

单词 superpositions
释义 superpositions 英sjuːpəpə'zɪʃənz美sjuːpəpə'zɪʃənz COCA¹²⁵⁰³⁹BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺
名词 superposition:
geology the deposition of one geological stratum on anothergeology the principle that in a series of stratified sedimentary rocks the lowest stratum is the oldestgeometry the placement of one object ideally in the position of another one in order to show that the two coincidethe placement of one thing on top of another A discussion is made about the squeezing properties of several superpositions, the vacuum state with coherent state or odd and even coherent state.
分别对几种叠加态——真空态与相干态的叠加态、奇相干态、偶相干态以及奇、偶相干态分别与真空态的叠加态的压缩性质进行讨论。 cnki

It at least underwent threehydrothermal superpositions.
至少经历有三次热液迭加。 cnki

A scheme for the generation of superpositions of squeezed coherent state based on the atomic interference is presented.
在文中我们提出了一种基于原子干涉的方法产生压缩相干迭加态。 dictall

After examining the basic case of cosinusoidal grating superpositions, step by step, through the cases of square grids and dot screens.
从最简单的情况入手,逐步地讨论余弦曲线栅格的重叠,方形栅格以及网点网屏的重叠。 fabiao

Relations between management and communication Though there are many differences of them , there are many superpositions.
管理与沟通的内在联系管理和沟通当然是有区别,但管理和沟通也有数不尽的重合部分。 kuaiyilin

Specially, when the atom was at the superpositions of two internal state equal weight same phase, the translational motion wave function presented the very stable characteristics.
特别地,当原处于两内态等权重同位相迭加态时,平移运动呈现出稳定的特征。 cnki

The superpositions that built with two different spin coherent states exhibit nonclassical properties, and the antibunching effect is one of the nonclassical effects of this kind of states.
两个不同的自旋相干态的叠加态具有非经典的特性,反聚束效应是这类叠加态的非经典效应之一。 dictall

They also get overlay blobs, perhaps showing superpositions of s and p orbitals.
得到的还有重叠的球形,这可能显示的是s和 p轨道的重叠。 yeeyan

When orbiting Saturn, be sure to watch for breathtaking superpositions of moons and rings.
环绕土星轨道飞行,注定会有惊人的土星卫星与土星环重叠的壮观发现。 meiyeah




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