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词汇 Surkov
释义 Surkov高Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
Blaming Mr Surkov for the attack, Mr Prokhorov angrily resigned a day later.
普罗霍洛夫认为苏尔科夫应该为这次袭击负责,并在一天后负气辞职。 topsage

The tycoon blamed Surkov for orchestrating his downfall.
他指责苏尔科夫策划了他的垮台。 yeeyan

“ Consolidated state power is the only instrument of modernisation in Russia. And, let me assure you, it is the only one possible,” Mr Surkov told Vedomosti.
苏尔科夫告诉 Vedomosti“稳固的国家政权是俄罗斯走向现代化的唯一工具,稳固的国家政权是俄罗斯实现现代化的唯一工具,而且,我敢保证,肯定没有别的选择了。” ecocn

He vowed to stay in politics and to petition Mr Putin and Mr Medvedev to fire Mr Surkov, describing him as a“ puppeteer” who had “ privatized the political system”.
他发誓要继续留在政治圈,并向普京总理和梅德韦杰夫总统上访,请求辞去苏尔科夫,还将他描述为一个“将政治制度私有化”的“幕后黑手”。 topsage

Instead of sticking to Mr Surkov's brief, he aimed to position Right Cause as a mainstream party appealing to Russians who see only dead ends at home but are unwilling to emigrate.
他没有坚持苏尔科夫的指示,而是把“右翼事业党”作为主流政党,能吸引那些在国外看不到希望又不想移民的俄罗斯人。 topsage

Ironically, Nashi’s “ godfather” and founder is Vladislav Surkov, Medvedev’s own deputy chief of presidential administration.
具有讽刺意味的是,纳什的“教父”和奠基者正是瓦拉迪斯拉夫.苏日科夫,梅德韦杰夫的副手。 yeeyan

It has dusted off Motherland, a nationalist party created by Mr Surkov before elections in2004.
这个运动洗清了祖国联盟党的罪名,该民主党由苏尔科夫于2004年大选之前创建。 ecocn

Mr Surkov is quite right when he argues that democracy would not stimulate technical innovation.
苏尔科夫认为民主并不能催生技术进步,这点他完全正确。 ecocn

Mr Surkov’s science town has less in common with Palo Alto than with the closed Soviet research towns that mostly grew out of the gulag system.
与其说苏尔科夫的科学城和帕罗奥图相似,还不如说它和苏联古拉格体制下的封闭研究中心更像。 ecocn

People close to Mr Prokhorov say that Vladislav Surkov, the Kremlin’s chief ideologist, told him which subjects he could campaign on and nominated snoops to keep an eye on him.
与普罗霍洛夫亲近的人说,弗拉季斯拉夫•苏尔科夫——克林姆林宫的“首席政治谋士”告诉他他可能竞选上的主题,同时任命了一帮眼线监视他的行为 。 ecocn

This is not a parody, but a government plan outlined by Vladislav Surkov, the Kremlin's chief ideologist, in a recent interview given to Vedomosti, a Russian business daily.
这不是恶搞,这是最近克里姆林宫首席理论家苏尔科夫在接受《商业日报》采访时透露的一项政府计划。 ecocn




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