

单词 supplicants
释义 supplicants ˈsʌplɪkənts COCA⁶³⁶¹⁵BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
n.恳求者supplicant的名词复数原型supplicant的复数 For example, the Greek gods Zeus and Hermes would frequently disguise themselves as humans in order to ferret who among their supplicants were truly hospitable.
希腊诸神如宙斯和赫尔墨斯就经常将自己伪装成凡人,来试探那些求助他们的人,其中谁是真正的热情好客者。 yeeyan

The promise was that all sincere supplicants would be given encouragement, succour, a contract and maybe an envelope full of money.
他们承诺那些真诚的救助者,会从他们那里获得勇气、援助、一纸合同、也许一个塞满钱的信封。 yeeyan

As a little girl, she answered the phone and told supplicants whom to call to get on welfare or into the city hospital.
当她还是小女孩,接电话时就能分辨寻求帮助的人是想谋求福利还是想住进市立医院。 ecocn

His was aimed not at the Yangtze University professors for getting on their knees but at a society and government that would lower a traditionally respected class to supplicants.
不过他愤怒的不是长江大学的教授下跪这件事,而是社会及政府将原本受人尊重的阶层变成了乞讨者。 huiduworld

Offerings were believed to contain sickness, bad thoughts, and other evils that supplicants were putting away from themselves.
祭品包括了祈求者们从他们自身取出的疾病,坏念头,和其他灾祸。 ngpod

Supplicants bear a litter laden with corn, cabbage, fake money, and a volcano- shaped offering.
乞求者抬着装满玉米、卷心菜、假钱和火山形状供品的担架。 yeeyan




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