

单词 superstars
释义 superstars ˈsju:pəˌstɑ:z COCA²³⁶⁰⁹BNC²⁷⁴⁴³Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
n.超级明星演员、音乐师等superstar的名词复数原型superstar的复数 There were postulations that both would transform into superstars, but that is where the similarity ends.
我们可以假定他们二人都可以成为世界巨星,不过那就是为什么总会有那么些相似的结局了。 yeeyan

A rugby player in South Africa and a professional basketball player in Los Angeles, both superstars, were both interviewed as they came back from a series of injuries.
一位来自南非的橄榄球运动员和一位来自洛杉矶的职业篮球运动员,他们都是超级明星。 yeeyan

Appointing“ superstars” to government posts is not new, but is always interesting.
任命“超级明星”为政府工作不是一件新鲜事,但一直是件有趣的事。 yeeyan

Despite his troubles, the death of the singer dubbed the “King of Pop” has been greeted with widespread sadness by statesmen, fellow superstars and ordinary people alike.
尽管他有许多麻烦,但这位被称为“流行歌王”之死仍然引起了铺天盖地深切的悲伤,这其中包括政治家、其他歌坛巨星和普通老百姓。 ebigear

Future superstars don’t get there by keeping part of their heart in reserve.
未来超级巨星不会把他们心的一部分保留下来。 yeeyan

God-given talent allied with the ability to sacrifice himself for the team are what marks out Figo from the rest of the world's soccer superstars and puts him top of every manager's wish list.
天赋的才能加上为集体牺牲自我的精神使菲戈从世界足坛上众多巨星中脱颖而出,也使他成为了每一个足球俱乐部经理最想得到的球员。 edu.sina.com.cn

How did these superstars get to the top?
这些超级明星是如何达到巅峰? bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Joe tackles many of the tough problems of managing software developers such as how to reward your superstars.
Joe处理了很多管理软件开发人员棘手的问题,比如如何奖励您的超级明星。 ibm

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, now superstars in the teen-hero firmament, reprise their roles as Bella and Edward.
克里斯汀·斯图尔特与罗伯特·帕丁森是如今年轻人心中新的超级明星,他们再一次以贝拉和爱德华的角色回来了。 yeeyan

Mr Gabaix thinks the“ economics of superstars”, invented by Sherwin Rosen, fits the bill.
Gabaix先生认为 Sherwin Rosen发明的“超级巨星经济学”正好合适。 ecocn

On the voice recording Murray made, Jackson groggily says that with the fortune he'll earn from these ventures he will exceed other superstars of music— not in sales but in philanthropy.
在默里录的电话录音中,杰克逊断断续续说着他通过这次演唱会与拍摄电影所赚的钱将超过其它所有音乐界的超级巨星----不是从销售的立场看,而是从博爱的角度看。 yeeyan

Only a few artists, including Ms. Swift, have defied that trend as newly minted superstars.
只有少数的艺人包括 Swift蔑视那些被视作新兴超级明星的潮流。 yeeyan

Over recent months, a new generation of young players have been steadily building reputations as superstars-in- the- making.
过去几个月里,一些新一代的年轻球员通过努力看上去已经越来越像未来巨星了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Second, to attract academic superstars.
其次,吸引学术界的超级明星。 ecocn

That puts him a notch below superstars like James, Wade and Bryant, who all became great defensive players as well as offensive forces.
这就使得他在和勒布朗,韦德还有科比这样的超级巨星的对比中败下阵来。而后者都是在防守端也能有和进攻端一样怪兽级别表现的。 yeeyan

There were a number of passionate superstars at each of my previous firms. But many others were burned out and just going through the motions.
我之前工作的律所都有许多狂热的超级明星,但是其他人都已热情耗尽,只是机械地工作着。 yeeyan

These dolls were often modeled on kabuki actors and famous courtesans, who in their diverse ways were the superstars of their day.
这些玩偶经常模仿歌舞演员和著名的妓女,她们以各自不同的方式成了那时的超级巨星。 yeeyan

They have believed the lie that serving God is only for superstars.
他们相信只有超级巨星才能事奉神这样的谎言。 ebigear

Unfortunately, when he set out to build a car for Sonny and Cher, the then- married superstars had different desires for a custom Mustang.
不幸的是,当他想给桑尼和歇尔斯做一辆车的时候,后来结婚的这对超级巨星对于定制野马车却有着不同的想法。 yeeyan

Whether Anna's inspiration is Victorian cowboys, Warhol superstars or Finnish textile prints, her depth of cultural knowledge is always apparent.
无论安娜的设计灵感源于维多利亚时代的牛仔、沃霍尔的超级明星,还是芬兰纺织品印花,她都鲜明地展现出深厚的文化底蕴。 hjenglish

While Real Madrid fans are enjoying the Champions League with new hope and a bevy of top-dollar superstars, critics are accusing Mr. Perez of ruining the sport.
虽然皇马球迷对冠军杯充满新的希望,诸多身价不菲的超级明星也让他们感到欣喜,但批评人士指责佩雷斯正在毁掉足球运动。 iciba

Why don’t some universities compete by hiring teaching superstars?
为何一些大学不聘用教育界的超级明星提高竞争力呢? ecocn

With superstars Lionel Messi and Juan Riquelme, the Argentine players showed their class in the group stage with three straight wins.
拥有梅西和里克尔梅两位超级巨星在内,阿根廷男足连胜三场,展现了世界一流球队的水准。 edu.sina.com.cn

You and I can’t become chess grandmasters, or NBA superstars, or concert pianists, simply because we don’t have the necessary anatomy.
我和你不能成为象棋大师,或者 NBA超级明星,或者音乐会上的钢琴家,其原因只在于我们没有必要的人体结构。 yeeyan




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