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词汇 battled
释义 bat·tled 英bætld美bætld COCA²¹⁰⁶⁶BNC¹⁷⁰²²Economist⁹²⁹⁶
动词 battle:
battle or contend against in or as if in a battle
The firemenbattledto control the flames.消防队员奋力控制火势。
The firemenbattledagainst the flames for several hours before keeping them under.消防员跟大火搏斗了几个小时,才把火势控制住。
Battled the enemy;battledcancer.和敌人较量; 对抗癌症
The two fightersbattledfor half an hour.两个拳击手战斗了半小时。verb.fight, struggle
同义词 argue,clamor,contend,feud,strive,wrestleagitate,combat,contest,dispute,oppugn,skirmish,tug,war
反义词 agreemake peace In eight years, she battled impeachment attempts and attempts of a military takeover.
八年来,她挫败了弹劾她以及军事接管的企图。 iciba

The calamity being battled today is financial- market malfunction and the damage it can do to the economy.
但是,今天我们要应对的灾难是金融市场的运转失灵及其给经济造成的损害。 ecocn

The companies in China that get to the IPO stage have already battled through fiercely competitive circumstances to get to the promised land.
但凡是能够达到 IPO地步的中国公司,都已经在激烈的竞争环境中杀出了一条血路,最终才得以“修成正果”。 fortunechina

The report also said that climate change cannot be battled by relying exclusively on cutting emissions or market- based solutions.
报告也说,对抗气候变化不能只依赖减少废气排放和那些以市场为基础的解决方案。 kekenet

The two fighters battled for half an hour.
两个拳击手战斗了半小时。 ebigear

As riot police battled protesters outside parliament in Dakar, he then agreed to abandon plans to create a new post of vice president.
防暴警察在达卡议会外与抗议者发生冲突的时候,他又同意放弃设立副总统职位的计划。 hxen

As head of the Food and Drug Administration, Dr. David A. Kessler served two presidents and battled Congress and Big Tobacco.
作为美国食品和药物管理局长的大卫.凯斯勒博士为两任总统工作过,也替国会同烟草公司斗争过。 yeeyan

As Argentina battled to avoid default in2001, citizens were restricted in the amount of cash they could withdraw from their bank accounts.
就像阿根廷在2001年抵制衰退时所做的一样,公民能从银行账户中取现的金额是有限制的。 ecocn

As she battled the disease, she continued to urge her son to do more philanthropy.
在她与疾病抗争期间,她仍在劝说儿子更多地投入慈善事业。 jzjob88

At least24 people have died as the country’s forces have battled Red Shirt anti- government demonstrators.
在泰国军方与红衫军反政府示威游行队伍的打斗中,至少有24人丧命。 yeeyan

But for most of the past century, lawyers and regulators have battled over how to apply those terms in new industries where the rules are unclear.
但是,对于过去一个世纪的大部分时间,律师和监管机构一直都在为规则不明确的新行业如何适用这些条款而斗争。 yeeyan

For years, Lucille Jackson battled gangs and extreme violence in her community to provide hope for her17-year-old grandson.

France battled to hold to its parity and only just succeeded.
法国使出浑身解数来维持平价状态,勉强成功。 ecocn

He also has a pacemaker, and once battled an addiction to painkillers, according to the memorandum.
根据记录,他装有心脏起搏器,而且曾与止疼药瘾搏斗。 yeeyan

He had battled cancer and received a liver transplant in2009.
他曾与癌症抗衡,并在2009年接受了肝脏移植手术。 ecocn

I battled terrorists along both banks of the Jordan River.
我沿着约旦河两岸与恐怖分子战斗。 yeeyan

It must have worked, as he battled back to fitness and scored the winner in a group game against Argentina— the team he'd been sent off against at the previous World Cup.
这一定是奏效了,他重新回到赛场并在小组赛对阵阿根廷,这只在上届世界杯交锋时使他被罚下的老冤家的比赛中进球取胜。 yeeyan

Many knights battled the dragon but their swords could not cut its thick scales.
许多骑士和巨龙英勇奋战,但是他们的宝剑刺不穿厚厚的龙鳞。 yeeyan

Parr asked them to pose with the possession they battled to save when their homes were unexpectedly hit.
帕尔请求他们拿着当他们的家被意想不到的洪水摧毁时抢救出来的财产拍照。 yeeyan

She battled on through constant illnesses, ending with pancreatic cancer, but still considered her biggest challenge was to restore the Cherokees’ lost faith in themselves.
她不断地和疾病做斗争,最终死于胰脏癌,但仍然把重建切诺基人失去的信心视作她最大的任务。 ecocn

Shulman carefully spells out not only the steps he took to piece together his story, but also the reluctance he battled en route.
舒尔曼在此书中字斟句酌,不仅一步一步把他破碎的故事拼接起来,而且在此过程中始终在与自己的内心搏斗。 yeeyan

The research also highlighted fears about the menopause and found that42 per cent of the women polled have battled depression.
这次调查也重点研究了女性对绝经期的恐惧心理,并发现42%的女性都不得不与抑郁症搏斗。 yeeyan

While the Koch brothers battled over oil, Koch Industries clashed with regulators over its failure to properly maintain its pipelines.
在科赫兄弟斗争结束之际,科赫工业因未能适当维护其石油管道与监管者发生冲突。 yeeyan




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