

单词 superannuation
释义 su·per·an·nu·a·tion ˌsju:pəˌrænjuˈeiʃən ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA¹⁹¹⁷⁶⁶BNC²³⁹³⁷iWeb¹²²⁶¹

a monthly payment made to someone who is retired from workthe property of being out of date and not currentthe act of discharging someone because of age especially to cause someone to retire from service on a pensionsuper-,超过,-ann,年,词源同 annual.比喻用法,超过工作年限,引申词义退休金,养老金。superannuation scheme英国实行的退职年金制…
方振宇词汇奥秘super超过+ann年→年龄+u连接字母+ation名词后缀→年老退休super超过+ann年→年龄+u连接字母+ation名词后缀⇒年老退休近义词 leaving离开departure出发retirement退休obsoleteness废弃old-age pension退休金retirement pension退休金retirement benefit退休金retirement fund资产换置基金,退休基金…

用作名词The union pressed for asuperannuationscheme.协会缺乏一个退休金体制。as in.golden handshake
同义词 emeritus status,golden handcuffs,golden parachute,pensioning off,putting out to pastureas in.pension
同义词 allowance,annuity,grant,payment,premium,retirement account,reward,social security,subsidygift,IRA,subvention,support
golden handshakenoun retirement payout
emeritus status,golden handcuffs,golden parachute,pensioning off,putting out to pasture
pensionnoun benefits paid after retirement
IRA,allowance,annuity,gift,grant,payment,premium,retirement account,reward,social security,subsidy,subvention,superannuation,support In current, in the supervision of the superannuation fund the problems are legal system, management system and supervision system still have many defects.
目前中国养老保险基金监管工作中存在以下问题:监管法律体系不健全; fabiao

The superannuation fund is the essential part of pension fund, which is very important for the performance of social insurance system.
养老保险基金是社会保险基金的重要组成部分,它的运行好坏对于社会保险制度的有效运行起到至关重要的作用。 fabiao

Employers there are required to contribute 9% set to rise to12% in 2019 of an employee’s salary to a superannuation account.
澳大利亚的雇主存雇员工资的9%2019年将上升到12%进入他们的养老金账户。 ecocn

In order to under market economy's condition, realizes the superannuation fund inflation-proofing and appreciation as far as possible.
以便在市场经济的条件下,尽可能地实现养老基金保值增值。 boshuo

Inflation and unemployment grew in the 1970s, and government spending on social welfare increased with the introduction of National Superannuation in 1976 and a range of other income support measures.
在20世纪70年代,通货膨胀和失业率人数增长,随着1976年国际退休金和其他收入支持措施,政府在社会福利的消费增加了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Michael Davison, CPA Australia's superannuation policy adviser, stresses the need to check your super.
迈克尔戴维森,澳洲会计师的年金政策顾问强调要检查你的超级。 iask.sina.com.cn

Offering life insurance and total and permanent disability cover with superannuation can help attract and retain employees.
提供人寿保险、意外伤残保险和养老保险等有助于吸引和留住雇员。 blog.sina.com.cn

One of the most inspired was superannuation, a long word meaning private pension provision that the all- abbreviating Aussies call their“ super”.
最成功之一是退休金政策,这一个长词指的是个人退休保障基金,澳洲人惯用其简略词“超级”。 ecocn

Personal Financial Planning& Superannuation.
个人财务规划与退休金。 chinaacc

Should they consider life insurance, health insurance, or superannuation for retirement?
他们应该为人寿保险,医疗保险,或者是退休金发愁吗? tianya

When will Australia's superannuation funds wake up to what foreign investors see in Australia?
澳大利亚的退休基金什么时候会像外国人在澳大利亚看到的那样引人注意? cowinfo

Superannuation is payable at a minimum of 9 per cent of each eligible employee's earnings base.
每个合格的员工至少应按照他们基本工资9%的比例获得退休金。 www.1x1y.com.cn

Superannuation is a new thing in China.
企业年金在中国是个新生事物。 cnki




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