables swarmed with flies.马厩里尽是苍蝇。 The swamp swarms with mosquitoes and other insects.沼泽地里到处是蚊子和其他虫子。 The open tents swarmed with mosquitoes.蚊子在敞开的帐篷里成群地飞来飞去。 The house swarmed with rats.这屋中老鼠群集。 The beach is swarming with bathers.海滩满是浴客。 The scenic spot swarmed with tourists.这个风景区挤满了游客。 The White House rose garden was swarming with security men.白宫玫瑰园里密布着保安人员。 I swarmed with the work at the present.我目前被这个工作弄得苦不堪言。故事记忆一早来到 Farm农场农场村民 Swarm涌入一睹明星 Charm魅力为防把她 Harm伤害保镖拿出 Arm武器村民受到 Alarm警示 GRE难词记忆swarm→swing v.摆动+arm n.胳膊→摆动胳膊爬山GRE难词记忆swarm 音“是 warm”→一大群人挤在一起是温暖谐音记忆swarm音“是warm”⇒一大群人挤在一起是温暖GRE难词记忆swarm 音“是 warm”→爬爬山是温暖多了近义词 fly飞pile堆group群cloud云horde群teem充满bevy一群meet遇见crowd人群flock一群flood淹没hover盘旋cluster群drove畜群throng人群flight飞行circle圆圈gather聚集bristle刚毛collect收集assemble集合pour不断流动stream小河pullulate繁殖 用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+AWhen bees swarm, hundreds of them come together in a great mass.蜜蜂搬家时都挤成一大团。 Customers swarmed before the counter.柜台前挤满了顾客。Pswarming丛集的Pswarm-spore游动孢子Pswarmer游动细胞游动孢子Pswarm-cell游动细胞游动孢子
swarm用作名词时意思是“一大群”,转化为动词意思是“群集”,指密密麻麻的昆虫如蜜蜂、蚂蚁成群飞离蜂巢或云集在某一处。强调成群结队地运动。引申可表示“充满”“挤满”等。 swarm只用作不及物动词,多与介词with或副词about连用。 名词83%,动词17% 用作名词I saw aswarmof bees attacking the poor monkey.我看到一群蜜蜂正在攻击可怜的猴子。 He has received aswarmof letters.他已经收到了一大批信件。 The locustswarmhas destroyed all the crops and vegetables.蝗虫群毁坏了所有的庄稼和蔬菜。 Like bees in aswarm, these stars move on ever changing orbits.好比蜂群内的蜜蜂那般,球状星团内的恒星运行在不断变化的轨道之上。用作动词Many studentsswarminto the canteen after class.放学后,很多学生拥进食堂。 Myriads of small marine insectsswarmthe ocean.无数的海中小昆虫群集在海洋中。 These shores will stillswarmwith the dead of my people.这一带海岸仍将到处有我们祖先的英灵出没。 I knew the train was coming as I had seen the passengersswarminto the platform.我看到乘客们涌上站台,知道火车就要进站了。noun.large, moving group 同义词 bevy,flock,herd,horde,mob,throngarmy,blowout,concourse,covey,crowd,crush,drove,host,jam,mass,multitude,myriad,pack,press,push,school,shoal,troop,turnoutverb.move forward as a group 同义词 congregate,crawl,flock,gather,overrun,stream,teem,throngabound,cluster,crowd,flow,jam,mass,mob,pullulatebe alive,be numerous,gather like bees,move in a crowd,rush together aboundverb exist in abundance be alive with,be all over the place,be knee deep in,be no end to,be plentiful,be thick with,be up to one's ears in,crawl with,crowd,flourish,flow,have a full plate,infest,overflow,proliferate,swell,teem,thrive aboundedverb exist in abundance crawl with,crowded,flourished,flowed,had a full plate,infested,overflowed,proliferated,swarmed,swelled,teemed,thrived,was alive with,was all over the place,was knee deep in,was no end to,was plentiful,was thick with,was up to one's ears in aboundsverb exist in abundance crawl with,crowds,flourishes,flows,has a full plate,infests,is alive with,is all over the place,is knee deep in,is no end to,is plentiful,is thick with,is up to one's ears in,overflows,proliferates,swarms,swells,teems,thrives armiesnoun group resembling military force armed forces,artillery,battalions,batteries,brigades,cavalry,columns,commands,companies,corps,details,divisions,flights,formations,infantry,legions,outfits,patrol units,platoons,regiments,soldieries,soldiers,squads,troops,wings armynoun group resembling military force array,cloud,company,crowd,division,flock,horde,host,legion,mob,multitude,outfit,pack,regiment,scores,swarm,throng,unit bunchnoun collection of something agglomeration,assemblage,assortment,band,batch,bevy,blob,bouquet,bundle,caboodle,chunk,clump,cluster,covey,crew,crowd,fascicle,flock,galaxy,gang,gathering,group,heap,host,hunk,knot,lot,mass,mess,mob,multitude,number,oodles,pack,parcel,party,passel,pile,quantity,sheaf,shebang,shock,shooting match,spray,stack,swarm,team,thicket,troop,tuft A hive about to swarm is a hive possessed. It becomes visibly agitated around the mouth of its entrance. 将要离巢的蜂群是受到控制的蜂群,在蜂巢的入口处明显地躁动不安。 yeeyan The queen's daughters manage the election of where and when the swarm should settle. 蜂王的女儿负责选择何时何地蜂群应该安顿下来。 yeeyan A second later, the entire swarm veers west and away, as if steered by a single mind. 不一会儿,整群野鸭陆续转向西方,飞走了,仿佛受到某种单一想法的控制。 yeeyan A network swarm is all edges and therefore open ended any way you come at it. 一个网络群到处都是边,因此,无论你以何种方式进入,都毫无阻碍。 yeeyan As Muslims saw it, a swarm of Frankish savages had rushed in, unprovoked, upon them. 正如穆斯林所看到的,一群法兰克野蛮人闯进来,无缘无故的袭击他们。 yeeyan Batman Returns in 1992 was the first movie to use his approach, portraying a swarm of bats and an army of penguins. 1992年的“蝙蝠侠归来”是使用他的方法的第一部电影,电影中刻画了蝙蝠群与企鹅大军。 ecocn But according to studies on swarm intelligence, what appears to be intelligent behavior actually results from nothing more than the complex interaction of simple actions. 但根据对群体智能的研究表明,那些看起来是智能行为的举动实际上来自无意识而不是简单行动的复杂互动。 yeeyan But at the time, this was the largest swarm of robots ever tested. 但是在当时,这些是所测试的最大型的机器人群。 ecocn By copying this behaviour“ swarm intelligence” the researchers think they can create vast numbers of virtual insects to patrol your computer. 通过复制这种行为“群集智能”,研究人员认为,他们可以创造大量“虚拟昆虫”来巡逻保护你的电脑。 yeeyan Crowds of Pakistanis swarm together in a camp at the Government College of Technology in Nowshera,40 kilometers east Peshawar. 在白沙瓦以东40公里的瑙谢拉市,一群巴基斯坦人挤在政府科技大学内的救援营地。 voanews He's author of The Perfect Swarm: The Science of Complexity in Everyday Life. 他是《完美的蜂群:日常生活中的复杂性科学》的作者。 yeeyan I recently finished reading Peter Miller’s The Smart Swarm, and I highly recommend it. 最近,我读完了彼得·米勒的《聪明的蜂群》这本书,我极力向大家推荐阅读。 yeeyan If all goes according to plan, however, a team of biologists and mathematicians from the University of Sydney will soon descend on a swarm and try to resolve the mystery. 似乎它们的行动很有计划,然而,一队来自悉尼大学的生物学家和数学家们很快突然袭击了一群蝗虫并试图解开这个秘密。 yeeyan In an arch under the dresser reposed a huge, liver-coloured bitch pointer, surrounded by a swarm of squealing puppies; and other dogs haunted other recesses. 在橱柜的拱门下面,睡着一只巨大的,深褐色的母猎狗,身边围着一群嗷嗷待哺的小狗仔,其他的狗则隐藏在别处。 examw Is it not really swarm intelligence? 这是不是真的群体智慧? yeeyan Len, is that swarm intelligence? 莱恩,那是群体智慧吗? yeeyan That's the wonderful appeal of swarm intelligence. 那就是群体智慧的非凡吸引力。 ecocn The more we can discover about the mathematical properties of generic swarm processing, the better our understanding will be of both artificial complexity and biological complexity. 我们能够发现的通用群处理过程的数学属性越多,我们对仿生复杂性与生物复杂性的理解就越好。 yeeyan The blast of the brightly-coloured plastic trumpet has been likened to an elephant or a swarm of angry bees. It will provide a discordant and ever-present backdrop to events on the pitch. 这个外表鲜艳的塑料喇叭吹出的声音就像一对双胞胎大象或者一群发怒的蜜蜂发出的一样,并成为球场上贯彻比赛始终的、不和谐的背景音乐。 hjenglish These rules add up to another kind of swarm intelligence— one that has less to do with making decisions than with precisely coordinating movement. 这些法则集合起来便成了另一种群体智能—这种法则与做出决策没有多大联系,但正好关系到同步的行动。 ecocn When destroyed, Zerg buildings can release a brief but deadly swarm of Broodlings. 当毁灭,虫族建筑可以释放一个简短而致命的群过去。 yeeyan When they returned to the swarm, each performed a waggle dance urging other scouts to go have a look. 当它们返回自己的蜂群时,每个侦察蜂都表演了一段来回摆动的舞蹈,表示要求其它侦察蜂也去看看。 ecocn Swarm- works have opened up not only a new writing space for us, but a new thinking space. 蜂群的工作模式为我们开启的不仅是新的写作空间,而且是新的思考空间。 yeeyan |