

单词 surge up
释义 surge up短语¹³¹⁶²⁰⁺³
As tourism is rocketing in these years, Tourism development projects surge up, and competition between travel enterprises tend to be more intensive.
当今旅游业发展日新月异,各地旅游规划项目正如火如荼,旅游企业间的竞争也渐趋激烈。 cnki

It had a one- day surge up but had poor follow-through. We will see if the price is able to stay above the new trendline of the CCI indicator.
指标出现了一个单日突破但持续性较差,我们将关注指数是否能否维持在新的 CCI上行运行趋势之上。360doc

The monstrous billows surge up high.
滔天巨浪的激增高。 meizu

Or are you telling us the odd surge up the wing then making a futile challenge will turn you into a quite quintessential player?
或者你是在告诉我们紧急的避开比来一次毫无用处的碰撞更能让你成为一名纯粹的球员? www.chelsea.net.cn




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