

单词 surname
释义 sur·name 英ˈsɜːˌneɪm美ˈsɝˌnemAHDsûrʹnām' ★☆☆☆☆高四六研I牛4COCA²⁴⁸⁴³BNC¹³⁷¹³iWeb¹⁰⁴⁴⁹Economist¹⁴⁴⁶⁸

C 姓

family name

the name used to identify the members of a family as distinguished from each member's given namesur-,在上,name,名字。用于指姓氏。钱博士sursuper-的法语音变结果,在…上面的+name名字→加在名字前面的名字⇒姓氏,家族名sursuper-的法语音变结果,在…上面的+name名字→加在名字前面的名字⇒姓氏,家族名。非常记忆sur俗人〖拼音〗+name名字〖熟词〗⇒俗人只有名字没有姓近义词 pet宠物name名称last持续title标题style文体cognomen姓family家庭last name姓moniker名字pet name昵称proper合适的sobriquet绰号nickname 绰号maiden未婚女子family name姓氏designation指示appellation名称appellative名称的metronymic表示母系的patronymic取自父名的proper name数名,固有名称…maiden name女子的婚前姓…matronymic出自母亲或女性祖先的名…反义词 Christian name教名
用作名词n.Her first name is Sheila and her surname is Kane.她姓凯恩,名叫希拉。
用作名词What is yoursurname?你的姓是什么?
Jones is a commonsurname.琼斯是个很普通的姓。
On marriage most women still take their husband'ssurname.一旦结婚,大部分妇女会用丈夫的姓。
It's not a good habit tosurnamefor others.给别人起绰号可不好。用作及物动词It's not a good habit tosurnamefor others.给别人起绰号可不好。
Alexander wassurnamed“the Great”.亚历山大被加给“大帝”的封号。noun.family name
同义词 last namecognomen,matronymic,metronymic,patronymic
agnomennoun nickname
cognomennoun name
denominationnoun name
last namenoun family name
namenoun title given to something, someone
agname,agnomen,alias,appellation,autograph,autonym,brand,cognomen,compellation,denomination,designation,epithet,eponym,flag,handle,head,heading,label,matronymic,moniker,monogram,namesake,nickname,nom de guerre,nom de plume,nomen,patronymic,pen name,pet name,place name,prenomen,proper name,pseudonym,rubric,sign,signature,sobriquet,stage name,style,surname,tag,term,trade name
namesnoun title given to something, someone
agnames,agnomens,aliases,appellations,autographs,autonyms,brands,cognomens,compellations,denominations,designations,epithets,eponyms,flags,handles,headings,heads,labels,matronymics,monikers,monograms,namesakes,nicknames,nom de guerres,nom de plumes,nomens,patronymics,pen names,pet names,place names,prenomens,proper names,pseudonyms,rubrics,signatures,signs,sobriquets,stage names,styles,surnames,tags,terms,trade names The actress filed a petition at Los Angeles Superior Court on Friday to change her surname to DeGeneres.
上周五她向洛杉矶高等法院提交申请,要求将自己的姓改为“德詹尼丝”。 eol

The work was done quickly. Everyone was satisfied until the entries were reviewed and it emerged that the most common surname in Britain was“ Ditto”.
他完工快捷,这让所有人都很满意——直到条目复检时,人们赫然发现英国最常见的姓氏居然是“同上”! ecocn

What is your surname?

A vendor who only gave his surname of Li because of the sensitivity surrounding hairy crabs described a typical scam.
一名供应商讲述了一个典型的骗局,出于大闸蟹周边的敏感性,他只说自己姓李。 yeeyan

By tradition, she had to use her husband's surname Kojima on their marriage certificate, which means she must also use it on any other legal documents.
按照传统,她在结婚证书上必须使用丈夫的姓氏——小岛,这意味着她同样也得在其它法律文件上使用这个姓氏。 yeeyan

Call me Tom, don't surname me.

Everyone living inside would have the same surname, except for those who had married into the clan.
除了那些因为通婚而来到这的人,其他人都拥有相同的姓氏。 yeeyan

For educational purposes, we've split this task among three threads: one prints the first name, one prints a space, and one prints the surname and a new- line.
出于教学目的,我们把此任务分在三个线程中:一个线程打印人名,一个线程打印空格,一个线程打印姓和一个新行。 ibm

His mother has since returned to Kenya, where she runs a kindergarten in Nairobi, but raised Mr Ndesandjo in Boston, where he took his stepfather's surname.
他母亲已经返回肯尼亚,在内罗毕开了一家幼儿园,不过她在波士顿抚养恩德桑乔先生长大。 在那里,他继承了养父的姓氏。 yeeyan

If Prime Minister Kan's surname indeed has ties to Shandong province, it may have made the journey to Japan many centuries ago, so any influence on his policy views isn't all that likely.
如果菅直人首相的姓确实与中国山东省有联系,他的祖先也是几百年前就从中国到日本了,所以这层关系预计不会对他的政策产生任何影响。 voa365

In time, she would agree to cut all ties with her parents and siblings, and even change her surname.
不久,她同意断绝与父母和兄弟姐妹的所有关系,并且连姓氏都该了。 yeeyan

KEIKO FUJIMORI’S unique selling point in Peru’s presidential election see article is her surname.
藤森惠子在秘鲁总统大选参见文章的唯一卖点就是她的姓氏。 ecocn

Mr Brown had earlier misspelt her surname in a letter of condolence.
此前,布朗先生曾在悼词中拼错了这位母亲的姓。 ecocn

Now, following a decree from the interior ministry, families in the town will be allowed to adopt their soubriquet as a second, official surname.
现在,根据内政部的一项法令,城镇居民允许将他们的绰号作为第二官方姓氏。 yeeyan

Ruth Nidesand took the surname of her second husband.
露丝·恩德桑乔随了她第二任丈夫的姓。 yeeyan

They and their supporters say the case is the first lawsuit to challenge the surname requirement in Japan's civil code.
她们及支持者们说这是挑战日本民法典对姓氏规定的第一桩法律诉讼。 yeeyan

Your surname may be derived from a place, such as Lancaster, for example, or an occupation, such as Weaver, but this is not necessarily of relevance to your family history.
或许,你的姓氏来源于一个地方名,例如兰开斯特,或者来源于职业,例如编织工。但是,这并不能中肯地说出你家族的历史。 hjenglish




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