

单词 Suruga
释义 SurugaBNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
A diver explores wire coral in Japan's Suruga Bay.
一位潜水者探险铁丝珊瑚在日本的 Suruga湾。 www.forum.malaysiaren.com

A lizardfish captures a meal on the sandy ocean floor of temperate Suruga Bay.
一条蜥鱼在温和的骏河湾多沙的海底捕获一餐。 yeeyan

In Suruga Bay a strand of whip coral provides habitat for two shrimps, camouflaged among the polyps.
在骏河湾,一串鞭珊瑚为伪装后藏在珊瑚虫中的两只虾提供了栖息地。 yeeyan

Photo Gallery: Underwater Landscapes A diver explores wire coral in Japan's Suruga Bay.
水下风景图片美术馆。一位潜水员探险线珊瑚在日本的骏河湾。 photoker

Seventy miles southwest of Tokyo, a moray eel slithers through the branches of a soft coral in the cool waters of Suruga Bay.
东京西南70英里处,一只欧洲海鳗滑行过骏海湾冷水区的一个软体珊瑚。 xiuxianqu.com

The izuearly ripening, Jirou medium maturity, Fuyu and Surugalate maturity are larger in fruit size amongst PCNA cultivars.
在完全甜柿中,早熟品种伊豆,中熟品种次郎,晚熟品种富有、骏河是优良的大果型品种; cnki

This is a place you've probably never been. Suruga Bay,70 miles southwest of Tokyo, off the coast of Mount Fuji.
这是一个你可能从未见过的地方。骏河湾,位于东京西南70英里处,位于富士山的海岸边。 chinastargps

What looks like a tangle of gnarled cables is in fact a forest of deepwater whip coral in Suruga Bay.
看上去它们好似一丛纠结的电缆,实际上这是骏河湾中一个深海鞭珊瑚林。 yeeyan




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