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词汇 suspicions
释义 sus·pi·cion·s 英sə'spɪʃn美sə'spɪʃn COCA¹¹⁹¹⁷BNC⁹⁰⁷⁷Economist⁶¹⁷⁰
U 怀疑,嫌疑

suspecting or being suspected

C 疑心,猜疑

belief or feeling that sth is wrong, that sb has done wrong, etc.

S 一点儿,少量

a slight amount of sth seen, heard, tasted, etc.

an impression that something might be the case;

he had an intuition that something had gone wrong

doubt about someone's honestythe state of being suspected;

he tried to shield me from suspicion

being of a suspicious nature;

his suspiciousness destroyed his marriage







用作名词 n.
动词+~cast〔throw〕 suspicion on对…怀疑cause suspicion引起怀疑clear suspicion消除怀疑介词+~above suspicion无可怀疑beyond suspicion无可怀疑on suspicion受怀疑under suspicion受怀疑with suspicion怀疑~+介词suspicion of…的嫌疑a suspicion of一点儿…
近义词 dab轻触bit少量gut内脏bad坏的hint暗示idea主意dash猛冲doubt怀疑trace痕迹touch触摸tinge淡色hunch预感qualm疑虑taste味觉guess推测shade阴影notion观念flavor风味shadow影子inkling暗示thought思想shyness羞怯smidgen少量feeling感觉dubiety怀疑surmise推测funny可笑的question问题wariness注意misgiving疑虑leeriness猜疑suspicion猜疑guesswork臆测deduction扣除inference推理intuition直觉distrust不信任mistrust不信任suggestion建议hesitation犹豫dubitation怀疑conjecture推测sprinkling点滴sneaking秘密的disbelief不相信speculation推测supposition假设gut feeling直觉apprehension理解unbelief不信宗教doubtfulness怀疑incredulity不轻信uncertainty不确定watchfulness警觉性suspiciousness可疑dubiousnessdubious的名词形式…incredulousnessincredulous的…
用作名词n.Since they discovered the truth about his background,his colleagues have regarded him with suspicion.他的同事虽然摸清了他的背景,但对他还是疑神疑鬼的。
The behavior of the stranger aroused oursuspicions.那个陌生人的行为引起了我们的怀疑。~+ prep. -phraseHe is under suspicion of murder.他涉嫌谋杀。
There was just a suspicion of light in the east.东方刚刚泛白。~+that-clauseI have a suspicion that he's right.我隐约觉得他是对的。
用作名词We regard her behaviour withsuspicion.我们对她的行为有怀疑。
The talks have resulted in a lessening ofsuspicion.谈话消减了彼此的怀疑。
His words had sowed the seeds ofsuspicionin their minds.他的话已在他们心中播下怀疑的种子。
I regard his behaviour withsuspicion.我对他的行为感到怀疑。noun.doubt
同义词 conjecture,cynicism,distrust,impression,jealousy,misgiving,mistrust,notion,skepticism,uncertainty,warinesschariness,dubiety,guess,guesswork,hunch,idea,incertitude,incredulity,qualm,supposition,surmise,wonderbad vibes,dubiosity,funny feeling,gut feeling,lack of confidence,nonbelief,sneaking suspicion
反义词 belief,certainty,confidence,faith,sureness,trust,calculation,knowledge,measurement,proof,realityinformationnoun.hint, trace
同义词 suggestionstreak,glimmer,touch,cast,tinge,whiff,strain,shade,intimation,shadow,smellsoupçon
反义词 trustlight,brightnessknowledgeinformation And to those thinking about leaving your address out of your resume: It will only raise the suspicions of an employer who might pass you up for the job, career experts say.
职业专家还建议,不要在你的简历中写你即将离开目前所在的城市,因为这样做只会让原本打算给你工作的老板对你产生怀疑,最终你会错失这次机会。 hjenglish

At the first suspicions of this disease, the government launched an urgent response on multiple fronts.
一开始怀疑此疾病,该国政府便发动了多方面紧急应对。 who

Not yet because that would reveal which ones we have seen and which we have not. But we have noticed many concrete things, not just suspicions.
对不起,现在还不能细说,因为这会暴露我们看到和没看到的。不止是怀疑,我们已经注意到很多实质性的动作。 yeeyan

The finance industry has two underlying suspicions, both of which appear to have some basis in reality.
金融业有两个潜在的怀疑,这两条怀疑在现实中都有一些根据。 ecocn

Their suspicions about water ice beneath the surface of Mars confirmed, scientists and the world will have renewed interest in the outcome of the soil analyses currently being conducted by the lander.
关于火星表面以下存在水冰的怀疑终于被证实了,根据正在进行的火星车的土壤分析,科学家和整个世界将获得进一步的信息。 yeeyan

Adding to intelligence agencies' suspicions was that the two brothers had no known source of income.
更加让情报机构怀疑的是,这兄弟两人没有什么已知的收入来源。 yeeyan

And he knew not because the doctors in the hospital had shared their suspicions, but because they could not look at him in those hours before.
他得到这个消息,并不是因为医生和他分享了他们的猜疑,而是,医生们在宣布病情前几小时都没来看他们。 yeeyan

At that point, Plante took his concerns to the Archives' Office of Inspector General, where an investigator shared Plante's suspicions.
那时,他就向档案馆总监办公室表达了他的担忧,在那里的一位调查者和他有同样的怀疑。 yeeyan

But ever since a preliminary investigation of the Cheonan’s salvaged stern concluded that the blast did not come from on board the vessel, suspicions have turned towards North Korea.
但对打捞上来的“天安”号舰尾的初步调查结果显示,爆炸当时并不来自船上。自此以后,怀疑的焦点开始转向朝鲜。 ecocn

Empathy not only clues you in to what your subject wants to hear, it will help you avoid stepping onto trip wires that will trigger their suspicions.
换位思考不仅告诉你你的目标想听什么,还会帮助你避免踩到会引发他们猜疑的警报拉发绊网。 yeeyan

Every time America breaks them—by, for instance, protectionism— it feeds China’s suspicions and undermines the very order it seeks.
每次美国破坏这些规则,比如贸易保护主义,这令中国怀疑和破坏她所寻找的这个秩序。 yeeyan

I decided to act on my suspicions and ignore the compassion I felt for him.
尽管我很同情他,但我还是决定要将我的怀疑付诸于行动。 ebigear

Indeed, I had had no suspicions or fears that I had ignored.
的确,我没有产生过我无视的怀疑或恐惧。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, I also notice some suspicions and misunderstanding in the press, and some reports are not objective enough.
同时我也注意到,有的媒体也有些猜疑和误解,报道的不够客观。 putclub

Moreover, each side has unintentionally intensified the suspicions of the other.
另外,每一方对另一方的怀疑都在无意之间加剧。 yeeyan

Now that your suspicions have been validated, you will continue to gather additional evidence to present to your management, so they can take corrective action.
现在,您的怀疑得到了证实,您可以继续收集更多的证据提交给管理层,以便他们采取纠正措施。 ibm

Some customers simply want to know why their competitors, often of Chinese provenance, can be so cheap— either to prove suspicions of dumping or to show their own engineers how to do better.
有些客户只是简单地想要知道为什么他们的竞争对手通常来自于中国可以做到那么便宜,或是证明对倾销的怀疑,或是给他们的工程师看看如何可以做到更好。 yeeyan

Some of you may be surprised to learn that there are suspicions in my country about Chinese motives on these topics as well.
你们当中有些人可能会吃惊地得知,我国也有人对中国就这些议题的动机怀有猜疑。 putclub

Some suspicions are economic. At home, small Indian businesses have lobbied to block the negotiation of a China- India free- trade agreement for fear of Chinese competition.
一些怀疑是经济上的:在内部,印度小型商业者畏惧同中国的竞争,游说政府阻止中国-印度的自由贸易协议。 yeeyan

Step Check for a paper trail. While not the most upstanding way to go about it, if you have suspicions, you can check bank accounts and credit card receipts for strange transactions.
查看她记录在案的证据,这是对待此事最直接有效的方法,如果你有怀疑,你就去检查银行账户和信用卡收据,看有没有可疑的交易。 yeeyan

Such suspicions are not without foundation.
这种怀疑不是没有根据的。 ecocn

Too often our suspicions are based on outmoded ideas or impressions.
往往我们的猜疑是基于过时的想法或印象。 putclub

Your suspicions are aroused, but as a security analyst, you can't go around pointing fingers without proof.
您产生了怀疑,但作为一名安全分析师,您不能在没有证据的情况下到处指证。 ibm




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