

单词 Sun Zhongshan
释义 Sun Zhongshan
In my opinion, we should go to see theSun ZhongshanMausoleum.依我看,我们应该去瞻仰中山陵。
Sun Zhongshanwas a forerunner of democracy revolution in modern times China.孙中山是近代中国民主革命的先驱。
Get on the campus bus at the Statue of Mr.Sun Zhongshanstop, and get off at Shaw Humanities Museum Stop.在中山像站上车,逸夫人文馆站下车即到。
Get on the campus bus at the Statue of Mr.Sun Zhongshanstop, and get off at West Lake Hotel Stop.在中山像站上车,西湖苑站下车即到。
Deng Xiaoping accedes and developedSun Zhongshanthe reasonable element in industrial plan.邓小平继承并发展了孙中山实业计划中的合理因素。
After a period of depression, Sun Hongyi andSun Zhongshanworked together and collaborate politically for a long time.在经历短暂的消沉后,孙洪伊与孙中山及国民党人走到一起,并在政治上长期合作。




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