

单词 suspected
释义 sus·pect·ed 英sə'spektɪd美sə'spektəd 高COCA⁹³⁷⁴BNC⁸⁶³⁰iWeb⁸³²⁰Economist²⁵⁴⁵
believed likely;

a suspected thief

a suspected infection

suspect怀疑suspected case疑似病例suspected carcass等检胴体suspected nova疑似新星
suspect-ed如|被…的⇒adj.可疑的⁶³;嫌疑的动词suspect的过去式和过去分词.近义词 conjectural推测的反义词 unsuspected未知的

用作形容词They were observing asuspectedperson.他们在监视可疑的人。
Two suspicious aspects aresuspectedrespectively.两个可疑的方面分别受到怀疑。
Thesuspectedspy was shadowed by detectives.那个有间谍嫌疑的人被侦探们跟踪。
A policeman is dogging asuspectedthief.警察正在追踪一个有嫌疑的小偷。adj.doubtful
同义词 imaginedquestionable,shaky,suspicious,uncertain
implicatedadjective under suspicion
suspectadjective doubtful
doubtable,dubious,fishy,incredible,open,problematic,pseudo,questionable,ridiculous,shaky,suspected,suspicious,thick,thin,unbelievable,uncertain,unclear,unlikely,unsure Both his son-in-law and son are now detained by the government, suspected of links with the defeated Tamil Tigers.
他的女婿和儿子都被政府扣押,因为政府怀疑他们与被打败的泰米尔老虎组织有关联。 yeeyan

Persons suspected of infection should be immediately investigated to confirm or exclude diagnosis and to start treatment when indicated.
对怀疑受感染者,应立即进行调查,以证实或排除诊断,并在显示感染后着手治疗。 who

The IT department in Fiola's office suspected him of illegal downloading when they clocked his bandwidth at four times that of his colleagues.
菲欧拉单位的 IT部门之所以怀疑他进行非法下载,就是由于监测到他的带宽占用达到其同事的四倍。 yeeyan

Bolivia has arrested three other police officers suspected of helping him smuggle cocaine to the US.
玻利维亚还逮捕了其他三名涉嫌帮助他向美国走私可卡因的警察。 voanews

But frankly, there were times when I suspected I was just saying that because that’s what I did.
但是坦率地说,我也有时会怀疑自己只是说说而已,因为我也的确是这么做的。 yeeyan

But most suspected he would not be called to the stand.
但大多数人都怀疑他将不会被传唤到席。 ecocn

Data structures are grouped together in each dump and then matched and compared across the primary and baseline dump to identify suspected data structures experiencing large amount of growth.
数据结构被分组到每个转储中,然后在主转储和基线转储之间进行匹配与比较,以确定大量增长的可疑数据结构。 ibm

He is suspected of tampering in the plot.

He is suspected as an accomplice of the murder.

Hundreds of suspected militants have been detained, but the level of violence appears to be rising.
数百名可疑的好战分子被拘留,但是暴力水平似乎仍在不断上升。 hxen

If ADHD is suspected, the diagnosis should be made by a professional with training in ADHD.
如果怀疑是多动症,那么就应当由一个专业的多动症康复中心来诊断。 yeeyan

In Britain the tests help psychiatrists and psychologists determine whether someone should be held under the new laws that allow someone suspected of being dangerous to be detained indefinitely.
在英国,这些测试有助于精神病学家和心理学家来决定某人是否可以根据新法律在被怀疑是危险分子的情况下被无条件拘留。 topsage

Last year, when considering plans to snoop on the computers of suspected terrorists, it found a right to the “ integrity of information- technology systems”.
去年,考虑到对恐怖主义嫌疑分子电脑的监控计划,宪法法院又创设了一项“信息技术系统完整权”。 ecocn

The police detained the suspected thief for further questioning.

The police have detained the suspected thief for questioning at the police station.

The company did not say why, but the suspensions are thought to be related to the suspected leaking of its secrets about electric- car design.
虽然公司并没有公布原因,但这三位停职人员被认为涉嫌与该公司电动汽车设计的商业机密泄露有关。 ecocn

They carried out clinical and epidemiological examinations of suspected cases in hospitals and at home, and collected clinical samples.
他们对医院和家中的疑似病例进行了临床和流行病学检查,并收集了临床标本。 who

They suspected it might have to do with trust and emotional attachment.
他们怀疑这可能和信任与感情归属有关系。 yeeyan

This will provide greater mobility to investigate rumours of suspected cases and deaths and to follow contacts.
这将为调查有关疑似病例和死亡的谣言和保持联络提供更大的灵活性。 who

Though he spoke of the past, I suspected his mind was on the future, my future, and the long shadow this night would cast over it.
虽然他的语气是过去式,我怀疑他当时想到的是将来,我的将来。 在那个晚上,长长的阴影凝固在我整个人生里。 yeeyan

Though this had been suspected, nobody dreamed that a chimpanzee would attack an animal as large as a young bushbuck, until I saw an ape with his kill.
虽然这一点一直被怀疑,直到我看见大猩猩的捕猎行为,没有人会想象到一只大猩猩会袭击大如小羚羊这样的动物。 yeeyan

TO SKI, however well or poorly, is a reminder— whatever one may for a long time have suspected—that one is alive, and that living is tremendous fun.
无论身体健康还是欠佳,滑雪去,这是一个提示不管一个人长时间有什么可怀疑的——你还活着,而且活着是极其有趣的。 ecocn

When Thomas found the device on her vehicle back in 2005, she ripped it from the underside of her fender, but quickly grew fearful the FBI would raid her house if agents suspected she’d removed it.
当2005年托马斯在她的汽车上发现这个设备时,她从车子的挡泥板下面将它拆下,可她很快担心如果特工怀疑她把设备取下来了, FBI会搜查她的房子。 yeeyan

Where before he’d only suspected, now he knew.
以前他只是怀疑着,现在他终于知道。 yeeyan




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