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词汇 svg
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=saphenous vein graft 隐静脉移植物
It is necessary to convert a geometry in the database to its SVG representation and adding some rendering- specific attributes like color and stroke- width in the process.
在处理过程中,需要将数据库中的几何图形转换成它的 SVG表示,并添加一些特定于呈现的属性,例如颜色和笔划宽度。 ibm

The effect once SVG is built into browsers will be huge.
一旦 SVG被构建到浏览器中,效果将是巨大的。 ibm

The page includes information on policy, future prospects for SVG, and other matters.
网页中包括关于政策、 SVG未来前景和其他方面的信息。 ibm

You can, if you wish, add additional SVG markup to this document that will appear on the rendered page, though not on each separate rendered atom.
如果您愿意的话,还可以在该文档中添加页面上呈现的其他 SVG标记,尽管不一定以每个单独呈现的原子为基础。 ibm

Although most web pages can be drawn using only these basic primitives, parts of or SVG would need to be implemented separately, either using a different graphics library, or our own custom code.
大部分的的网页可以使用这些基本的原始的方法进行绘制,但是部分和 SVG需要使用其他的图形库或者我们自己的代码来分开实现。 yeeyan

Doing it this way is a reasonable compromise, since using child elements for every point or handle that defines a curve would make SVG even more verbose.
这样做是一种合理的折衷方法,因为对定义曲线的每个点或句柄都使用子元素将会使 SVG更加繁琐。 ibm

However, perhaps even more commonly, you can embed an SVG document within a larger document, particularly within an XHTML page.
然而,可能更为常见的是,您可以将一个 SVG文档嵌入较大的文档中,特别是嵌入 XHTML页。 ibm

However, vector images stored as XML files using Scalable Vector Graphics, or SVG, are an exception.
不过,使用可缩放向量图形 SVG存储为 XML文件的向量图像是一个例外。 ibm

I'm most interested in the rasterizer, since it can convert SVG files to bitmaps.
我最感兴趣的是光栅化程序,因为它可以将 SVG文件转换成位图。 ibm

In some cases, our decisions were informed by other browsers’ behaviors and the direction of SVG’s future.
有时,我们的决定会受到其他浏览器的行为和 SVG的未来发展方向所影响。 infoq

In the image editor, save the image as SVG.
在图像编辑器中,将图像保存为 SVG。 ibm

In this article, I will explain SVG in more detail and show its advantages in comparison to bitmaps.
在本文中,我将对 SVG进行详细的介绍,并会将其与位图相对比来展示它的优点。 ibm

In this tip, I'll show you how to use SVG to generate images automatically, such as from statistical data.
在这篇技巧文章中,我将向您展示如何用 SVG自动生成图像,例如,根据统计数据生成统计图。 ibm

Most of it is in the Scalable Vector Graphics format SVG, which is an open, XML-based format.
大多数图像是可缩放矢量图形 SVG格式,它是一种开放的、基于 XML的格式。 ibm

None of those alternatives make for as compelling a division of labor as the SVG technique here, however.
但是这些备选方案没有哪一个能像这里的 SVG技术那样带来明显的劳动分工。 ibm

Notice that this SVG instance embeds no scripting.
注意,该 SVG实例没有嵌入脚本编程。 ibm

Notice how SVG uses the idea of Cascading Style Sheet CSS classes applied to various graphic objects.
要注意 SVG如何运用了将级联样式表 CSS类应用于不同图形对象的思想。 ibm

The rocket will follow a circle to demonstrate some of the features you can expect from SVG: path following and auto- rotation.
火箭将沿着一个圆圈移动,以证实您可以从 SVG获得的一些特性:路径跟踪和自动旋转。 ibm

The declarative capability that SVG inherits from SMIL lets you animate graphicsfor example either at predetermined times, or in response to certain events.
SVG继承自 SMIL的声明性能力让您可以使图片成为动画,以预定的次数播放,或者响应某些事件。 ibm

This article gave a brief description of SVG and bitmaps.
本文对 SVG和位图做了一个简短的介绍。 ibm

This binding language allows you to define a mapping between any vocabulary and SVG.
这种绑定语言可以定义任意词汇表和 SVG之间的映射。 ibm

This simplifies development of SVG applications using RCC, and fosters some community- driven work aimed at offering free libraries in the near future.
这样就简化了使用 RCC开发 SVG应用程序,并促进社区推动的工作在不远的将来能够提供免费的库。 ibm

This tip will be helpful if you already have a basic understanding of SVG.
如果您已经基本了解 SVG,那么本篇技巧文章将对您有所帮助。 ibm

This tutorial demonstrates the concepts you need to build SVG documents, including basic shapes, paths, text, and painting models, plus animation and scripting.
该教程示范了创建 SVG文档需要了解的概念,包括基本形状、路径、文本和绘图模型以及动画和脚本。 ibm

Thus, if the WKT coordinates are shown unchanged in the SVG output, all geometries would be upside down.
因此,如果在 SVG输出中显示原有的 WKT坐标,那么所有几何图形就会颠倒。 ibm

To avoid this problem, an SVG transformation was applied to scale all coordinates.
为了避免这个问题,可应用一个 SVG转换来调整所有坐标。 ibm

To draw the stock graph, I must change the scale of the dollar and day values into SVG view coordinates.
为了绘制股票图像,必须将美元和每日数据的尺度转化成 SVG视图坐标。 ibm

Unlike most of the vector formats mentioned above, SVG is free of any patent or copyright restrictions, and its specification is fully documented.
与上述多数矢量格式不同, SVG是完全免费的,没有任何版权或专利权限制,而且其规范完全有文档记录。 ibm

You can develop, process, and deploy SVG in many different environments, from mobile systems such as phones and Personal Digital Assistants PDAs, to print environments.
可以在很多不同环境中开发、处理和部署 SVG,从电话这样的移动系统到个人数字助理 PDA,再到印刷环境。 ibm

SVG gives you a number of graphic primitives, and each primitive has various XML attributes that further specify the graphic: color, size, position, fill, outline, and so on.
SVG为您提供了许多图形元件,而且每个图元都有可以进一步指定图形的多种 XML属性:颜色、大小、位置、填充、轮廓等。 ibm




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