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词汇 surrealism
释义 sur·re·al·ism 英səˈriːəˌlɪzəm美səˈriəˌlɪzəmAHDsə-rēʹə-lĭz'əm ☆☆☆☆☆高四GI宝COCA³⁷⁰⁶⁶BNC²³²⁸⁴iWeb²⁵⁸⁹⁶Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

a 20th century movement of artists and writers developing out of dadaism who used fantastic images and incongruous juxtapositions in order to represent unconscious thoughts and dreamssurreal,超现实的,-ism,主义,思想。蒋争熟词记忆sur-超realadj.现实的-ism主义⇒超现实主义sur-超realadj.现实的-ism学|术|症|法⇒超现实主义GRE红宝书sur超过+realism现实主义
sur + realism
sur在…上+realism现实主义⇒超现实主义词根记忆sur+realism现实主义近义词 painting画,油画

用作名词My picture was inspired by my favourite style of artsurrealism.我的作品来源于我最喜欢的超现实主义。
The first thoughts that came to my mind were how to relate his works to Surrealism.第一个浮现在我的内心思想的想法是该如何使他的工厂和超现实主义产生关联。 He loathed gentility and social convention. To him they smacked of fakery, like the various artistic symbolisms, Surrealism among them, that modern painting had contrived.
路西安厌恶英式文雅和社会礼教,对于他来说这些不过是一通伪造,就像是各式各样的符号主义、超现实主义,而现代油画是矫揉造作的。 yeeyan

IN THE land of Magritte, art scarcely matches the surrealism of Belgian politics.
马格里特的比利时,超现实主义艺术不敌超现实主义政治。 ecocn

The Codex Seraphinianus is a book that, according one review, “lies in the uneasy boundary between surrealism and fantasy.”
《塞拉菲尼抄本》被认为一部介于超现实主义与虚幻主义之间的作品。 yeeyan

The artist Salvador Dali is synonymous with surrealism.
艺术家萨尔瓦多·达利是超现实主义的同义词。 ebigear

The artist Salvador Dali is the synonymous with surrealism.
艺术家萨多瓦尔·达利是超现实主义的同义词。 cri

Their debt to Surrealism and Art Nouveau is obvious.
超现实主义和新艺术对两人的启迪显而易见。 ecocn

An innovative Belgian artist who was influential in shaping expressionism and surrealism, he is often overlooked.
虽然这位富有创造力的比利时籍艺术家在表现主义、超现实主义领域颇具影响力,但是他经常为人忽略。 ecocn

Especially in surrealism where, at least right now, there seems to be more collectors than painters, a very good thing.
尤其对超现实艺术领域,至少现在这个领域的搜藏家多于艺术家,这是件好事。 yeeyan

He liked Surrealism, but mostly for its belief in the primacy of free association and dreams; when he began a picture, he had no idea where it might take him.
他的风格接近超现实主义,但这只是因为他信仰自由联想和想象是创作的首要因素;当他开始创作时,他并不知道自己最后会画出一幅什么样的画。 ecocn

Hovering between abstraction, constructivism and surrealism, yet avoiding any specific avant-garde movement, Kertész, a Hungarian- bornémigré, was guided by a personal yet rigorous aesthetic.
这位出生于匈牙利的流亡者徘徊在在抽象主义,构成主义和超现实主义之间,但是回避任何特别的前卫运动,他由个人的,严密的审美观所引导。 ecocn

If there is one criticism to be made of Mr Richardson's analysis of these paintings, it is that he plays down the influence of surrealism on Picasso.
如果要对理查森先生关于这些油画的描述进行一番批评的话,那么可以说他并没有如实地讲述超现实主义对毕加索的影响。 ecocn

Me neither. People call the style surrealism!
我也不懂。人们称这种风格为超现实主义。 ebigear

Most of the images of French surrealism don't have a center.
大部分的法国超现实主义想像没有一个中心。 yeeyan

Not that Henry Hitchings’s book is about verbal surrealism.
并不是亨利•希秦斯的字典都是关于语言的超现实主义。 kekenet

People call the style surrealism!
人们称这种风格为超现实主义。 ebigear

The result is an Egyptian modernism full of its own kind of expressionism, surrealism and monumental sculpture.
受此影响而形成的埃及现代主义,有着自己独特风格的表现主义,超现实主义和纪念碑式的雕塑作品。 ecocn

This is a far, far reach from French surrealism.
这是一个超现实主义的法国人。 yeeyan

Surrealism isn't for everyone, but I like it and there's a good market for it.
超现实主义并不是每个人都能理解的,但是我喜欢它而且它市场效应很好。 yeeyan




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