

单词 suppresses
释义 sup·press·es 英sə'pres美sə'pres COCA³⁸⁸⁸⁵BNC⁴⁰³⁰⁶Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
vt. 镇压; 制止

put an end to the activity or existence of

vt. 隐瞒

prevent from being known or seen

to put down by force or authority;

suppress a nascent uprising

stamp down on littering

conquer one's desires

come down on or keep down by unjust use of one's authority;

The government oppresses political activists

control and refrain from showing; of emotions, desires, impulses, or behaviorput out of one's consciousnessreduce the incidence or severity of or stop;

suppress a yawn

this drug can suppress the hemorrhage

suppress, oppress, repress


1.suppress和repress均可表示压制某种感情、欲望等,还可表示平息或镇压叛乱、反叛等, suppress还可指“禁止”“扣留”等; oppress指反动阶级压迫工人、农民、知识分子等,还可表示“使某人沮丧”。

2.suppress和repress指用武力或军事手段平息叛乱; oppress指通过政权控制,用苛捐杂税、酷刑等高压政治手段压迫。

3.suppress和repress是中性词,其对象可以是叛军、黑社会、土匪、流氓等,也可以是人民、工人、农民、知识分子等; oppress的对象则是人民、工人、农民、知识分子等。

suppress, crush, quell


crush多用于非物质性的东西,所施加的力量将造成破坏,所采取的行动无法反抗; quell指彻底地使对方屈服、被动或瘫痪,可用于人和动物,它还有“扑灭”的意思; suppress指有意识地运用权力或力量公开地压服或消灭,强调被压服或消灭的目标很明确。





用作动词 v.
~+名词suppress rebellion镇压叛乱~+副词suppress firmly坚决禁止suppress generally全面禁止suppress insidiously〔silently〕暗中压制suppress summarily立即制止suppress unlawfully非法压制suppress vigorously大力镇压~+介词suppress by以…镇压
suppress by v.+prep.

以…镇压 put an end to the activity or existence through sth or by doing sth

suppress sth by sth/v-ingThey suppressed the rebellion by firing on the crowd.他们向人群开枪来镇压反抗。近义词 stem柄curb路边down向下back后面keep保持hold拿着quell压制check检查limit限度crush压碎lower低的muffle围裹arrest逮捕defeat挫败squash壁球quench熄灭repress抑制conquer征服contain容纳inhibit抑制silence沉默smother窒息stifle使窒息restrain抑制overturn翻倒subdue使服从restrict限制withhold抑制censor检查员hold back阻碍overpower压倒overwhelm打击oppress使烦恼keep down抑制dampen使潮湿extinguish熄灭stamp down镇压suffocate使窒息squelch发出嘎吱声bridle马笼头,缰绳…bottle up憋在肚子里hush up防止 … 张扬出去…
S+~+ n./pron.The new government quickly suppressed the rebellion.新政府迅速把叛乱镇压下去。
He continued to suppress the people and serve the imperialists.他继续镇压人民,为帝国主义效劳。
The government passed a law to suppress the slave trade.政府颁布一条法律制止奴隶买卖。
They suppressed news that was not favourable to them.对他们不利的新闻他们就扣留下来。
Even the grave young woman could not suppress a smile.连那个严肃的年轻妇女都禁不住笑了。
She was struggling to suppress her sobs.她拼命不让自己哭出来。
It was all I could do to suppress my anger.我只好抑制住我的怒气了。
He couldn't suppress his emotions whenever he thought about his miserable life in the past.每当想起他过去的悲惨生活,他就无法克制自己的情绪。
He suppressed his name.他隐瞒了他的姓名。
The rising was suppressed.叛乱被镇压下去了。其他His eyes were no longer mild but glittered with a suppressed fury.他的眼光不再温和,而是闪烁着强忍的怒火。

suppress的基本意思是“镇压; 制止”,指采取较大的强制力量或暴力成功地压住或完全阻止某事物的生长和发展,也指彻底抑制住某种愿望、本能或情感的流露。引申可作“隐瞒”解。




用作及物动词The revolt wassuppressedin a matter of hours.叛乱在几小时之内就镇压下去了。
All these movements weresuppressedby the warlord government.所有这些运动都受到军阀政府的镇压。
A common person would notsuppresshis real name.一个平常人是不会隐瞒他的真实姓名的。
He couldn'tsuppresshis anger.他简直怒不可遏。
No drug couldsuppresshis cough.吃什么药也不能止住他的咳嗽。
She was struggling tosuppressher sobs.她拼命不让自己哭出来。
He tried tosuppresshis feelings.他尽力抑制住自己的感情。
Mr Baruch stated what he thought the best method ofsuppressingopium smoking and the people heartily entered into his views.巴鲁克先生讲述了他所认为的禁止抽鸦片烟的最好方法,大家都热烈赞同。verb.restrain, hold in check
同义词 abolish,censor,conceal,contain,cover up,crack down on,crush,curb,cut off,muzzle,overcome,overthrow,put an end to,put down,quash,quell,quench,repress,silence,snuff out,stamp out,stifle,subdue,withholdannihilate,bottle,burke,check,clamp,conquer,extinguish,interrupt,muffle,overpower,shush,smother,spike,squash,stop,tramplebeat down,bring to naught,hold back,hold down,hold in,keep in,keep secret,put kibosh on,put lid on,sit on
反义词 aid,allow,assist,build up,compliment,encourage,give in,help,let go,permit,praise,release,sanction,start,support,surrender,yield,light,open A broad light source lessens shadows, reduces contrast, suppresses texture. A narrow light source does the opposite.
广泛的光源能够弱化阴影、降低对比、抑制纹理,较窄的光源则作用相反。 yeeyan

Being bathed in the glow of monitors or handset screens suppresses the release of sleep- promoting hormone melatonin and enhances alertness, making it more difficult to sleep, according to Czeisler.
泽斯勒说,沐浴在显示器或者手机屏幕的光照会抑制促进睡眠的荷尔蒙褪黑激素的释放,使入睡更加困难。 yeeyan

For travellers, malaria can be prevented through chemoprophylaxis, which suppresses the blood stage of malaria infections, thereby preventing malaria disease.
旅行者可以采取药物预防措施,抑制疟疾的血液感染期,以防罹患疟疾。 who

The minipill thickens cervical mucus and thins the endometrium— preventing sperm from reaching the egg. The minipill also sometimes suppresses ovulation.
单一避孕药使子宫粘液变稠,使子宫内膜变薄,阻止精子与卵子相遇,单一避孕药有时也会起到抑制卵巢排卵的作用。 yeeyan

“ It suppresses skin cancer development by as much as 72 percent in mice, and human studies are moving ahead slowly,” he said.
“在老鼠和人类研究发现,这种抑制皮肤癌缓慢发展高达72%,”他说. yeeyan

A too- brief connection suppresses fish spawning, says Hao, so researchers must stock Tian-E-Zhou with fish for the porpoises to eat.
这种过于短暂的流通抑制了鱼类产卵,郝玉江说,所以研究人员必须在天鹅洲保护区储备足够的鱼,以喂养长江江豚。 yeeyan

American lawmakers have also long complained that China suppresses the value of the yuan to lower the price of its exports.
美国国会议员也长期抱怨说,中国抑制人民币汇率以降低其出口价格。 hjenglish

Antiretroviral therapy suppresses the replication of the HIV virus in the body.
抗逆转录病毒的治疗方案可以抑制 HIV病毒在人体内进行复制。 yeeyan

Avoid using blue when promoting food and cooking, because blue suppresses appetite.
在推销食物和烹调时,避免使用蓝色,因为蓝色会抑制食欲。 yeeyan

But he adds that, as with any drug that suppresses autoimmunity, the risk that a diminished immune response could lead to infection remains a concern.
但他也补充到,顾虑依然有,因为任何一种药物一旦抑制自身免疫,免疫反应降低的风险就可能会导致感染。 yeeyan

Hauser said there is evidence that HCB suppresses a hormone called luteal progesterone, which is important for egg implantation.
Hauser说,有证据表明,六氯苯对一种叫黄体酮的激素有抑制作用,这种激素对卵的植入有很重要的作用。 yeeyan

In general, the transfer of resources to state firms via various subsidies suppresses Chinese consumption, in particular Chinese consumption of foreign goods.
在一般情况下,通过各种补贴将资源转移到国有企业会抑制中国的消费,特别是中国的外国商品消费。 yeeyan

It alters immune system responses and suppresses the digestive system, the reproductive system and growth processes.
它会改变免疫系统反应,压制消化系统,生殖系统,成长过程。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Kimchi has antibiotic functions as lactic acid bacteria produced in the process of fermentation suppresses growth of harmful bacteria.
由于在发酵过程中产生的乳酸菌抑制了有害菌的生长,所以泡菜有抗生素作用。 yeeyan

Lack of sleep suppresses our natural appetite-depressants, while fueling appetite-increasers, often leading to weight gain.
缺少睡眠将会抑制你的自然的食欲镇定功能,同时增加你的胃口,最终会导致你体重增加。 yeeyan

Mulch suppresses weeds and holds moisture in the soil.
护根物可以抑制杂草生长,保持土壤水分。 hjenglish

Rage is not good for your health: it elevates blood pressure, places stress on the heart and suppresses the immune system.
暴躁对我们的健康并没好处:它升高了血压,压迫心脏并且抑制了免疫系统。 yeeyan

Rapamycin suppresses the immune system and carries strong warnings about the resulting risk of infections and death.
雷帕霉素会抑制免疫系统的活动,可能因此造成感染和死亡的风险,在这方面已经有过严重的前车之鉴。 hjenglish

Researchers think the ingredient suppresses the growth of fat tissue and increases fat- burning.
研究者们认为该成分能抑制脂肪组织的生长并且增加脂肪燃烧。 yeeyan

Scientists speculate that by mildly irritating the wart, the tape activates the immune system which suppresses the viral microbes that cause warts.
科学家们推测也许是由于轻度地刺激疣,胶带激活了免疫系统,抑制了产生疣的病毒微生物的产生。 putclub

The PRC suppresses research into the effect of pollution on life expectancy, but reported birth defects have been rising for at least the past10 years, including in wealthy provinces.
中国不愿就污染对预期寿命的影响进行研究,但据报道,至少在过去10年,出生缺陷问题日趋严重,包括在富裕省份。 yeeyan

The sinister interpretation is that tumours are doing something as they grow that suppresses the immune system and thus allergic reactions.
另一个不同的解释是肿瘤拥有某种能力能对免疫系统和过敏反应进行抑制。 ecocn

This time meet Belgian Blue Cattle which is famous for their double muscling due to a gene that suppresses the production of Myostatin.
这回见识一下比利时蓝牛吧,它以肌肉加倍发达而出名,概因一种能够阻止肌肉生长抑制素生成的基因。 yeeyan

While testosterone will improve spatial ability, the female hormone, oestrogen, suppresses it.
睾酮提高空间能力,而女性激素——雌激素却抑制空间能力。 yeeyan




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