

单词 supination
释义 su·pi·na·tion 英,sʊpə'neʃən美,sʊpə'neʃən 高COCA¹²¹⁶⁵⁷BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb⁴⁰⁹¹⁵

rotation of the hands and forearms so that the palms face upwardsupinat-ion行为|动作|状态⇒n.反掌⁵⁰;反掌的姿势⁵⁰反义词 pronation内转

用作名词The radioulnar line and subluxation ratio methods always showed the ulnar head to be located outside of the dorsal line in pronation and outside of the volar line insupination.桡尺线法及半脱位比率法显示在旋前位下尺骨头总在背部线的外面,旋后位下在掌侧线的外面。 A low fibular fracture, most clearly seen on the lateral view, hallmarks the spiral fracture of a supination- lateral rotation injury fig.4C.
腓骨低位骨折大部分在侧位相上清晰可见,标志着螺旋骨折为旋后外旋损伤图。4C。 xctmr.com

Also known as under-pronation, supination is when a runner's feet do not roll sufficiently inward after making contact with the ground.
脚踝外翻就是跑步时人的脚在触地时没有充分内翻转。 yeeyan

The dysfunction of supination of forearm following injury of brachial plexus or poliomyelitis always affects the function of hand.

The function of pronation and supination of the forearm was improved.
前臂的旋前和旋后功能得到明显改善。 cnki

The presence of a medial malleolar fracture fig. 4D, establishes this to be a complete injury, a supination- lateral rotation stage IV.
内踝骨折的出现图。 4D表明这是一个完全损伤,即旋后外旋 IV度。 xctmr.com

When someone with supination runs, their foot makes contact with the ground on the outside of the shoe and foot.
这种人在跑步的时候,与地面接触的是他们脚和鞋的外侧。 yeeyan

Absence of a medial malleolar fracture fig.3C denotes that this supination- adduction injury stopped at stage I.
未出现内踝骨折图。3C表明这一旋后内收损伤停止于 I度。 xctmr.com

Conclusion: While the forearm in complete supination, the radius shifts to the dorsal and distal side, and the capitulum ulnae is at the volar side of the notch ulnae.
结论:前臂完全旋后时,桡骨向远侧、背侧移位,尺骨头靠在尺骨切迹的掌侧面。 cnki

Conclusion: Ulnar or radial flexor muscle of wrist transfer to reconstruct supination function of forearm all can achieve good function recovery.
结论:尺侧或桡侧腕屈肌移位重建前臂旋后功能。均能达到良好功能恢复。 cnki

Flexion abduction, supination of hip and severe obliquity of pelvis after po- poliomyelitis are common deformities.
由脊髓灰质炎后遗症所造成的髋屈曲外展外旋畸形及中、重度骨盆倾斜的病例临床并不少见。 cnki

If you rotate your arm and wrist the opposite direction so that the palms of your hand face upwards, that is supination.
如果你将两手置于身前,两掌心相对,转动前臂和手腕向下,内旋。 www.tennis.com.cn

In both supination and pronation injuries, if the talus rotates, it rotates laterally.
在旋前和旋后损伤中,如果距骨发生旋转,那一定是外旋。 xctmr.com

In the supination position, there was medial displacement in the medial and lateral sides.
在旋后位肱骨髁上部不论是内侧还是外侧节点均向内侧位移; cnki

Methods: Computed tomography scans of forty-five asymptomatic wrists were performed with the hand in supination, neutral, and pronation.
方法:应用 CT在旋后位、中立位及旋前位扫描45个腕关节无症状人的手。 adoop.cn

Objective: To probe the dynamic muscle to be reconstructed supination function of forearm, and to inspect its clinical results.
目的:探索重建前臂旋后功能的动力肌,并在临床应用中验证其功能效果。 cnki

Since1985,33 cases of supination- extorsion, pronation- abduction, pronation- extorsion fractures of the ankle were treated.11 cases didn't get get to anatomical reduction.
1985年以来共收治旋后-外旋型、旋前-外展型、旋前-外旋型踝部骨折33例,其中11例病人没有达到解剖复位。 cnki

The isolated spiral fracture of the fibula is the most common ankle fracture supination- lateral rotation stage II.
腓骨的单纯螺旋骨折在此类骨折中最为常见旋后外旋 II度。 xctmr.com

Two ipsilateral wrist palmar flexion range of motion, dorsiflexion, pronation, supination, radial deviation, ulnar deviation, no significant difference in degree P>0.05.
两组患者患侧腕关节活动度掌屈、背伸、旋前、旋后、桡偏、尺偏度无明显差异 P>0.05 。51lunwen.net

Wrist flexion, radial deviation, and pronation- supination were regained significantly faster in the dynamic fixator group.
在腕屈、桡偏、旋前和旋后方面,动态固定器组恢复更快。 oaopdoc




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