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词汇 Baudrillard
释义 Baudrillard
At the same time, according to Marx's“ society of commodity” and Guy Debord's “ society of the spectacle”, Baudrillard puts forward the theory of “ society of sign”.
同时鲍德里亚根据马克思的“商品社会”理论和德波的“景观社会”理论,提出了“符号社会”理论。 fabiao

The “desire logic” of the “ Symbolic consumption” which Baudrillard emphasized on, cannot apply mechanically to the Chinese society.
如何把握符号消费与社会整体的互动关系,将是解开中国社会消费文化脉络与走向的关键。 fabiao

The French thinker Jean Baudrillard investigates the contemporary world from the perspective of the social theory of the post-modern consuming society and comes up with new problems.
著名法国思想家让·波德里亚从后现代消费社会理论角度对当代世界加以透视,获得了新的问题意识。 fabiao

The20th century, the French sociologist Baudrillard expounded his basic views on the leisure: Leisure with a strong symbol is a kind of cultural consumption.
二十世纪,法国社会学家鲍德里亚阐述了他对休闲的基本观点:休闲是文化消费的一种,带有强烈的符号性。 fabiao

Baudrillard's radical criticism about the consumer and media cultural, expressed a humanist scholars caring about and worrying about the fate of mankind deeply.

In my opinion, Baudrillard's “the consumer society” provided us the key to interpret the logic of differentiation.
要透过幻象进而认识消费社会的真实的社会结构,需要通过解读消费社会的区分逻辑达成。 dictall

In the critique of signs, baudrillard's simulation theory is doing more thoroughly than his consumer theory.
在符号的批判中,鲍德里亚的仿真理论比其消费理论更有力度。 fabiao

Jean Baudrillard, a French scholar, is a famous thinker who focuses on consumption culture and activities.
法国学者让?鲍德里亚是当代西方学术界全力研究消费活动和消费文化的著名思想家。 cnki

Just as the world without women in Jean Baudrillard story.
如鲍德里亚无女人的世界。 artintern

Sign value is the central concept of Baudrillard's sign culture theory.
符号价值是鲍德里亚符号文化理论的中心。 cnki

Simulacres is an existence way of the modern art's works, by which Baudrillard is in order to distinguish the traditional art and the modern art.
而充斥在大众生活周围的拟像是现代艺术作品的存在方式,拟像的盛行改变了传统艺术的存在方式,使艺术的韵味消失; boshuo

So the research on symbolic logic become an academic focus, the French philosopher Jean Baudrillard is a typical representative.

The fourth chapter reveals the practical significance on criticizing Baudrillard's theory of human needs on the basic of inspecting the Chinese real need and the approach to realize.
第四章通过对当代中国民众现实需要及其实现路径的考察,进一步揭示批判性反思波德里亚需要理论的现实意义。 fabiao

The text is based on Baudrillard's theory of consumer society and Bourdieu's theory of symbolic power.
本文以鲍德里亚的消费社会理论和布尔迪厄的符号权力理论作为写作基础。 fabiao

This text considers, Baudrillard's thought can be divided into two periods by the boundary of his postmodern turn. The first period, he analysis and criticizes consumer culture mainly;

When multitudinous scholars were crazily appealing for post-modernism, while Jean Baudrillard was handing a sharp dagger, taking apart the body of the post-modern society.
在众多学者为后现代主义狂呼之时,博德里亚却手执一把锋利的匕首,剖开了后现代社会的肢体。 cnki

Baudrillard Shit is no longer possible, only the simulacrum of shit.
大便已经不可能了,只剩下大便的拟像。 iciba

Baudrillard gives a distinct notion to consume, differed from the economists and philosophers in the past, and the demonstration to the relationship of production and consume, differed from Marx.
鲍德里亚对消费概念做了不同于以往经济学家和哲学家的界定,对生产与消费的关系也做了有别于马克思的论证。 fabiao

Baudrillard put forward the theory of simulacrum and mean ed that the art create the reality and dispel the reality.
波德里亚则提出“仿像”说,认为艺术“创造”现实消解生活。 dictall

Baudrillard's theory of semiotic consumption is meant to analyze the economic structure of modern society, the class division and the social mentality in the light of sociology.
波德里亚的“符号消费”理论是要揭示现代社会的经济结构、社会分层和社会心态,阐释出其中的社会学意义。 cnki

Baudrillard's late philosophical thought of technology is a typical technological determinism.
鲍德里亚的后期技术哲学思想是典型的技术决定论。 cnki




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