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词汇 swallow
释义 swallow 英ˈswɒləʊ美ˈswɑloAHDswŏlʹō ★★☆☆☆牛高4研四八TIGCOCA⁴⁵⁴⁷BNC¹¹⁴¹⁰iWeb⁵⁸⁰¹Economist¹⁰⁸¹⁵
vt. & vi. 咽下

move food or drink down the throat from the mouth

vt. 使消失

take sb/sth into itself so that he/it can no longer be seen

vt. 容忍

accept patiently

a small amount of liquid food;

a sup of ale

the act of swallowing;

one swallow of the liquid was enough

he took a drink of his beer and smacked his lips

small long-winged songbird noted for swift graceful flight and the regularity of its migrations
pass through the esophagus as part of eating or drinking;

Swallow the raw fish--it won't kill you!

engulf and destroy;

The Nazis swallowed the Baltic countries

enclose or envelop completely, as if by swallowing;

The huge waves swallowed the small boat and it sank shortly thereafter

utter indistinctly;

She swallowed the last words of her speech

take back what one has said;

He swallowed his words

keep from expressing;

I swallowed my anger and kept quiet

tolerate or accommodate oneself to;

I shall have to accept these unpleasant working conditions

I swallowed the insult

She has learned to live with her husband's little idiosyncrasies

believe or accept without questioning or challenge;

Am I supposed to swallow that story?

swallow, consume, devour, eat, ingest

这几个词的共同意思是“吃”。其区别在于:eat最常用,指放入口中经过咀嚼再吞咽下去的过程,对人或物都适用,引申指缓慢地逐渐腐蚀或消磨过程; consume指吃完全部食物或喝光所有饮料,引申指消耗光所有的物质、金钱等; devour强调狼吞虎咽地吃,引申指吞灭或毁灭; ingest是生理学用语,指咽下或吸收的过程; swallow指不经过充分咀嚼就囫囵吞入肚中,强调匆忙。例如:

The termites have eaten deep into the wood.白蚁已经把木头蛀得很深了。
The fire soon consumed the wooden building.大火不久就烧毁了这座木头建筑物。
He was devoured by hate.他满腔怨恨。

Twelve workers have ingested radioactive substances well above the permitted maximum.12名工人摄入体内的放射性物质已大大超过最大限度。

This drug can't be swallowed; it has to be injected.这药不能吞服,只能注射。来自古英语 swealwe,燕子,来自 Proto-Germanic*swalwo,燕子。
用作动词 v.
~+名词swallow one's anger强忍心中的怒火swallow one's resentment强忍心中的愤恨swallow one's words食言~+副词swallow eagerly急切地咽下swallow greedily贪婪地咽下swallow hastily匆忙地咽下swallow hungrily渴望咽下swallow hurriedly仓促地咽下swallow eventually最终咽下swallow unexpectedly意外地咽下swallow vigorously有力地咽下swallow down吞下去swallow up使消失,吞下去,耗尽,占用swallow up one's earnings耗尽挣来的钱
swallow down v.+adv.

抑制,使不流露 control a feeling

swallow sth ⇔ downSwallowing down his pride, he accepted the humble position offered him.他遏制住自己的自尊,接受了这卑下的工作。
swallow up v.+adv.

吞没,耗尽,吞并,侵吞 cause sth to pass down the throat; take in; make disappear

swallow sb/sth ⇔ upThe hungry man swallowed up everything on the table.那饿汉把桌子上的东西全都吃了。
The waves swallowed up the swimmer.波涛吞没了那个游泳者。
She was so embarrassed, she wished the earth would open and swallow her up.她窘死了,巴不得地上能开一个口子把她吞下去。
His wife's clothes bills swallowed up his wages.他妻子用于衣服的开销把他的工资都用光了。
The travel costs swallowed up our pay increase.我们增加的工资完全花在增加的旅费上了。
The two firms wanted to combine together to swallow up ours.那两家公司想联合起来吞并我们公司。
The aircraft was swallowed up in the clouds.飞机消失在云层中。
She was swallowed up by the crowd and we lost sight of her.她淹没在人群中,我们看不到她了。
His earnings were swallowed up by lawyer's bill.他的收入被律师的费用耗尽了。
He doesn't want his firm to be swallowed up by a transnational giant.他不想自己的公司被一家大型的跨国公司吞并。swallow words

承认说错了话 admit that one has said sth wrong

swallow one's wordsHe told me I wouldn't pass the test but I'm determined to make him swallow his words.他对我说我考不及格,我一定让他将来承认说错了。
You could hardly understand him because he had the habit of swallowing his words.他说话总是那么含含糊糊,所以很难听懂。故事记忆山路崎岖 Narrow窄天上飞来 Swallow燕子突然坠入 Meadow草地见它身插 Arrow箭心里充满 Sorrow悲哀怒拉手中 Bow弓想法被人 Overthrow推翻GRE红宝书象声词, 自己模拟一下吞咽的声音. Sw, all, low: 所有的东西都到了嘴的下面-吞咽
非常记忆sw是我〖拼音〗+allow允许〖熟词〗⇒是我允许他吞下这把剑的S,wall墙+ow看作low,低的→燕子不在墙上的低处垒窝⇒燕子联想记忆sw+allow承认→轻易承认→轻信形近词wallowv.打滚近义词 nip夹eat吃sup啜bite咬take拿drink喝gulp吞咽bury埋葬unsay取消immerse浸absorb吸收accept接受devour吞食ingest咽下eat up吃光retract缩回consume消耗believe相信mouthful一口withdraw撤回get down下来take back收回live with 接受deglutition吞咽swallow up吞下去
S+~+AChew well beforeswallowing.细嚼再慢咽。
His throat was so painful that he could hardly swallow.他的嗓子疼,几乎咽不下东西。
Taking pills is easy,just put them in your mouths and swallow.吃药丸容易,只要把药丸放在嘴里咽下去。
He swallowed in large draughts.他大口大口地吞食。
He swallowed hard and turned to face his accuser.他强忍下去,转身面对挖苦他的人。
I find it a bit hard to swallow.我觉得这事有点难以忍受。
S+~+ n./pron.He swallowed a mouthful of bread.他咽下一口面包。
He rolled the slip into a little ball and swallowed it.他把纸条揉成小团,吞了下去。
You must chew your food well before you swallow it.咽之前你必须细嚼。
He swallowed his medicine with the help of some water.他用水将药服下。
He was so hungry that he swallowed all our food.他这么饿,以至于吃掉了我们的全部食物。
I swallowed a laugh and went along to watch.我忍住笑,走过去观看。
He was obliged to swallow his anger under the circumstances.在这种情况下,他不得不强忍心头的怒火。
She swallowed all the criticism without saying anything.她一言不发,忍受了全部的批评。
She can swallow his rudeness.她能容忍他的粗鲁。
He was obliged to swallow his grief and work in the shop as usual.他不得不忍住悲痛,继续照常在车间干活。
They can't treat me like that,I'm not going to swallow it.他们不能这样对待我,我咽不下这口气。
His family swallowed great hardship during the war.战争年代他一家人受尽苦难。
She swallowed an insult to keep the job.为了保住这份工作,她忍气吞声。
She will swallow anything you tell her.她会相信你告诉她的任何事情。
She thought she heard a gun firing in the distance, but she couldn't swallow her ears.她认为自己听到了远处开枪的声音,但她不敢轻信自己的耳朵。
At that moment,I could hardly swallow my eyes.当时,我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。
This drug can't beswallowed; it has to be injected.这药不能吞服,只能注射。Pswallowing吞咽Pair-swallowing吞气症Pswallow-holen.石灰坑Ptongue-swallowing舌下沉Pswallow-taileda.燕尾状的Pswallowern.吞咽者贪吃的人Pswallowablea.可吞咽的宜于吞咽的Pswallowtailn.燕尾燕尾服燕尾叉形旗子的末端





用作名词There are manyswallowsflying in the sky.天空中有许多燕子。
Theswallowhas made a nest under our eaves.燕子在我们的屋檐下垒了一个窝。
He downed the medicine at oneswallow.他一口便把药全吞下了。
Let me take aswallowof beer.让我喝口啤酒。用作动词They can't treat me like that; I'm not going toswallowit.他们不能这样对待我,我忍不下这口气。
Heswallowedall the criticism without saying a thing.他默默地忍受一切责难。
You must chew your food well before youswallowit.食物吞下去之前先要细细咀嚼。
His lips worked as he tried toswallowthe food.他使劲儿把食物咽下去,嘴唇都扭曲起来。
He couldn'tswallowbecause of a sore throat.他因嗓子疼而不能吞咽。
You should have a try, don'tswallowanybody.不要轻信任何人,你得亲自去试一试。
Sheswallowedher anger and carried on.她忍气吞声地继续进行下去。
The company wasswallowedup in a corporate merger.该公司在一次公司合并中被收购了。verb.consume
同义词 absorb,devour,drink,eat,gobble,gulp,ingest,inhale,wash downbelt,bolt,dispatch,dispose,down,drop,imbibe,ingurgitate,quaff,sip,slurp,swig,swill,take,toss,wolfchugalug,put away
反义词 abstainexpel,regurgitate,spit outverb.believe without much thought
同义词 accept,buybe naive,fall for
反义词 disbelieve,doubt
abideverb submit to, put up with
accept,acknowledge,be big about,bear,bear with,concede,consent,defer,endure,hang in,hang in there,hang tough,live with,put up with,receive,sit tight,stand,stand for,stomach,suffer,take,tolerate,withstand
absorbverb physically take in a liquid
blot,consume,devour,drink in,imbibe,ingest,ingurgitate,osmose,soak up,sop up,sponge up,suck in,swallow,take in
acceptverb put up with
acknowledge,acquiesce,agree,assent,bear,bear with,bow,capitulate,defer to,don't make waves,don't rock the boat,endure,fit in,go along with,live with,play the game,recognize,respect,sit still for,stand,stand for,stomach,submit to,suffer,swallow,take,tolerate,yield to
ateverb consume food
bit,condensed,corroded,crumbled,decayed,decomposed,disappeared,disintegrated,dissipated,dissolved,drained,exhausted,gnawed,liquefied,melted,nibbled,ran through,rotted,rusted,spilled,squandered,vanished,wasted away
believeverb trust, rely on
accept,accredit,admit,affirm,attach weight to,be certain of,be convinced of,be credulous,be of the opinion,buy,conceive,conclude,consider,count on,credit,deem,fall for,give credence to,have,have faith in,have no doubt,hold,keep the faith,lap up,place confidence in,posit,postulate,presume true,presuppose,reckon on,regard,rest assured,suppose,swallow,swear by,take as gospel,take at one's word,take for granted,take it,think,trust,understand
believesverb trust, rely on
accepts,accredits,admits,affirms,attaches weight to,be convinces of,buys,conceives,concludes,considers,counts on,credits,deems,falls for,gives credence to,has,has faith in,has no doubt,holds,is certain of,is credulous,is of the opinion,keeps the faith,laps up,place confidence in,posits,postulates,presumes true,presupposes,reckons on,regards,rest assures,supposes,swallows,swears by,takes as gospel,takes at one's word,takes for grants,takes it,thinks,trusts,understands Stuck without money or just looking for more, they had agreed to swallow the stuff or slip it into their luggage.
他们过去由于濒临破产或赚更多的钱,他们曾同意将毒品吞进腹中或藏在行李箱里。 ecocn

All you had to do was chew, swallow and pay.
而你所要做的只是咀嚼、吞咽和付账。 ebigear

Between these pieces grew a most beautiful large white flower; so the swallow flew down with Tiny, and placed her on one of the broad leaves.
不过在它们中间生出一朵最美丽的白色鲜花。燕子带着拇指姑娘飞下来,把她放在它的一片宽阔的花瓣上面。 hxen

But its leaders may have to swallow their discontent if they want to keep their place.
但是如果波兰农民党想要保持他们的地位,其领导人也许必须打掉牙往肚里吞。 ecocn

But lead can be particularly dangerous in toys and jewelry because children can swallow it.
但玩具及珠宝中含有的铅则尤其危险,因为儿童可能将其吞下。 ecocn

Chew your food well before you swallow it.

Even with its elevated enzyme levels, two glasses of even the most enhanced transgenic milk still contains far less lysozyme than we swallow in our saliva every day.
即使考虑到其中高水平的酶量,两倍即便强化度最高的转基因奶所含溶菌酶,仍然少于我们每天自唾液吞咽的溶菌酶。 yeeyan

He took the medicine at one swallow.

He’ll swallow both of these substances and they’ll collect in his bowel until birth.
他将吞咽这两种物质把它们存储在肠里直到出生。 yeeyan

If you want to know how hard it is to swallow in space, try eating while lying on one side, he suggests.
他建议,如果你想要知道在太空中吞咽有多难,可以试试躺向一边吃东西。 yeeyan

In his famous speech from 1959, “ There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom”, Richard Feynman, an American physicist, called this concept“ swallow the surgeon”.
美国物理学家理查德·费曼在他1959年的著名演讲“在底部有很大空间”中把这个概念称作“把外科医生吞下去”。 yeeyan

Men with especially large protrusions can also see and feel the movement of the cartilage as they swallow and speak.
喉结很大的男性,在吞咽和说话的时候,也能看见并且感觉到喉结处软骨的运动。 yeeyan

So why constantly swallow pills to get your fat requirement when you can have a slice of pizza?
那么当你可以吃下一片匹萨的时候,为什么还要不停地吞下药片来控制脂肪呢? yeeyan

The defeat was a bitter pill to swallow.
那次失败是一次难以吞咽的苦果。 ebigear

The birds, usually made to swallow food through a tube, end up with livers swelling up to10 times normal size.
这些禽类,通常被迫通过管道吞咽食物,最终能长出膨胀到正常尺寸10倍大的肝脏。 yeeyan

There is no point trying to make your recipes. We miss you so much, we can hardly swallow them.
尝试着做你的食谱是毫无意义的,我们多么想你啊,我们简直不能忍受自己的伙食了。 yeeyan

These exceptions should not swallow the cuts; where possible, the flexibilities should still offer prospects to expand trade as economies grow.
这些例外不应吞没减税;在可能的情况下,随着经济增长,灵活性仍能提供扩大贸易的前景。 worldbank

They grasped at strangers and familiar faces alike, as if waiting for the earth to open up and swallow them again.
他们无论对陌生人还是熟人都紧抓不放,似乎在等待大地开裂再次把他们吞没。 yeeyan

When anything smaller than their own bodies happens by, they spring from the mud and swallow their prey whole, locking it in their jaws with their sharp teeth.
只要任何比它们个头小的生物经过,它们就会从泥地里跳出来将猎物整个吞下,用尖利的牙齿将它们紧紧困在嘴里。 yeeyan

While landslides can swallow entire villages by themselves, there is a way for them to become even deadlier.
尽管山崩本身就能吞没整个村庄,但还有方法使其变得更为致命。 yeeyan

Will hell swallow you up?

Yet he believes that, for the benefits of peace, they will swallow this humiliation— as long as India accepts the small compromises he has suggested and provided peace comes quickly.
但是,穆沙拉夫相信,就和平所带来的好处来看,他们将可以忍受这种羞辱——前提是只要印度接受其提出的一小步妥协并且使和平尽快到来。 ecocn

You won't swallow as a housemaid of mine.




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