

单词 surest
释义 surest 英ʃʊə美ʃʊə COCA³⁵³⁷⁹BNC³⁷²⁶⁹Economist¹⁷⁷⁴⁶
形容词 sure:
having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty; confident and assuredexercising or taking care great enough to bring assurancecertain to occur; destined or inevitable- Benjamin Franklinphysically secure or dependablereliable in operation or effectof persons worthy of trust or confidenceinfallible or unfailingcertain not to failimpossible to doubt or disputeadj.certain, definite
同义词 assured,clear,confident,convinced,positiveabiding,changeless,constant,convincing,decided,doubtless,enduring,firm,fixed,for a fact,free from doubt,genuine,incontestable,incontrovertible,indisputable,indubitable,never-failing,persuaded,real,satisfied,set,steadfast,steady,telling,unchangeable,unchanging,uncompromising,undeniable,unequivocal,unfailing,unfaltering,unqualified,unquestionable,unquestioning,unshakable,unshaken,unvarying,unwavering,valid
反义词 doubtful,uncertain,unsuredoubted,dubious,humbled,indefinite,swerving,unconfident,unself-confident,unsteady,variable,wavering,wobblyadj.physically stable
同义词 safe,strong,fastfirm,fixed,secure,solid,staunch,steady
反义词 unself-confidentunconfident,humbled,doubted,swerving,wavering,dubious,doubtful,wobbly,unsteady,variable,unsure,uncertain,indefiniteadj.inevitable
同义词 certain,assuredbound,guaranteed,indisputable,ineluctable,inescapable,infallible,irrevocable,unavoidable,unerring,unfailing,inerrant,surefire
反义词 unself-confidentunconfident,humbled,doubted,swerving,wavering,dubiousdoubtfulwobbly,unsteady,variable,unsure,indefiniteuncertain,hesitant,doubtingadj.self-confident
同义词 certain,decisive,positive,assured,confidentarrogant,composed,decided,self-assured,self-possessed
反义词 unself-confidentunconfident,humbled,doubted,swerving,wavering,dubiousdoubtfulwobbly,unsteady,variableindefinite,unsure,uncertain,hesitant,doubting All too often the easier pathway appears to be the safest and surest, but it is not necessarily so.
往往比较容易的是显得是最安全和最可以确定,但是他们却不是必须那样的。 yeeyan

Rest in this bright light, the surest sign of beingness.
在这个灿烂的光中、存在性最肯定的迹象中歇息。 blog.sina.com.cn

What is the surest way to double your money?

“ Not at all,” was her answer; “ but depend upon it, he means to be severe on us, and our surest way of disappointing him will be to ask nothing about it.”
伊丽莎白回答道:“根本不懂,他一定是存心刁难我们,不过你最好不要理睬他,让他失望一下。” kekenet

As we scan some bottomlands amid October snow flurries, Brown's gaze is drawn by ravens, among his surest guides, to a carcass.
十月份下阵雪时我们仔细查看了一些洼地。布朗的目光被一群乌鸦引到一具残骸上。乌鸦是最准确的向导之一。 blog.sina.com.cn

Avoiding their gaze is one of the surest ways to lose them.
避开听众的目光最会失去听众。 zftrans

First, we are taking direct action against the terrorists in the Iraqi theater, which is the surest way to prevent future attacks on coalition forces and the Iraqi people.
首先,我们正在伊拉克战场上采取直接行动打击恐怖主义分子。这是防止联盟军队和伊拉克人民今后再次遭到袭击的最可靠的途径。 cri

For years I've been telling founders that the surest route to success is to be the cockroaches of the corporate world. The immediate cause of death in a startup is always running out of money.
许多年以来我总是告诫创始人们取得成功最可靠的方法就是做一只商界的蟑螂,导致小企业立即倒闭的原因就是总是缺钱。 dudu360

Germans believe that maintaining clear lines of demarcation between people, places, and things is the surest way to lead a structured and ordered life.
德国人相信,维持人、位置和任何其他东西之间一个清晰的界限,就一定为形成一个结构化和有序的生活。 blog.sina.com.cn

In the end, the surest way to protect our privacy might be societal indifference.
最后,保护我们隐私最可靠的方法可能是社会的视若无睹。 yeeyan

One of the surest ways to eventually drive good people from your company is to perpetuate bad management.
任何时候将你公司的好员工踢始终都是坏的管理方式。 yeeyan

Similarly, a plant or animal cannot squander all its energy on growing a big body if none would be left over for reproduction, for this is the surest way to extinction.
类似的,植物或者动物不能把它所有的能量浪费在成长一个巨大的身体上,而没有能量剩下给繁殖用,这样的话,肯定会灭绝。 xiaoma

Some experts and members of Congress say bankruptcy reorganization is the surest way for GM to cut costs and become viable.
一些专家和国会议员称,破产重组是让通用汽车削减成本、恢复生机的最可靠途径。 blog.sina.com.cn

That'll be the surest sign that the recession is almost over.
那会是经济衰退结束的最肯定的信号。 blog.sina.com.cn

The man who saves a little from his income has given the surest indication of the qualities which every employer is seeking for.
那个每天从自己的收入中节省一点钱的人正是提供了每一个老板所寻求的最可靠的素质。 yeeyan

The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership.
这是任何机构获得成功的最好的方式:通过更新领导者而保持活力。 taisha

The surest way to have a meaningful, happy life is to commit yourself to striving for it.
想过上有价值的,幸福的生活,最可靠的途径就是为了你的目标去奋斗。 ebigear

The surest way is to do it yourself.
最保险的方法是你自己去买。 tingclass

The surest way to turn your company into the political equivalent of the US Senate is to hire people with the wrong kind of ambition.
如果要将你的公司变成跟美国参议院一样的政治氛围,最可靠的方法是雇佣那些有错误野心的人。 yeeyan

This is the surest sign of an amateur student taking lessons with an unqualified teacher.
这是业余学生跟非专业老师学习的征兆。 popiano

We indeed willingly concede, if any discussion arises over doctrine, that the best and surest remedy is for a synod of true bishops to be convened, where the doctrine at issue may be examined.
我们乐意让步,如果要讨论任何的教义,最好且最安全的方案是召集一个由真正的监督所组成的会议,来检查这些有争议的教义。 blog.sina.com.cn




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