

单词 supercharge
释义 su·per·charge 英ˈsuːpəˌtʃɑːdʒ美ˈsupɚˌtʃɑrdʒAHDs›“pər-chärj' 高COCA¹⁰⁹⁷⁵⁷BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹iWeb²⁹⁷³¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
increase or raise;

boost the voltage in an electrical circuit

increase the pressure on a gas or liquidsupercharge load超载supercharge pump增压泵supercharge loading超载,过载supercharge pressure进气压力
super-超-charge⇒vt.过份给与⁵⁰;以增压器增强⁵⁰词根记忆super+chrage收费,负担=负担过重近义词 load负荷boost提高color颜色modify修改charge责任colour颜色amplify扩大advance前进overload使超载pressurize增压soup up加大马力power up 使 … 运作hype夸大的广告宣传…overdo做或表现得过分…pressurise 对 … 施加压力…
And producing ideas in isolated skunk works ignores the basic reason for working for a big company in the first place—to use its superior resources to supercharge what you are doing.
“臭鼬工厂”在孤立中寻找创新,造成这样的结果,是由于他们忽略了在大公司中工作首先要注意的基本事项,就是利用优越的资源条件为自身工作加码。 ecocn

And we certainly can't ignore or withdraw from CONCORD unless we want to supercharge the current chaos.
我们当然不能忽视或退出康科德,除非我们想增压目前的混乱局面。 tianya

The anti- scuffing function should be enhanced simultaneously in the design of supercharge and cylinder diameter enlargement.
柴油机的增压与扩缸设计中,同时应当考虑增强气缸壁的抗擦伤能力。 cnki

The combination of Google and Motorola will not only supercharge Android, but will also enhance competition and offer consumers accelerating innovation, greater choice, and wonderful user experiences.
Google和摩托罗拉的结合不仅将进一步强化 Android,也将增加竞争,为消费者提供加速的创新,更多的选择和完美的用户体验。 yeeyan

Combination will Supercharge Android, Enhance Competition, and Offer Wonderful User Experiences.
此次联合能够完善安卓系统,增强竞争力,为用户带来完美体验。 yeeyan

For instance, the northern Indian Ocean has warmed2 degrees Fahrenheit1.1 degrees Celsius since the1970s. Warmer water releases more moisture into the air, which can supercharge monsoon rains.
比如,从1970年代开始,北印度洋温度增加了华氏2度摄氏1.1度。更热的海水像空气中释放更多的潮气,这增加了季风降雨。 com

For the supercharge design causes the deterioration of lubrication circumstances, consequently the reliability of the engine are affected, these should be recognized in the supercharge design.
因增压后活塞润滑能力降低,并且摩擦功耗增加,会对整机的可靠性产生影响,这些都应当在增压改进设计时予以重视。 cnki

Given Android’s phenomenal success, we are always looking for new ways to supercharge the Android ecosystem.
鉴于 Android的巨大成功,我们一直在寻找新的方式来强化Android生态系统。 yeeyan

Here's a surprising way to supercharge any diet--and your health: Chug a glass of low- sodium vegetable juice every day.
有一个意想不到的办法能大大改变任何饮食习惯、也能改变你的健康:那就是每天扎一杯低纳蔬菜汁给自己。 hjenglish

In this article, I’ve gathered9 famous quotes that will not only supercharge your day and make you wise, but also inspire you to go after your wildest dreams and aspirations.
在这篇文章中,我收集了9句名言,这9句名言不仅能够给你生活鼓劲,使你更具智慧,而且能鼓励你去追求那疯狂的梦想和抱负。 yeeyan

Simulation of three complex supercharge systems in common use;
常用的三种复合增压系统的模拟; cnki

The acquisition, to“ supercharge” the Android mobile OS, has the approval of both companies' boards and is expected to close by the end of this year or early2012.
此次收购获得了双方董事会的认可,将于今年年底或明年年初完成交接。今后双方将会给谷歌的安卓操作系统提供更多支持。 kle100

The paper mainly deals with a calculating method for simulation of the complex supercharge system for two-stroke diesel engine. The contents include:1. Basic assumption and differential equations;
本文着重论述二冲程柴油机复合增压系统的模拟计算方法,其主要内容包括:1。基本假设和微分方程; cnki

The paper compares and researches centrifugation method, supercharge method, vacuum method, electrostatic method, etc.
文章主要从离心法、增压法、真空法、静电法等几种方法来进行研究和比较。 dictall

The application of supercharge and intercooling in the TR is forecasted. The results show that supercharge reduces smoke by6% but increases NO by 75%.
对 TR燃烧系统应用增压和增压中冷进行预测,采用增压可使碳烟排放降低6%,但 NO升高75%。 cnki

There is less leverage to supercharge returns. Some previously money- spinning activities are shadows of their former selves.
寻求过度回报的杠杆也降低了,一些先前以金钱交易为中心的商业活动也成了他们以前自我的一个屏障。 bdza

They supercharge the functionality of profiles and simplify application of stereotypes.
它们执行概要文件的功能,并简化了构造型的程序。 ibm

When a dramatic difference is combined with an overt benefit and a genuine reason to believe, you can literally supercharge your sales.
如果能在醒目的差异之外,再加上明显的好处与真实可靠的理由,公司业绩自然就会快速起飞。 jukuu

Supercharge your memory with a unique and fun match game for everyone!
增压你的记忆了一个独特的乐趣的足球游戏大家! tompda




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