

单词 suskind
释义 suskind
For all the dysfunction Mr Suskind portrays, Mr Obama's White House somehow oversaw the most sweeping reforms to health care and finance that America has seen in generations.
在苏斯金德所描述的所有不足之处中,奥巴马政府或可审视美国历代进行的大刀阔斧的医保改革和经济改革。 ecocn

In Ron Suskind's telling, Mr Obama is reduced to a hapless rookie manager presiding over insubordinate, quarrelling aides and aggrieved women.
罗恩·苏斯金德却将奥巴马描述成是一位不幸的新任执政者,需要统治这些并不顺从且整天争执不休的助手,和一群愤愤不平的妇女。 ecocn

Mr. Summers told The Washington Post in an e- mail on Friday that“ the hearsay attributed to me” in the Suskind book“ is a combination of fiction, distortion, and words taken out of context.”
萨默斯在周五给《华盛顿邮报》的一份电子邮件中说,苏斯金特书中的那句“那些谣传因我而起”“是捏造、歪曲和脱离原话语境的混合”。 yeeyan

Mr. Suskind— a Pulitzer Prize winner and former reporter at The Wall Street Journal— has a flair for taking material he’s harvested to create narratives with a novelistic sense of drama.
苏斯金特——一位普利策奖获得者和曾经的《华尔街日报》记者——具备这样的才华以收集的材料写出有戏剧感的小说体叙事文。 yeeyan

Ron Suskind, a journalist, has argued that Mr Bush created a“ faith-based presidency” in which decisions, precisely because they were based on faith, could not be revised subsequently.
记者罗恩·苏斯金德曾经讨论过布什先生建立了一套“基于信仰的执政方针”,那些基于信仰而做出的决策,是很难被纠正的。 yeeyan

“ Confidence Men, ” Mr. Suskind says, was based on interviews with more than 200 people, including former and current members of the Obama administration, as well as the president himself.
这本《自信的男人们》,苏斯金特说,是以和200多位美国人的访谈为基础撰写,其中包括了前任及现任的奥巴马政府成员,以及总统本人。 yeeyan

Bob Woodward, Ron Suskind and I recently debated on Slate the issue of how much we really know about Bush's biggest decision.
最近我和鲍勃.伍德沃、罗恩.苏斯金德就布什总统的这个重大决定我们到底知道多少展开讨论。 yeeyan

Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President. By Ron Suskind.
《自信的男人:华尔街,华盛顿与一位总统的教育》 ecocn

Even if most of what Mr Suskind writes is factually true, he frequently misses the broader story.
即使苏斯金德的所描写的内容都是事实,却大多不是完整的事实。 ecocn

Like these authors Mr. Suskind suggests that the administration’s problems in dealing with the fiscal crisis began with the president’s choice of his economic team.
和这些作者一样,苏斯金特建议,解决政府的财政危机问题,应从总统重新选择他的经济团队开始。 yeeyan

Mr Suskind, an American writer and journalist, provides a more detailed picture, with the help of lengthy interviews with former officials.
苏斯金德是一名美国作家兼记者,曾做过很长一段时间对前任政府官员的访问,他将向我们做详细描述。 ecocn

The Treasury, Mr Suskind writes, “ was busy saying publicly” that Mr Geithner had signed a recusal agreement upon being nominated to be treasury secretary.
苏斯金德写道,财政部“因太忙而没有公开说明”盖特尼已签署了取消其财政部秘书长任命的协议。 ecocn

Why have so many people in the Obama administration vented to Mr. Suskind in the first place, when the president was only partway through his first term?
首先为何政府班子里有这么多人对苏斯金特吐露情绪,而此时奥巴马总统仅仅在第一个任期的半道上? yeeyan

Suskind and I argue that we don't know how, when or why the decision was made— though we suspect it was much earlier.
而我和苏斯金德则认为,我们并不知道这个决定是如何做出的,是什么时候做出的,以及为什么要做出这样的决定,尽管我很早之前就对此决定有过怀疑。 yeeyan




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