

单词 surrounding
释义 surrounding 英sə'raʊndɪŋ美sə'raʊndɪŋ 高四I牛COCA⁵²¹³BNC⁵⁰²³iWeb³⁷⁸⁸Economist³¹⁸²

closely encircling;

encompassing mountain ranges

the surrounding countryside

surround,包围,围绕,-ing,形容词后缀。surround包围surrounding block外层程序块, 外层分…surrounding atmosphere周围空气surrounding medium环境介质surrounding area周围地区surrounding gillnet围刺网surrounding environment周围环境surrounding nets围网类local surrounding局部环境
非常记忆sur俗人〖拼音〗+round圆〖熟词〗+ing鹰〖谐音〗⇒俗人画个圆圈住鹰周围的土地钱博士surround围绕+ing现在分词形式⇒周围的事物蒋争熟词记忆surround包围;围住-ing…的⇒周围的surround围绕+ing现在分词形式⇒周围的事物。词根记忆surround+ing=被围起来的状态=环境近义词 to对于close关near近的nigh近的siege包围round圆的about关于around到处next to邻近nearby附近的next下一个的ambient周围的local地方性的vicinal附近的adjacent邻近的regional地区的touching动人的attached附加的close-by附近的abutting邻接的adjoining毗邻的next-door邻家的immediate直接的contiguous邻近的peripheral外围的neighboring附近的proximate最接近的circumfluent周流的circumjacent周边的neighbouring接壤的circumferent围绕的circumambient围绕的environmental环境的sectional各部分组成的…encompassing动词encompass的…

用作形容词Thesurroundingland is low and marshy.周围的地低洼而多沼泽。
Gradually thesurroundingfarmland turned residential.周围的农田渐渐变成了住宅区。
Thesurroundingvillages have been absorbed into the growing city.周围的村庄已经并入了那不断扩展的城市。用作名词She is adaptable to new surroundings.她是一个能适应新环境的人。
Animals in zoos are not in their natural surroundings.动物园里的动物不是生活在自然环境中。
Enjoyment eyeshot will be no limitation to your surroundings.快乐的视野并不局限于你周围的事物。adj.encircling
同义词 neighboringenclosing,encompassingaround,circumambient,circumferential,circumforaneous
aboutpreposition on every side, in every direction
cincturenoun band
conditionsnoun environment
encompassingadjective including
insulationnoun the act of insulating
more encompassingadjective including
ambient,circumferential,encircling,enveloping,surrounding An Automatic Identification System sends the coordinates of Spotz's boat to surrounding ships and warns her when other boats get too close.
船上的自动识别系统将斯伯茨划艇的坐标发送到周围的船只,并在其他船只走得太近时警告她。 yeeyan

It seems clear from these findings that if sharks are “ attracted” to an object in the water, this is probably because of its contrast against the surrounding water, rather than it's colour.
从这些结果中似乎可以很明显地发现如果鲨鱼在水中被某些物体所吸引,这很可能是由于物体与周边的水域形成了强烈亮度的对比,而不是它自身的颜色。 yeeyan

That moon would have interacted with a disk of gas surrounding Saturn at the time, dragging its orbit closer and closer.
当时,这颗卫星可能与土星周围的气态圆盘互相作用,将其轨道向土星拉近。 yeeyan

The transplant was rejected by the surrounding tissue.

As it does, it collapses into the surrounding stacks.
就这样,它使是周围的积木堆倒塌。 yeeyan

Dappled light dances over it and the surrounding grass.
点点阳光在枝干和周围的小草上舞动。 ecocn

Finally, I think one of the biggest myths surrounding productivity is that one can always be productive by following certain steps, or by following a productive system.
最后,我认为围绕生产率的最大的谣言之一,就是通过遵循确定的步骤或者一个生产管理体制,就会富有成效。 yeeyan

He says the road and surrounding canyons are used by those with smuggling contraband or people.
他说人口和毒品走私分子利用这里的道路和周围的峡谷进行走私。 voanews

If we can develop the reagent box, we can monitor the surrounding environment as well as those afflicted.
如果我们可以发明这种试剂盒,我们就可以控制周围的环境和那些痛苦的疾病。 hxen

In the past, the Army has focused its attention on the circumstances surrounding suicides.
在过去,陆军已经把他的注意力集中在周围的自杀情况。 yeezhe

Magnesium is a mineral that they absorb from the surrounding sea water.
镁是一种它们从周围的海水中吸收的矿物质。 yeeyan

Most of these streaks are darker than the surrounding sand.
这些条痕大多数都比周围的沙子更暗。 yeeyan

Rather than matching the ages of the zircons, the researchers note, the ages of the inclusions matched the ages of the metamorphic minerals surrounding the zircons.
研究人员发现,这些包体的年代与锆石样本周围的变质矿物的年代相当,而与包裹它们的锆石样本年代不符。 yeeyan

She can see it clearly. She can feel it’s warmth surrounding her.
她可以清楚地看到,她能感觉到它的温暖环绕在周围。 yeeyan

Some genes stay around in a population, or mix themselves into surrounding populations via interbreeding.
他们的一些基因可能还在,或者通过混血进入了周围的种族之中。 yeeyan

Surely those fellow soldiers surrounding them would not have noticed if a tear of fear fell.
当然,他们周围的战友不会注意到是否有人掉下了一滴恐惧的眼泪。 yeeyan

The oil slick is particularly visible in this image because of the way the sun reflects off the oil and the surrounding water.
在这幅图像中你可以很明显地看到那片浮油,这是因为浮油和周围的海水对于阳光的反射有着很大的不同。 yeeyan

They loved it because you could only get to it by the bridge across the creek; the surrounding trees and the steep bushy cliff behind shut it in like a house in a forest clearing.
他们爱它,因为要到达那里你只能走过小溪上的桥;而周围的树木和背后森森的陡峭悬崖让它看起来就像森林空地上的屋子一样隔绝世事。 yeeyan

To succeed, one must develop his body and mind to overcome any obstacles that may crop up, which can be anything in the surrounding environment, including concrete walls and rooftops.
为了完成任务,人们必须从身体和心智上训练自己,来跨越任何可能出现的障碍,它们可以是周围的任何事物,如围墙、屋顶。 yeeyan

Water surrounding the core boils into steam that drives turbines to generate electricity.
核心周围的水沸腾后变成水蒸气,推动涡轮从而发电。 hjenglish

What do you think about the surrounding ecosystem?
你怎么看它周围的生态系统呢? infoq

Winter was coming on and the hills threatened the surrounding villages with destruction, for heavy rain would not only wash away the soil but would cause serious floods as well.
冬季即将来临,这些山丘对周围的村庄具有毁灭性的威胁,因为大雨不仅会冲走土壤,而且还会引起严重的水灾。 hjenglish




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