

单词 superstardom
释义 su·per·star·dom 英'suːpəstɑːʳ美'suːpərstɑːr 高COCA⁶⁰⁰³³BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb³⁸¹⁴⁰
someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field近义词 star星wiz奇才ace幺点icon偶像idol偶像maven专家mavin专家whiz飕飕声genius天才adept熟练的hotshot能人whizz飕飕声somebody某人megastar巨星heroine女英雄celebrity名人wizardC男巫sensation感觉champion拥护者luminary杰出人物big name知名人士virtuoso艺术能手

用作名词The movie has made the actor a superstar.这部影片使那位男演员成为了一名超级明星。
She rose from being a nobody to become a superstar.她从无名小辈一跃成为超级明星。
The newspaper puff up that new athlete into a superstar报界把那个新运动员吹捧成为超级明星。 For all Jackson's superstardom, “Much Too Soon” reminds that behind the media construct was a human being.
尽管杰克逊有着超级巨星的身分,《飞逝》提醒着:在媒体构造的形象背后,是一个真实的人类。 blog.sina.com.cn

Opera was not the20th century's surest route to superstardom. But it was if you sang like Luciano Pavarotti.
在20世纪,歌剧并不能确保你登上巨星的舞台,除非你能像帕瓦罗蒂那样歌唱。 hjenglish

She returned to movies in the early 2000s and played a woman with Muscular Dystrophy, which launched her superstardom.
而她重返影坛是在本世纪初,扮演一个患肌营养不良症的妇女,这个角色让她跻身巨星行列。 yeeyan

The album ranked at No.13 on the sales charts, selling nearly 122,000 units, a far cry from Jackson's superstardom days, but better than the100,000 units that was forecast.
他的这张新专辑在销量排行榜上仅列13位,售出122000张,这一销量远不及其最红的时候的成绩,但是比预期的100000张要好。 for68

They'll always hire a hot girl, and if she's only willing to work with you, you just received a free ticket into porn superstardom.
公司请的都是性感美女,如果她只愿与你合作,那你就算是得到进入色情产业大门的入场券了。 yeeyan

Yet, long before Jennifer Lopez sang, danced and acted her way to superstardom, she worked at a law office as a legal assistant.
然而,早在詹妮弗·洛佩兹唱歌、跳舞、演戏成为超级巨星前,她在一家法律事务当律师助理。 iciba

Yet Palin, with her fundraising prowess, devoted adherents and superstardom, is poised to enter the2012 contest at a time of her choosing.
不过在筹款方面战力高昂并拥有忠诚信徒以及超级明星效应的佩林许诺会在自己选择的时机参与2012年的竞争。 yeeyan




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