

单词 surer
释义 sure·r 英ʃʊəʳ美ʃʊr COCA⁵⁵⁸⁴⁸BNC⁴⁰³⁰⁷Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
P 无疑的,确信的,有把握的

not doubting or seeming to doubt what one believes, knows, etc. confident that one is right


definitely going to do sth; certain to do sth

having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty; confident and assured;

felt certain of success

was sure or certain she had seen it

was very sure in his beliefs

sure of her friends

exercising or taking care great enough to bring assurance;

be certain to disconnect the iron when you are through

be sure to lock the doors

certain to occur; destined or inevitable;

he was certain to fail

his fate is certain

In this life nothing is certain but death and taxes

he faced certain death

sudden but sure regret

he is sure to win

physically secure or dependable;

a sure footing

was on sure ground

reliable in operation or effect;

a quick and certain remedy

a sure way to distinguish the two

wood dust is a sure sign of termites

of persons worthy of trust or confidence;

a sure or trusted friend

infallible or unfailing;

a sure or true sign of one's commitment

certain not to fail;

a sure hand on the throttle

impossible to doubt or dispute;

indisputable or sure proof

definitely or positively `sure' is sometimes used informally for `surely';

the results are surely encouraging

she certainly is a hard worker

it's going to be a good day for sure

they are coming, for certain

they thought he had been killed sure enough

he'll win sure as shooting

they sure smell good

sure he'll come


❌ I'm sure of that he will take sole responsibility for the accident.

✔️ I'm sure that he will take sole responsibility for the accident.

be sure of的宾语是that从句时,介词 of常省略。


❌ I am sure that he must have come back from Beijing.

✔️ He must have come back from Beijing.

must 用来表示讲话人肯定的推测,而 I am sure 也是讲话人用来表明自己的肯定的看法的。因此 must 和 I am sure 用在一起就语义重复,可把 I am sure 删去。


❌ It is sure the report is false.

✔️ It is certain that the report is false.



❌ I don't know with sure that he's dead.

✔️ I don't know for sure that he's dead.

for sure表示“肯定地”,是习惯说法,介词for不能用with替代。


❌ Please make sure that the house will be properly locked.

✔️ Please make sure that the house is properly locked.

make sure是动词短语,通常用于祈使句中,表示“肯定”“设法做到”,后面的从句中往往用一般现在时表示将来,强调某一愿望或要求一定要实现。


❌ I am quite sure for it.

✔️ I am quite sure of it.

be sure of〔about〕 意为“对…有把握”“确信”,是句子的主语本身持有的态度,介词不可用for。


❌ So long as the Japanese people keep on fighting they must win in the end.

✔️ So long as the Japanese people keep on fighting they are sure to win in the end.

must表示“命令”“义务”“责任”,或用以推测未知的事情,上面的句子表示将来肯定会取得某种结果,不可用 must,应用sure。

be sure of, be sure to


Fight no battle I am not sure of winning.不打无把握之仗。
They are sure to succeed.他们一定能成功。I am sure,I am certain

I am certain比I am sure语气强,前者指“不容置疑的”“确实已成为事实的”,后者指很强的“愿望”“深信”,但是I am not certain与I am not sure意思相同。例如:

I am certain that he has left—I saw him go out.我肯定他已走了——我看见他出去了。
I am sure that they'll win the game this time.我肯定这次比赛他们一定赢。


I am not certain if she is happy.

I am not sure if she is happy.

sure, certain, positive




I'm sure we'll start on time.我想我们能及时出发。


I am positive that I saw this man before.我肯定我以前见过此人。
As I can't be certain,I won't be positive.在我不肯定时,我不想武断。








用作形容词 adj.
~+名词sure employee可靠的雇员sure place稳妥的地方sure remedy for headache治头痛的良药sure sign无疑的征兆sure step确确实实的一步sure way可靠的方法~+动词不定式sure to pass the exam考试一定会及格动词+~be sure确信feel sure确信make sure of尽力做到,将…弄明白,保证make sure of the time and place把时间和地点弄清楚~+介词sure about对…确信的sure of确信…的sure of oneself有自信心sure of success确信成功,有把握成功sure of support确信会得到支持sure of welcome一定会受到欢迎
用作形容词adj.be sure and do sth

务必做某事 not fail to do sth

for sure

无疑 without doubt

make sure to-v/of sth/v-ing/that…

设法确保出现某事物 do sth ensure that sth happensWe and our friends will make sure of that.我们和我们的朋友要确保这一点。

sure of oneself

过分自信 too confident of one's own abilities, etc.; self-confident

sure thing

是的,当然 yes; of course

to be sure

无可否认,诚然 I cannot deny (that, admittedly)

近义词 steadycertainpositivereliableconfidentunfailingtrustworthy反义词 unsureuntruedoubtfulunsteadyunworthyunconvinced
~+ n.Dark clouds are a sure sign of rain.乌云无疑是下雨的征兆。
He made a sure step out of the mud.他迈出了挣脱泥潭的确确实实的一步。
There's only one sure way to do it.做此事只有一种万全之策。
He is a sure employee.他是个可靠的雇员。
This medicine is a sure remedy for headache.这是治头痛的良药。
Going to places is a sure way of getting to know them.要了解各地,亲自去一趟是最可靠的方法。
Put it in a sure place.把它放在稳妥的地方。
She drew the outline with a sure hand.她笔力雄健地画出了轮廓。
S+be+~Death is sure.死是不可避免的。
One is sure—we've won a great victory!有一点是毋庸置疑的:我们取得了巨大的胜利。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseI shall certainly be present at the meeting, but I am not sure about my wife.我肯定将出席会议,但是至于我的妻子去不去我就不敢说了。
Do you feel quite sure of that,Dorian?多里安,你对那件事确信无疑吗?
I've never felt sure of success.我从未有过胜利的把握。
You're sure of a warm welcome.你一定会受到热烈欢迎的。
Can I be sure of a profit if I invest?我要是投资,就一定能获利吗?
I am not sure of his address.我不清楚他的地址。
There is no penalty for guessing, so if you are not sure of the answer to a question, make the best guess you can.猜测不扣分,因此如果你对问题的答案不确定,可以猜最佳答案。
As we have been practising regularly, we are sure of winning the game this time.我们一直在训练,这次比赛有把握赢。
You're sure of passing the exam if you work hard.只要用功,你就一定能及格。S+be+~+to- vHe is sure to be back soon.他不久一定会回来。
Be sure not to be pessimistic about our success.对我们的成功千万不要悲观。
Though we suffer from serious natural calamities, we are sure to overcome all difficulties.我们虽然遭受到了严重的自然灾害,但我们一定能克服一切困难。
In choosing the seeds for sowing,be sure to reject those that are shrivelled or moulding.在选取下种的种子时,注意剔除那些皱缩发霉的种子。
Get up steam,and you will be sure to succeed.加把劲,你一定会成功的。S+be+~+that/wh-clauseAre you sure you want him for your partner for life?你肯定要他做你的终身伴侣吗?
You are sure I won't put on you if I sit beside you?我坐在你旁边不会打扰你吧?
Your explanation sounds plausible, but I'm not sure I believe it.你的解释似乎有道理,但我不会相信。
Are you sure this roof is completely tight?你能肯定这个屋顶一点都不漏吗?
I'm sure that I can run much faster than he.我相信我能比他跑得快得多。
I was not sure what I ought to do.我该做什么,我没有把握。
I'm not sure whether I've met him before.我不能确定以前是否见到过他。


“be sure+不定式”往往表示推测的口气,主语不一定是人,表示“一定会…的”“必定会…的”。




用作形容词I think you are not quitesureabout it.我认为,你们对这一点并不能完全肯定。
I'msureyou'll want a go when you see it.我敢说你看到了就想试一下。
I can't besure, but I believe it worths trying.我不能确定,但我确信这值得一试。
The news issureto overset him.这条消息必定会使他心神不安。
Hard work is asureavenue to success.勤奋是可靠的成功之道。
He's not sosureof himself these days.他近来不大有自信。
They had never seen her sosureof herself.他们从未看见过她这样自信。用作副词Itsurewas a cold night.的确是个寒冷的夜晚。
I had a feeling we'd get lost, andsureenough, we did.我觉得我们迷路了,确实如此,我们迷路了。
Nobody knows the cause of the fire forsure.没有人确切地知道大火的原因。 Bullets change governments far surer than votes.
改朝换代枪杆子要比选票更可靠。 blog.sina.com.cn

The more I think about Linda and John the surer Ibecome that men and women while deeply in love have the miraculous gift of telepathy.

The receipt of welfare helps them contribute to the household while placing them on a surer moral footing than those who fail to bring income into the home.
拿到福利金还能帮她们补贴家用,并比起那些无法给家里带来收入的人,道德上更胜一筹。 yeeyan

There is no surer way to feed Japanese insecurities.
日本由此丧失了安全感,要消除这种感觉可不容易。 ecocn

There is no surer way to feed Japanese insecurities. Yet in Tokyo she hailed the security alliance with Japan as a cornerstone of American foreign policy.
没有更可靠的方法让日本的不全感消除,她只有在东京仍然高呼美日的安全同盟是美国外交政策的基石。 ecocn

This, he argued, would put a lid on inflation, setting spending and investment decisions on a surer footing.
他认为这种方式可以消除通货膨胀,以一种更加稳妥的步伐开支和投资。 yeeyan

Ay, and he falls for those ahead of him, who though faster and surer of foot, yet removed not the stumbling stone.
噢,他也是为了前面的人失足,因为他们步履虽然轻捷坚定,然而却没有挪开绊脚石。 ebigear

But buying a big, established, global brand with potential for growth could be both a quicker and a surer route.
但购买一家有着升值潜力、公认的大型全球品牌是一条即快捷又可靠的路线。 ecocn

Fraser is on surer ground when he relies on sources with first-hand knowledge.
弗雷泽依赖有第一手信息的消息人士,因而有更可靠的依据。 mbahome

Her book is shorter and more measured than Mr Vidino’s, and she has a surer grasp of the political dynamics of the Middle East, the soil from which the Brotherhood sprang.
她写的书比费蒂诺的简短也更慎重,且她更精准地把握住了中东地区的政治动态,正是中东那块土壤才孕育出穆斯林兄弟会。 ecocn

I have found out that there ain't no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.
我发觉,倘若你想知道自己是否喜欢一个人,跟他一起去旅游是最稳妥的办法。 blog.blog.tianya.cn

I believe we have moved forward and made tangible progress in these meetings to pave a surer path for improving the lives of the world’s poorest people.
我认为我们在这些会议上向前推进和取得了实质性的进展,为改善全世界最贫困人民的生活铺平了道路。 worldbank

Its performance this time was swifter and surer.
这一次其表现更迅捷,更可靠。 ecocn

Marxist-Leninist revolution remained his dream; but, as he knew better than anyone, capitalism and private enterprise remained a surer bet.
马克思列宁主义革命依然是他的梦,但是他也知道,而且比任何人都要知道,资本主义和私有企业依旧会是更可靠的赌注。 ecocn

Photographers today are looking for a better, surer and quicker return on investment than the traditional stock companies are providing.

They feel surer about themselves than when they played Boston last month.
他们现在比上个月对波士顿时打得更自信。 bbs.kaspersky.com.cn

This seems a surer vote-winner than an emissions- trading scheme that opposition scare tactics portray as a “ great big new tax on everything”.
相比“贸易与交易”方案,此举的胜算就更大一些。反对党的恐吓战术则将此方案描述成“向一切事物大幅征税”。 ecocn

We can find no surer foundation for our faith.
我们找不到比这更稳固的信仰根基了。 nb-huada

When firms and consumers are gripped with uncertainty, government spending is a surer way to boost demand.
当企业和消费者犹豫不决时,政府投资是一个推动需求的可靠方法。 yeeyan




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