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词汇 supposedly
释义 sup·pos·ed·ly 英sə'pəʊzɪdlɪ美sə'pozɪdli 高ITCOCA⁶³¹⁰BNC⁶⁶²²iWeb⁵⁹⁴⁶Economist²⁹⁷⁰

believed or reputed to be the casesuppose假设+ed…的+ly副词后缀⇒supposedly adv.据认为,据称,一般相信,一般看来蒋争熟词记忆supposedadj.想象上的;假定的-ly副词后缀⇒想象上;按推测;恐怕近义词 purportedly据称evidently明显地apparently表面上allegedly依其申述theoretically理论上hypothetically假设地by all accounts根据大家所说…

用作副词One color couldsupposedlybe changed to another.按推测,某一种颜色可变为另一种颜色。
This picture issupposedlyworth more than a million pounds.这幅画大概值一百万英镑以上。adv.seemingly
同义词 allegedly,apparently,probably,purportedlybelievably,reputedly,supposably
反义词 improbably,unlikely
allegedlyadverb by allegation
as stated,assertedly,avowedly,professedly,purportedly
apparentlyadverb seemingly
allegedly,as if,as though,at a glance,at first sight,in all likelihood,intuitively,it appears that,it seems that,most likely,on the face of it,ostensibly,outwardly,plausibly,possibly,probably,professedly,reasonably,reputably,speciously,superficially,supposedly,tangibly,to all appearances
as ifadverb seemingly
as thoughadverb seemingly
doubtlessadverb certainly;most likely
absolutely,apparently,assuredly,clearly,easily,for sure,indisputably,no ifs ands or buts,of course,ostensibly,positively,precisely,presumably,probably,seemingly,supposedly,surely,truly,undoubtedly,unequivocally,unquestionably,without doubt
ostensiblyadverb apparently
at first blush,evidently,externally,for all intents and purposes,for show,officially,on the face,on the surface,outwardly,professedly,seemingly,sensibly,superficially,supposedly,to the eye The country was plunged into a deep political crisis when Mr Rosenberg recorded a video accusing the president of ordering his murder, and then supposedly arranged it himself.
罗森伯格录下了一段视频,以指控总统策划谋杀他,而之后据称这是他一手安排,危地马拉因此陷入了深度的政治危机。 putclub

The Film: Closing this year’s festival, The Tempest is yet another adaptation of Shakespeare’s supposedly last solo play.
简介: 作为本次电影节的闭幕影片,《暴风雪》,又一部改编自据说是莎士比亚绝唱的作品。 yeeyan

What is more, the argument runs, these supposedly womanly qualities are becoming ever more valuable in business.
而且,这种观点还认为这些据说是女性特有的品质在商业中越来越重要。 ecocn

“ Supposedly we are not capable of making decisions like this,” Mr Daniels said, grinning as he smacked a stubborn bottle of ketchup.
“恐怕我们做不了这样的决定,”,丹尼尔斯先生边说边咧嘴笑道,正咂着一瓶番茄酱。 ecocn

A few drops in each ear at the first sign of infection supposedly shortens the illness.
据说在感染症状出现之初在每边耳朵各滴几滴双氧水会缩短患病时间。 iciba

A white South African is not really considered African because Africans are supposedly black.
一个南非白人不会被当作非洲人因为非洲人理应是黑人。 yeeyan

And perhaps most significant, birds were already found in the fossil record before the elaboration of the dinosaurs they supposedly descended from.
同时也许最明显的是,在详尽阐述据说鸟类从它们演化而来的恐龙之前,化石记录中就已经发现了鸟类。 yeeyan

Archaeopteryx, supposedly the oldest and most primitive bird on Earth, might not have been a bird after all, scientists say.
科学家们说,据称是地球上最古老最原始的鸟类的“始祖鸟”可能根本就不是一只鸟。 yeeyan

For this reason, prices can supposedly never go down.
出于这个原因,可以推测价格不会下降。 yeeyan

Ginger and lemons supposedly have calming properties and dry crackers will usually go down without too much fuss.
姜和柠檬可能含有镇定的作用,而薄脆饼干吞下去也不会引起太多的烦恼。 yeeyan

I was recently in the UK on our supposedly“ fast” trains, which take over two hours to travel the290 kilometers from London to Man- chester.
我最近在英国乘坐了据称是“快速”的火车,它从伦敦到曼彻斯特290公里的路程行驶了2个多小时。 yeeyan

I was abandoned by family and friends as a supposedly hopeless cripple.
我被家庭和朋友当作一个恐怕是毫无希望的跛子抛弃了。 yeeyan

In an era when engineers and hobbyists tended to describe their machines with model numbers, he chose the name of a fruit, supposedly because of his dietary habits at the time.
在一个工程师和业余爱好者喜欢用型号来介绍他们产品的时代,他却选择了一个水果的名字,可能是因为那时他的饮食习惯吧。 yeeyan

Last month, Yang Daqing’s “ Story of the Ming Expedition, ” a novel about the Japanese invasion of Korea in1592, supposedly written when the author was13, hit bookstores.
上个月,杨大庆的小说《大明远征军之烈血春秋》在书店上架。小说故事关于1592年日本出兵侵犯朝鲜,据说是作者13岁时写成的。 yeeyan

One minister had two official apartments; another supposedly let her brother live in her official lodgings.
有位部长得到两处官邸;另一位部长据称让她弟弟住在自己的官邸。 yeeyan

Some retail outlets are supposedly committed to preserving the ocean's resources by raising awareness and selling only products from well- managed fisheries.
按照这一立法推测,一些零售经销店有义务通过提高意识和只出售管理得当的渔业产品来保护海洋资源。 yeeyan

The rush is almost unseemly, largely because the internet is a seductive medium that supposedly matches buyers with sellers and proves to advertisers that their money is well spent.
这个潮流十分令人尴尬,主要是因为网络媒体诱惑力强,据说能将买卖双方撮合在一起,并向广告商证明他们的钱花得值。 ecocn

These events had already unpicked the fabric of Norway's supposedly blissful distance from the harsher side of world politics.
这些事件早已撕开了那块理应把挪威与世界政治更严酷的一面幸运地隔离开来的大布。 dict

To think just a year ago the Moon was supposedly dry. The discovery improves the prospects of future colonisation on or trips to the Moon.
考虑到在一年前人们还认为月球很可能是干的,这一发现提升了将来到月球旅行或居住的前景。 yeeyan

Supposedly, that reduces the scope for interference in the media.
据此推测,这将缩小政府对媒体的干涉范围。 ecocn

Supposedly, there is an anecdote, it may be true, may not be true, about the life of Saint Augustine.
据说,有这样一则关于圣奥古斯丁的轶事。它也许确有其事,也许不是。 yeeyan

Supposedly to stiffen Gazans’ resolve, the Qassam Brigades have begun to suppress the emerging good life in the strip.
恐怕是为了坚定加沙人民的决心,“卡桑旅”已开始抑制加沙地带人们生活的好转。 ecocn




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