

单词 superman
释义 su·per·man 英ˈsuːpəˌmæn美ˈsupɚˌmænAHDs›“pər-măn' ☆☆☆☆☆COCA²⁰¹⁷¹BNC³⁵²⁹³iWeb¹⁸¹⁹⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a person with great powers and abilitiesstreet name for lysergic acid diethylamidesuperman 一词是1903年由英国剧作家萧伯纳George Bernard Shaw,1856-1950通过他的剧作 Man and Superman 《人与超人》引进英语的。它直接译自创立“超人哲学”的德国哲学家尼采Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche,1844-1900杜撰的 übermensch。尼采哲学中的 übermensch 是指通过选拔和淘汰进化而成的理想之人或完人。他在《扎拉图斯如是说》Thus Spake Zarathustra,1883中特别加以引用。若按字面直译,本应作“overman”或“beyondman”,但萧伯纳不喜欢 üermensch 一词的读音,所以 über 这一部分就改用拉丁前缀super- 来译。1938年美国一本连坏画以superman 为名,主角是一位名叫 Clark Kent 的superman 。嗣后,superman 又成为电视系列片乃至电影的片名和主角。这个词就是这样地得到了普及。随之而来,英语出现了许多冠以前缀super- 的新名词,如 superwoman 女超人,superstar 超级明星等。super-超man男人⇒n.超人⁹⁴;有非凡才能的人n.能力非凡的人;具有超常能力的人近义词 zen禅acid酸dot少量hero英雄idol偶像dose剂量pane窗玻璃champion拥护者Ubermensch超人conqueror征服者demigod半神半人window pane窗玻璃Elvis埃尔维斯男子名…battery-acid电池用酸液

用作名词He often dresses up as asuperman.他经常把自己装扮成超人。
Superman came to earth on a rocket ship.超人坐着装备火箭的舰船来到地球。
Next to Superman and batman, I guess he must seem tame.比起超人和蝙蝠侠,我想他是软弱的。
I, like Superman, can fly to any place in the world.就像超人一样,我也可以飞到世界上任何地方。
He's a kind of intellectualsuperman.他是智力超常的人。 In which case, you're the Superman these kids are waiting for.
那样的话,你就成为了这些孩子一直在等待的“超人”。 yeeyan

In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman somewhere.
《宋飞传》的每一集总会在某个地方出现一个超人。 yeeyan

In every episode of Seinfeld there was a Superman somewhere in the picture.
情景喜剧《宋飞传》的每一集中都有超人的身影出现在画面中。 yeeyan

Lu Xinwen, a19-year-old business major at Nanjing University, thinks his generation might be the one to make a Chinese Superman.
卢新文,19岁,就读于南京大学国际贸易专业,他认为或许他们这一代可以创造出中国的超人。 iciba

So, Superman zips down, takes advantage of the situation and flies away at the speed of light.
想到这儿,超人拉开拉链,瞅准机会占了便宜,然后以光速飞走了。 yeeyan

We’ve rarely been where All- Star Superman takes the character, in comics and especially in film.
我们很少能像《全明星超人》这样把握好角色,在漫画中也好,特别是在电影中更是如此。 yeeyan

After some nasty experiences with investment in the west, “ caution” points to going on with the traditional purchases of US bonds rather than a superman act.
经过一些恶劣的经历,在西方投资,将会是继续带着传统的“谨慎”观念购买美国债券,而不是进行超人的行为。 yeeyan

Along the way, Superman deals with all manner of distractions designed by Morrison to pay homage to past comics and flesh out the character’s infinite possibilities.
一路上,超人应付了莫里森设计的一切麻烦,以此向过去的漫画致敬,并将角色的无穷可能变得有血有肉了。 yeeyan

But if teachers and scientists talk about Spiderman or Superman, lay people tend to ask questions and might actually remember some principles of quantum mechanics or Newton's Second Law.
不过如果老师谈论的是蜘蛛侠或超人,这些学生提问的兴趣就会大大增加,甚或记住量子力学的几个原理和牛顿第二运动定律。 yeeyan

But it seems Superman isn't the only being with the gift of quickness.
但似乎超人并不是这世上唯一拥有这种快速能力的人。 yeeyan

For example, some of us want to be the superman to beat the evil persons for justice or be a famous scientist to do many interesting experiments and invent significant things like Newton and Edison.
例如,我们一些希望成为超人击败正义邪恶的人或者是一个著名的科学家做了许多有趣的实验,像牛顿,爱迪生发明意义的事情。 ebigear

He is neither the man the western media depict, nor the superman the Cuban media sometimes present.
他既不同于西方媒体所描绘的那样,也不是古巴媒体展现给民众的超人。 yeeyan

I don't think they have created a superman or superwoman serum yet, so if you want to feel balanced you need to make your choices.
我不觉得他她们已经创造出了超人或女超人血清,所以如果你想要感到安定,你需要做出自己的选择。 yeeyan

In contrast, Lamb said the boys could look up to the old-style heroes such as Superman, “ because outside of their costumes they were real people with real problems and many vulnerabilities”.
相比之下,兰姆教授说,男孩们可以去参考老式的英雄,比如超人,“因为在他们的装束之外,他们是实在的人,有实在的问题和许多的弱点。” oobang

Lo, I teach you the Superman: he is that lightning, he is that frenzy!
大家注意啦,我教你们什么是超人:他就是那闪电,他就是那疯狂! yeeyan

Lo, I teach you the Superman: he is that sea; in him can your great contempt be submerged.
大家注意啦,我教你们什么是超人:他就是那大海;你们的大轻蔑可以被淹没在他之中。 yeeyan

Many of the problems with today's education system are documented in the media with films like Waiting for Superman and2121.
今天教育系统的很多问题都在传媒中有所反映比如说电影等待超人和2121。 yeeyan

Not if it turns out that you are this planet’s Superman.
如果事实证明你就是这个星球的超人,那我就没胡说。 yeeyan

Sam Spiegel told me, you have the job of Superman!
萨姆•斯皮格尔跟我说,你要做超人的工作! ecocn

Sure, I felt better every day, but it's not like I was walking around like I was Superman after making significant strides in becoming the person I was meant to be.
当然,每天我都感觉比昨天有进步。但并不是说,当我向着自己希望的方向迈出一大步以后,就觉得自己连走路都像超人。 yeeyan

They classed him as a superman.

We believe everyone has the powers of Superman, the guy from the Planet Krypton.

What is the difference between man and Superman?
普通人和超人的区别是什么? www.chinadaily.com.cn

When he’s freed from the Matrix, Neo proves himself as The One by fighting evil Agents and flying about like Superman.
在他逃离矩阵时,尼奥就向世人证明他是那个唯一可以对抗邪恶特工且能像超人那样飞的人。 yeeyan

Superman keeps a lost and lonely Sun-Eater as a pet, while hammering tiny suns and galaxies into being to feed the octopus- like creature’s galactic hunger.
超人依然养了一只走失而孤独的食日者作宠物,不过满足这个章鱼一样的生物星系级胃口的是敲碎的小恒星和星系。 yeeyan

Superman protects people in the subway train.
地铁中的超人在保护人们。 kekenet




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