

单词 superviser
释义 superviser 英'suːpəvaɪzər美'suːpəvaɪzər BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
In addition, a method, its block diagram and operational principle used for designing an auto- superviser specialized for the application software package are presented.
提出了一种应用软件包专用的自动管理系统的设计方法、框图和工作原理。 cnki

The price of the entrance tickets involves two main relating subjects of benefit: superviser in scenic spots and tourist.
景区门票价格涉及两个主要的利益相关者:景区管理者和旅游者。 dictall

As per request of their superviser, they want to keep using their email boxes to check former mails and informations, so I haven't apply to close them. Sorry for this inconvenience.
由于他们的主管提出,要继续使用他们的邮箱,查看以前的往来信件及资料,所以我没有及时申请关闭, 很抱歉由此给你带来的麻烦。 bbs.yule.iciba.com

He disobeyed his superviser and was fired.
他违反了他的监督人被解雇了。 hotdic

In this legal relation, the fund holder is a client, fund superviser and fund mandator are trustees.
在此法律关系中,基金持有人是委托人,基金管理人和基金托管人是受托人。 cnki

Only if we build up an integrated tree-stage superviser system, we can choose a date to recover the national debt and future trade.
只要建立起完善的期货市场三级监管体系,就可以择期恢复国债期货交易。 dictall




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