

单词 supervise
释义 su·per·vise 英ˈsuːpəˌvaɪz美ˈsupɚˌvaɪzAHDs›“pər-vīz' ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIT宝6八COCA⁷⁹²⁵BNC¹¹⁷¹³iWeb⁶⁰¹⁰Economist¹⁵¹⁶⁴

vt. 管理; 监督

keep watch over work and workers as the person in charge

watch and direct;

Who is overseeing this project?

keep tabs on; keep an eye on; keep under surveillance;

we are monitoring the air quality

the police monitor the suspect's moves










super-,在上,上方,-vis,看,词源同 visit,advise.引申词义监督,监管。
用作动词 v.
~+名词supervise the cease fire监督停火supervise class管理班级supervise the market管理市场supervise shop管理商店~+副词supervise cautiously小心地监督supervise intelligently有天赋地管理supervise personally亲自管理supervise professionally职业地管理supervise strictly严格地管理supervise successfully成功地管理
GRE红宝书super在...上面+ vise看→在上面看→监视
super + vis 看,上面看着
词根记忆super超过+vis看见+e→在超出别人高度的地方看→监督,管理;指导词根记忆super超过+vis看+e→在超出别人高度的地方看→监督super上,上面+vis看+e→从上面往下看⇒监视,监督,管理词根记忆super在…上面+ vise看→ 在上面看 ⇒监督词根记忆super在上面+vis+e=在上面看=监督近义词 run跑head头部lead引导boss老板rule规则watch注视manage管理handle处理govern统治oversee监督control掌控observe观察conduct行为command命令monitor监视direct直接的regulate调整organize组织administer管理superintend管理take charge of负责preside over主持做主席…
S+~+ n./pron.The group leader supervises a dozen worker.组长管12个工人。
He supervised the launderette.他管理那家自助洗衣店。
He supervises the work of several departments.他管几个部门的工作。
The teacher supervised our drawing class.这位老师负责指导我们的图画课。
The architect supervised the building of the house.建筑工程师监督房子的施工。
The final examination was supervised by two teachers.期末考试由两位老师监考。
The market needs to be supervised by the nation.市场需要国家管理。
S+~+ n./pron. + v -ingTomorrow Hans will supervise all the pupils taking the English examination.明天全体学生考英语,汉斯将担任监考。Punsupervised无监督的Psuperviser监督者管理者监察人





用作及物动词Isupervisedthe workers loading the lorry.我监督工人把货物装上卡车。
The chief clerksupervisesthe work of the department.文书组长负责监督该部门的工作。
She wants tosupervisethe cosmetics shop.她想自己管理那间化妆品店。
How many people did yousuperviseon your last job?你的上一份工作需要管理多少人?
The teachersupervisedour drawing class.老师负责我们的图画课。verb.manage people, project
同义词 administer,conduct,deal with,direct,handle,inspect,look after,oversee,take care ofboss,chaperon,control,overlook,quarterback,run,superintend,surveybe in charge,be in driver's seat,be in the saddle,be on duty,be responsible for,call the play,call the shots,crack the whip,keep an eye on,preside over,ride herd on,run the show,run things,sit on top of
反义词 mismanage,neglect,follow,serve
administerverb manage an organization or effort
administrate,be in the driver's seat,be in the saddle,boss,carry out,conduct,control,crack the whip,direct,execute,govern,head,head up,hold the reins,oversee,pull the strings,pull the wires,render,ride herd on,run,run the show,sit on top of,superintend
administrateverb administer
bossverb control;command
administer,administrate,chaperon,direct,employ,manage,overlook,oversee,quarterback,run,superintend,supervise,survey,take charge
chaperonverb accompany for supervision
attend,carry,conduct,consort with,convoy,escort,guide,oversee,protect,safeguard,shepherd,supervise,watch over
chaperonedverb accompany for supervision
attended,carried,conducted,consort with,convoyed,escorted,guided,oversaw,protected,safeguarded,shepherded,supervised,watched over
commandverb rule, have power
administer,boss,charge,check,coach,coerce,compel,conduct,conquer,constrain,control,curb,determine,dictate,direct,dominate,domineer,exact,exercise power,force,govern,guide,have authority,head,hinder,hold office,influence,lead,manage,officiate,oppress,overbear,override,predominate,prescribe,preside over,prevail,push,regulate,reign,reign over,repress,restrain,run,stop,subdue,superintend,supervise,sway,take over,tyrannize,wield Both retail bank customers who need to transfer funds from their account and auditors who supervise all transactions referred to as the users can access the application.
需要从帐户转帐资金的零售银行客户和监督所有交易的审计员称作用户可以访问应用程序。 ibm

He’d brought all four of his subordinates from Roskilde with him and planned to supervise every detail of their action.
他带着所有跟他到鲁开德的四个手下,决定亲自指导他们行动的每个细节。 yeeyan

Then you have to some ways to regulate and supervise the system to stabilize it within limits.
之后,你要通过一定方式调节并监督该体系在一定范围内稳定其运行。 yeeyan

To organize and implement the certified qualification system for safety engineers, supervise and guide the administration of examinations and registrations of certified safety engineers.
组织实施注册安全工程师执业资格制度,监督指导注册安全工程师执业资格考试和注册管理工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

And citizens have the right to know and to supervise the government.
另外普通市民也有知情权和监督政府的权利。 yeeyan

But can even the most responsible of families and carers be trusted to supervise such technology day in and day out for years on end, to stop accidents happening?
但是即使是最负责的家人和护理人员,他们能够最为信赖地一天又一天地连续监督这样的技术,来阻止事故的发生吗? ecocn

But the overall timetable is slipping. There is no consensus on who should supervise the largest financial firms.
然而,大限将至,对于由谁来监管这些最大的金融公司依然没有达成共识。 ecocn

China, he said, had to“ resolve the issue of the excessive concentration of unrestrained power” and“ create conditions for the people to criticise and supervise the government”.
他说道“中国必须解决不受制约的权力过度集中的问题”,并且需要“为民众对政府的监督和评论创造条件。” yeeyan

He also said people needed to be able to“ criticise and supervise” the government.
他也强调人们群众需要也可以对政府“批评和监督”。 yeeyan

He found a psychotherapist near him to supervise his work with a surrogate, and flew the surrogate out from Los Angeles.
他发现一名心理治疗师在旁边监督他与代理的工作,并让代理从洛杉矶飞往他那里。 yeeyan

Let shareholders supervise?
让股东监督? yeeyan

Perhaps a fiscal union that would supervise the issuance of common Eurobonds?
也许一个财政联盟能监督欧洲共同债券的发行? ecocn

She devised a plan to work with other physicians to supervise and fund better facilities and athletic and mental skills training for the country's sports teams to help them to excel once again.
她设计了一个计划,与其他的专家们一起为国家的体育事业投资管理更好的配套设施以及更精湛生理与心理的培训水平,帮助他们重拾辉煌。 yeeyan

She wants to supervise the cosmetics shop.

Soldiers dig clams and launch missiles, pick apples and build irrigation canals, market mushrooms and supervise the export of knockoff Nintendo games.
士兵负责挖地道,发射导弹,摘苹果和建造灌溉水渠,出售蘑菇和监督仿冒任天堂游戏的出口。 yeeyan

The policeman in charge of the investigation— who had been confident enough to take a holiday in Spain— had to rush home to supervise a string of hasty arrests.
这次调查的警方负责人——本来已经觉得高枕无忧打算去西班牙度假——现在也不得不赶紧飞回来监管这一连串匆忙的逮捕。 ecocn

The application can be accessed by retail bank customers users who need to transfer funds from their accounts and by auditors who supervise all banking transactions.
零售银行客户用户可以访问这个应用程序,将资金从自己的帐户转出来,审计员可以监督所有银行事务。 ibm

The Federal Reserve System is accountable to no one; it has no budget; it is subject to no audit; and no Congressional committee knows of, or can truly supervise, its operations.
这就是美联储系统,这个系统不对任何人负责,没有预算,也不接受审计,国会里没有任何一个委员会能够知道或者说监管它的运作。 yeeyan

They are being rolled out in workplaces, allowing employees in disparate locales to communicate more easily and letting managers supervise employees from afar.
它们在工作场所推出,使身在不同地点的员工能够更轻松地交流,并让管理者在远处监管员工。 yeeyan

We must supervise and speed up the fulfilment of assigned tasks.

Supervise online activities via active participation and communication, not just via monitoring software.
通过积极参与和沟通来监督,而不仅仅依赖网络软件。 yeeyan




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