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词汇 supernova
释义 su·per·no·va 英ˌsuːpəˈnəʊvə美ˌsupɚˈnovəAHDs›”pər-nōʹvə ★☆☆☆☆高四GM宝COCA¹³⁴¹⁰BNC³⁴¹¹⁵iWeb¹⁷⁸⁴³Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

a star that explodes and becomes extremely luminous in the processsuper-,超级,nova,新星。galactic supernova银河超新星supernova outburst超新星爆发supernova explosion超新星爆发supernova remnant超新星遗迹
GRE红宝书super, novan 新星
super + nova 新星;
词根记忆super超级+ nova新星⇒超新星
用作名词This image shows the entire region around thesupernova.这张图像显示了超新星周围的整个区域。
The hot gas will be heated further by anysupernovawhich go off in the galaxy.热气体将被星系中爆发的任何超新星进一步加热。as hole
同义词 voidgreat void,theoretical mass
black holenoun abyss
great void,theoretical mass,void
novanoun variable star that suddenly erupts
asterorb,star,supernova,superstar Ever since astronomers discovered that supernova more than50 years ago, they have been searching for more“ missing” supernovae and their remnants.
天文学家已经发现那颗超新星50多年了,他们仍一直在寻找更多失踪的超新星和它们的残骸。 hjenglish

For the first time ever, a black hole has been seen being born out of a supernova of a star perhaps20 times the mass of our sun.
有史以来,人类第一次观察到了一个黑洞的诞生,它生成自一颗约是太阳质量20倍恒星的超新星爆炸中。 yeeyan

The white source near the center of the image is a dense, rapidly rotating neutron star, or pulsar, all that remains of a core- collapse supernova explosion.
图片靠近中心部分的白色光源为一种密度大,急速旋转的中子星,或是脉冲星--都是核心坍缩的超新星爆炸的残留物。 yeeyan

A bluish ribbon of light stretching left to right across the picture might be a knot of gas ejected by the supernova.
一个从左延伸至右穿过整幅图片的蓝色缎带可能是由超新星喷发出的气体形成的集结体。 yeeyan

After the supernova, the leftover matter could either have collapsed into a black hole or an extremely dense neutron star.
超新星爆发以后,剩余的物质可能塌缩为一个黑洞,也可能形成一颗密度极大的中子星。 yeeyan

Also called30 Doradus, the red and pink gas indicates a massive emission nebula, although supernova remnants and dark nebula also exist there.
也被称为剑鱼座30,红色和粉色气体标示一个大质量发射星云,尽管这儿也存在着超新星遗迹和暗星云。 yeeyan

At times, enough gas builds up for the dwarf to collapse, leading its carbon to fuse nearly instantly and the dwarf to explode in a Type I supernova, which can outshine a galaxy for a few months.
有时,足够的气体会积累起来导致这颗矮星发生坍缩,使得它的碳原子几乎能立即聚合,而爆炸成为 I类超新星,它在几个月内的亮度能超过一个星系。 yeeyan

At the very end of their lives, they explode in as a supernova.
在每颗星星生命的末尾,他们将会爆炸成为一颗超新星。 ebigear

At that point, the system would experience a special kind of supernova.
到了在这个阶段,这个系统会成为一种特殊类型的超新星。 yeeyan

At this point the pressure at its center will become so great that runaway fusion occurs and the star will detonate in a thermonuclear supernova.
在这个极限点上,其中心压力将变得如此巨大,以至于爆发失控的核聚变,而恒星则爆炸成为热核爆炸型超新星。 yeeyan

Bigger stars go out with a bang— those with more than10 times the mass of our sun collapse with enough vigor to spark a supernova, one of the most energetic events in the universe.
比太阳更大恒星,将随着一声呯的爆炸而消失--这些星球约为太阳的10倍大小,这场崩塌伴随着巨大的能量释放,这就形成了超新星的爆发--宇宙中最具能量的事件。 yeeyan

Britain's first Astronomer Royal, John Flamsteed, is believed to have observed the supernova that spawned it in 1680.
据说英国首任皇家天文学家约翰·弗兰斯蒂德观察到这颗产生于1680年的超新星。 yeeyan

By2011 debris in the center of the ring, which is about a light- year in diameter, was blazing more intensely as the supernova entered a new stage of stellar demise.
到2011年为止,因为这个超新星进入了星球消亡的新阶段,所以这环物质中心直径大约是一光年的碎片燃烧的更加强烈了。 yeeyan

Can you find, in the above image, a comet, a spiral galaxy, an open star cluster, and a supernova remnant?
在上面图中,你能找到:一彗星,一旋涡星系,一疏散星团和一超新星遗迹吗? yeeyan

However, if the supernova remnant exceeds three solar masses, conventional physics suggests a black hole should be left behind.
然而,如果超新星的残核大于三个太阳质量,按常规物理法则来说,就将成为黑洞。 yeeyan

Like its cousin in astrophysical waters the Crab Nebula supernova remnant, IC443 is known to harbor a neutron star, the remnant of the collapsed stellar core.
就象它的近亲,在天空水域同样是超新星遗迹的蟹状星云, IC443包含一颗中子星——恒星核坍缩的残余。 yeeyan

Massive stars end their lives with supernova explosions that spray the heavy elements into space, where they are incorporated into the next generation of stars and help seed the formation of planets.
大质量恒星在超新星爆发中结束了自己的生命并将重元素喷洒进太空中,它们将在那里重新结合成下一代的恒星及其周围的行星。 yeeyan

Most recently, those crazy scientists have even recreated a' supernova' in a test tube!
最近,那些疯狂的科学家们甚至在试管里搞出一个“超新星”! yeeyan

One was the Supernova Cosmology Project, at the University of California, Berkeley, led by Saul Perlmutter.
一个是超新星宇宙学项目,在美国伯克莱加州大学被索尔•珀尔玛特所领导。 ecocn

The brightest supernova in400 years resembles a cosmic string of pearls.
最亮的超新星在400年内类似于一串宇宙珍珠。 yeeyan

The girl from the Canadian province of New Brunswick is the youngest person ever to discover a supernova, an exploding star.
这位来自加拿大新不伦瑞克省的女孩成为了史上最年轻的超新星——爆炸中的恒星——的发现者。 yeeyan

The other was the High-z Supernova Search Team, an international project led by Brian Schmidt and involving Adam Riess, both of Harvard University.
另一个是高红移超新星搜寻团队,一个布莱恩•施密特领导的项目包括亚当•黎斯,两人都是哈佛大学的。 ecocn

The companion star had apparently survived the original supernova explosion that created the black hole.
图中这颗伴星显然从创造黑洞的超新星爆发中幸存下来。 yeeyan

The nebula is a large supernova remnant, an expanding cloud born of the death explosion of a massive star.
该星云是超新星的遗迹,是一个大质量的恒星死亡爆炸时的扩散云气形成的。 yeeyan

This suggests the object is a black hole being fed either by material falling into it from the supernova or a binary companion.
这显示这个天体是一个黑洞,正吞噬这颗超新星或一个双子伴星落下的物质。 hjenglish

This told them it was probably a supernova, and the readings for light energy absorbed by the object and heat dissipated by it strongly implied it was surrounded by dust.
这个发现告诉天文学家,这个天体大概是个超新星,从被这个天体吸收的光能读数和急速散去的热量表示她被尘埃所包围着。 yeeyan

When a blue giant star in the Tarantula region went supernova, seen on the night of February23,1987, it captured the attention of astronomers worldwide.
1987年2月23日晚,当蜘蛛星云区域内的一颗蓝巨星被观测到已成了超新星时,它引起全世界天文学家的关注。 yeeyan




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