

单词 survey team
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The inspect survey team has worked on building site and undertook the inspect surveying tasks of all levels of constructions of the project before beginning of WANJIAZHAI water control project.
万家寨水利枢纽主体工程开工以前,监理测量队就已进驻工地,承担着枢纽工程各项施工的检测任务。 cnki

The step of survey is done in collaboration with Zhejiang Enterprise Survey Team, choosing above500 corporations as the swatch.
问卷调查环节是与浙江省企业调查队合作进行的,选择了浙江省500余家企业作为本文实证研究的样本。 cnki

Yesterday, Tzu Chi USA headquarters sent a preliminary survey team of three volunteers to the border of the neighboring Dominican Republic, to establish a disaster relief command center.
美国慈济总会派遣三人先遣小组到邻近多明尼加共和国,成立海地赈灾的前进指挥中心。 newdaai




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