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词汇 superconductivity
释义 su·per·con·duc·tiv·i·ty 英ˌsuːpəˌkɒndʌkˈtɪvɪtiː美ˌsupɚˌkɑndʌkˈtɪvɪtiAHDs›”pər-kŏn'dŭk-tĭvʹĭtē ☆☆☆☆☆高SCOCA⁴⁶³⁷⁴BNC⁴⁶⁶¹⁵iWeb³⁸⁷²³

the disappearance of electrical resistance at very low temperaturessuperconductivity memory超导存储器
用作名词Consequently, it cannot be the cause of thesuperconductivity.因此,它无法成为超导性质的起因。
Operating on the borderline ofsuperconductivityand ordinary conductivity, they produce immense amplification.它们在超导性和普通导电性的临界线上操作,产生巨大的放大效果。 The fractional angular momentum would lead to the fractional quantization of magnetic flux which does not contradict the theory of superconductivity and the result of previous experiments.
分数角动量的存在必然导致分数磁通量子化,而分数磁通量子化和超导理论以及迄今为止的实验结果不相矛盾。 cnki

The water ethanol mixtures didn’t have much of an effect, but the drinks did induce superconductivity— red wine best of all.
水-乙醇混合溶剂并没有发挥多大的效力,但是这些酒精饮料确实能够诱发超导性,其中以红酒的诱导性最好。 yeeyan

To find the reason of which will help to explain such How useful for small structures superconductivity.
找到其中的缘由将有助于解释如此小的构造是如何有用超导性的。 yeeyan

“ The superconductivity is like a plant, ” says Bianconi. “ It needs a certain minimum intensity of light and then it grows over time.”
“超导电性就像一株植物一样,” Bianconi说,“它有一个所需光强度的下限,在此下限之上它才能生长。” yeeyan

A branch of electronics concerned with the study and application of superconductivity and other low-temperature phenomena for electronic devices and systems.
电子学的一个分支,研究超导和其它低温现象及它们在电子设备和系统中的应用。 iciba

Consequently, it cannot be the cause of the superconductivity.

His1972 discoveries on superconductivity have enabled the use of CAT and MRI scans in medicine.
1972年,他又再次发现超导体,并在医疗 CAT和 MRI扫描设备上使用。 yeeyan

If that is true, it could completely change the way physicists look at superconductivity, said Hudson.
如果真的这样,那么物理学家将完全改变对超导的看法,哈德森如是说。 yeeyan

In 1959, just2 years after physicists worked out that explanation for superconductivity, some of them proposed that similar pairing may happen inside incredibly hot, hugely pressurized neutron stars.
1959年,就在物理学家解释了超导现象两年之后,其中一些物理学家提出在超高温,超高压的中子星内存在相似的成对现象。 yeeyan

Jaguar recently achieved sustained performance of more than 1.3 petaflops while churning out calculations on superconductivity and has hit a peak speed of 1.64 petaflops, the lab said.
橡树岭实验室表示,在近期的超导性能研究实验中,“美洲豹”的持续运算速度达到了每秒130万亿次,峰值速度达到了每秒164万亿次。 yeeyan

Japanese researchers discovered that hot alcoholic beverages induce superconductivity in iron-based compounds.
日本研究者发现热酒精饮料能诱发铁基化合物中的超导性能。 hjenglish

Operating on the borderline of superconductivity and ordinary conductivity, they produce immense amplification.
它们在超导性和普通导电性的临界线上操作,产生巨大的放大效果。 kuenglish

Ordinary superconductivity is weird to begin with.
普通超导现象的出现就是奇异的。 yeeyan

The researchers say the next step is to analyze the beverages to figure out just what's inducing superconductivity.
研究者称,下一步要对饮料进行分析,找出是什么物质诱发了超导性。 hjenglish

The researchers say the next step is to analyze the beverages to figure out just what’s inducing superconductivity.
研究人员称,下一步就是分析酒饮料,找到到底是什么诱发了超导性。 yeeyan

The emergence of superconductivity in certain metals when cooled below a critical temperature is an example of a phase transition.
当温度降至临界温度以下,某些金属会突然失去电阻,出现超导现象,这就是相变的一个例子。 yeeyan

The Josephson junction, a device that was first discovered by Brian David Josephson in the early 1960s, is a main ingredient in applications of superconductivity.
布赖恩·戴维·约瑟夫逊于上世纪60年代发现了约瑟夫结,这是超导的一项主要应用。 yeeyan

There is a standard theory of superconductivity, discovered about50 years ago, that has worked well for most of the so-called conventional superconductors.
50年前就发展了一套超导体的标准理论,能够很好的介绍常规超导体。 yeeyan

They knew it had something to do with electron behavior during the so-called pseudogap phase, a temp range where superconductivity breaks down.
他们认为这可能与在所谓的赝能隙相位期间的电子活动有关,而室温处在这段超导电性受到破坏的温度范围内。 yeeyan

This state, known as the pseudogap, is poorly understood, but physicists have long believed that characterizing the pseudogap is important to understanding superconductivity.
这种状态即赝隙,尽管至今对其了解甚少,但是物理学家们一直相信,分析赝隙对理解高温超导十分关键。 yeeyan

We present a scenario for the gap symmetry observed in newly discovered unconventional superconductivity of Fe-based layered compound.
我们对解释新发现的铁基化合物中的超导体能隙对称性提出一个方案。 hanspub




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