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sus·pect·ing 英sə'spekt美sə'spekt COCA³³⁵⁹⁴BNC²²¹¹⁸ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语近义反义句型用法例句Thesaurus例句 v.怀疑⁵⁴;猜想⁶n.嫌疑犯³³adj.可疑的⁵;不可信的²原型suspect的现在分词过去分词suspected现在分词suspecting三单suspects v.动词 vt. 怀疑,推测have an idea or feeling concerning the possibility or likelihood of sth; feel doubt about sth Noun: someone who is under suspiciona person or institution against whom an action is brought in a court of law; the person being sued or accused Adjective: not as expected;there was something fishy about the accident up to some funny business some definitely queer goings-on a shady deal her motives were suspect suspicious behavior Verb: imagine to be the case or true or probable;I suspect he is a fugitive I surmised that the butler did it regard as untrustworthy; regard with suspicion; have no faith or confidence inhold in suspicion; believe to be guilty;The U.S. suspected Bin Laden as the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks v.动词 suspect, doubt这两个词的共同意思是“怀疑”。它们的区别是: 1.两者都可以接that从句作宾语,但含义不同:前者的意思是“疑为非”; 后者的意思是“疑为是”。试比较: I doubt that she is the criminal. 我不相信她是罪犯。认为不见得 I suspect that she is the criminal. 我怀疑她是罪犯。认为有可能 2.doubt后可接whether或if从句,但suspect则不能。 doubt,suspect,distrust这些动词均含“怀疑”之意。 doubt普通用词,多指因证据不足或仅凭证据还不能肯定而产生怀疑,多含否定意味。 suspect指猜疑、疑心,肯定意味较多。 distrust指疑惑、猜疑,不信任。 14世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的suspect;最初源自拉丁语的suspectus,意为受到嫌疑的。 用作动词 v. ~+名词suspect an ambush怀疑有伏兵suspect danger疑心有危险suspect one's motives怀疑某人的动机suspect a plot怀疑有阴谋suspect this approach怀疑这种方法~+副词suspect generally普遍怀疑suspect insanely狂热地相信suspect justly明确相信suspect personally私下怀疑suspect shrewdly有理由地怀疑suspect strongly很怀疑~+介词suspect as怀疑…为…suspect as an accomplice被怀疑为同谋犯suspect of怀疑…犯有…罪suspect sb of participation in the robbery怀疑某人参与了抢劫suspect sb of telling lies怀疑某人撒谎suspect of a theft有偷窃的嫌疑 用作动词v. suspect of v.+prep.
怀疑做了错事( feel that sb is guilty of sth, without certain proof) suspect sb of sth/v-ingSome people suspected him of theft.有些人怀疑他偷窃。 Which of these people do you suspect of the murder?在这些人当中你怀疑哪个是凶手? The police suspect him of having a part in the jewel robbery.警察怀疑他参与了盗窃珠宝案。 I suspect the child of lying.我怀疑孩子说谎。 They suspected me of having a hand in the affair.他们怀疑我插手这件事。 He is suspected of a crime.他有犯罪的嫌疑。 The two officials are suspected of having received a bribe.这两位官员涉嫌受贿。近义词 doubtdisbelieve反义词 trustbelieve 用作动词v. 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.The police don't know who committed the crime, but they suspect Jones.警察不知道谁作的案,但他们怀疑琼斯。 Why didn't she suspect the cheat?她为什么不怀疑那骗子? The milk hug has been overturned, and I suspect the cat.牛奶罐被打翻了,我怀疑是猫干的。 He suspected an ambush.他怀疑有伏兵。 I suspected his motives.我怀疑他的动机。 The mouse suspected danger and did not touch the trap.老鼠疑心有危险,没有碰夹子。 He suspected a plot against his life.他怀疑有人要谋害他。 He that once deceives is ever suspected.骗人一次,受疑一世。S+~+that-clauseWe suspect strongly that she is guilty.我们非常怀疑她是有罪的。 We suspected that he was the murderer even before we were told.甚至在被告知之前我们就怀疑他是凶手。 I suspected he was homesick.我猜想他是在想家。 I suspect that you have already heard about it.我猜想你已听说过这事了。 I begin to suspect that he has something to say to me.我开始觉得他有事想对我讲。 I suspect she is not as ignorant as she appears to be.我觉得她并不像看来那样愚昧无知。 I suspected that he would give me a scolding.我猜测他要训斥我一顿。 I suspect you are pretty tired after your journey.我料到你旅行后很疲劳。S+~+wh-clauseHe could not have suspected who she was.他不可能猜出她是谁。 Nobody can possibly suspect what he says.谁都不能怀疑他所说的话。 用作宾补动词 S+~+ n./pron. +to be/as n./adj.I suspected him to be a liar.我料想他是一个说谎者。 I suspected him to be dying.我觉得他要死了。 He was suspected to be a kidnapper.他被怀疑为绑架人。 There the incidence of the cancer of the esophagus was suspected to be pretty high.估计那里的食道癌发病率相当高。 He was suspected as an accomplice.人们怀疑他是同谋。S+~+ n./pron. +to- vMany of them suspected me to have told a lie.他们许多人怀疑我撒了谎。 She has more intelligence than we suspected her to possess.她的智力比我们想象的要好。 v.动词
suspect的基本意思是指“猜想”或“怀疑”某人〔事〕,也可指“猜想”或者“怀疑”某事已经发生或将会发生,主观色彩较浓,不一定有根据。 suspect是及物动词,接名词、代词、that从句、wh-从句作宾语。可用于被动结构。 suspect还可接以“to be/as+ n./adj. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。 suspect常接介词of引出怀疑、推测的内容。 动词65%,名词25%,形容词10% 用作动词Theysuspectedan ambush.他们怀疑有埋伏。 Isuspecthe was lying by the boy's abnormal behaviour.从那个男孩的反常举动中,我怀疑他在撒谎。 Just at that time, I began tosuspectwhether to tell her that matter.只是在那个时候,我开始怀疑我是否应该告诉她那件事。 She has more intelligence than wesuspectedher to possess.她的智慧比我们猜想的要高。用作名词He's a primesuspectin the murder case.他是这次谋杀案的主要怀疑对象 The police couldn't prove thesuspect's guilt.警察不能证实嫌疑犯的罪行。用作形容词His motives are highlysuspect.他的动机是高度令人生疑的。 His fitness issuspect, so we can't risk including him in the team.他的健康令人怀疑,所以我们不能冒险接受他入队。 His statements aresuspect.他的陈述可疑。as in.suspicious 同义词 apprehensive,careful,cautious,doubtful,incredulous,jealous,leery,mistrustful,skeptical,wary,watchfulcagey,green-eyed,in doubt,not born yesterday on the lookout,questioning,quizzical,suspect,unbelieving,uptight,without belief,without faith,wondering 反义词 believing,careless,certain,confident,convinced,heedless,inattentive,incautious,rash,sure,thoughtless,trusting,uncareful,undoubtingbelievable,indubious,innocent,palpable,trustworthy,trusty,undoubted,unquestionable suspiciousadjective distrustful apprehensive,cagey,careful,cautious,doubtful,green-eyed,in doubt,incredulous,jealous,leery,mistrustful,not born yesterday on the lookout,questioning,quizzical,skeptical,suspect,unbelieving,uptight,wary,watchful,without belief,without faith,wondering All his friends ceased whispering him, suspecting him. 他的朋友都不再议论他、怀疑他了。 jukuu As you might already be suspecting, Ajax attempts to bridge the gap between the functionality and interactivity of a desktop application and the always- updated Web application. 您可能已经猜到, Ajax尝试建立桌面应用程序的功能和交互性,与不断更新的 Web应用程序之间的桥梁。 ibm Suspecting that it might be the source of primordial dust, she recruited a space telescope called Spitzer to look at a quasar called PG2112+059 in more detail. Markwick-Kemper博士将名为 PG2112+059的类星体假想成早期尘埃的来源,启用了太空望远镜——斯匹策红 Spitzer对其进行了更为细致的观察。 ecocn At the time, the banks hoped simply to reduce their operating costs by replacing human tellers with machines, little suspecting that the cash machines would become so successful. 当时的银行不过是想用机器代替人工出纳员,以降低操作成本,几乎没有想到自动取款机会如此成功。 zftrans Fang mulled it over for a while, suspecting that the Irishman was undoubtedly up to tricks. If he bought a bogus diploma and went back to dupe other people with it, wouldn't he himself be a fraud? 方鸿渐盘算一下,想爱尔兰人无疑在捣鬼,自己买张假文凭回去哄人,岂非也成了骗子? jukuu I began suspecting every man I knew. 我开始怀疑我认识的每一个男人。 yeeyan I can't help suspecting that many people who stress the non- supernatural aspects of religion are actually still very much wedded to the spooky bits, but too embarrassed to volunteer the fact. 我不能不怀疑,很多人强调宗教中非超自然的元素,但他们其实还是对那些吓人的东西相当投入,只不过不好意思主动说出来罢了。 yeeyan I suspected that, many people are suspecting. But why does it continue? 我怀疑,许多的人都在怀疑,可是为什么还在继续呢? blog.sina.com.cn Internet users suspecting a cover-up questioned how evidence could be destroyed so quickly and wondered whether the carriages had been properly inspected by rescue teams for passengers first. 许多网民怀疑事故被掩盖,证据何以如此快速的被销毁,并且想知道这些车厢是否被营救队伍仔细检查过,还有无乘客。 ecocn The American soldier who found him helped him down the mountain, instead of suspecting an attempt to escape and shooting him dead. 找到他的那个美国士兵并没有怀疑他是企图逃跑,然后再一枪打死他,而是扶着他下了山。 ecocn The locals went home none of them suspecting that they had talked to an American. 本地人回家了,没人怀疑与他们交谈的是一个美国人。 yeeyan The next day Snow White, never suspecting that she was in danger, went off with the huntsman. 第二天,白雪公主跟随猎人出去,丝毫没有想到自己已处于危险之中。 www.5ykj.com The next time a police officer stops me, I plan to explain that suspecting me of a crime simply because I look foreign constitutes racial profiling. 下次警察再拦住我时,我准备向他解释尽尽因为我长得像外国人而怀疑我犯罪是种族歧视评判。 yeeyan The younger brother, suspecting no evil, went in and told him about the good dwarf who had given him the spear with which he had killed the boar. 从无戒心的弟弟走了进去,把好心男人给他长矛、自己又如何用长矛制服野猪的经过告诉了哥哥。 etaicang They say hundreds more people have contacted them, suspecting that their phone messages have been accessed. 他们说,另外几百人曾经联系他们,怀疑他们的手机信息被人窃听过。 hxen Yaks and horses ate the grass under the sun, with their suspecting eyes on us; 牦牛和骏马在骄阳下边吃草边提防地看着我们;133.tianxiasy.com Suspecting a link between the plague and the soldiers' food, he divided the city into four sections. 他怀疑疫病和士兵的粮食有关,于是把城市分为四部分, 每部分的居民获发不同食物。 bomoo Suspecting he had a serious medical condition, I nagged my husband until he agreed to see a doctor. 由于怀疑老公有严重的身体健康问题,我一直纠缠着他直到他同意去看医生。 yeeyan |