

单词 supplicating
释义 sup·pli·cate 英'sʌplɪkeɪt美'sʌplɪˌkeɪt COCA¹²⁹³⁶⁵BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
ask humbly for something;

He supplicated the King for clemency

make a humble, earnest petition;

supplicate for permission

ask for humbly or earnestly, as in prayer;

supplicate God's blessing

近义词 呼吁beg恳求sue控告pray祈祷plead辩护appeal恳求entreat恳求request请求beseech恳求implore恳求solicit恳求petition请愿书

Shesupplicatedfor pardon.她恳求原谅。
Hesupplicatesme to help.他向我求助。 Besides supplicating Allaah, parents should also take the necessary steps in bringing up their children upon this religion.
不断的祈求安拉之余,父母也应该在加强孩子的信仰方面采取必要的方式。 xaislam

In it he discovered a large sum of money, which he quickly pocketed; Edouard's journal, which he read without scruple; and Laura's supplicating letter.
包里有一大笔钱和爱德华的日记,还有劳拉央求爱德华来巴黎的一封信。他把钱赶快装起兜里,还毫无顾忌地看了爱德华的日记。 tdict

Linton shivered, and glanced at her, half supplicating, half ashamed; but his cousin's patience was not sufficient to endure this enigmatical behaviour.
林惇颤栗着,半是乞求,半是羞愧地瞅她一眼;但是他的表姐没有这份耐心忍受这种暧昧的态度。 putclub

She stammered a few supplicating words.
她吞吞吐吐说了一些求情的话。 ebigear

This disciple is supplicating to You;
弟子向您祈请! originalpurity.org




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