

单词 sun set
释义 sun set短语³³⁵⁵³

名词 sunset:
the time in the evening at which the sun begins to fall below the horizonatmospheric phenomena accompanying the daily disappearance of the sunthe daily event of the sun sinking below the horizon
形容词 sunset:
of a declining industry or technologyproviding for termination From a settee on a stage, as evening fell, he watched the sun set over the mountains.
随着夜幕降临,坤沙坐在一个高台的靠背椅上,凝望着红日降落于重重山脉的背后。 ecocn

Earlier, they could not do much once the sun set. Now, the sun is used differently.
以前一旦日落他们便有很多事情不能做,现在太阳的使用不同了。 topsage

I felt a profound sense of irony as I watched the sun set from the penthouse suite of a five-star hotel with the son of a dictator, both of us wondering what our fates would be.
当我和独裁者的儿子一起从五星级酒店的顶楼套房看着日落的时候,我感到一种极大的讽刺,我们俩都在想象会有什么样的命运。 yeeyan

It's the perfect spot for flying a kite, romantic walks or simply relaxing with a picnic and watching the sun set over the city.
放风筝,来一个浪漫的散步,仅仅一个休闲野餐,或者看这个城市的日落,这里都将是一个完美的地方。 yeeyan

Less than two weeks ago, we were still at the cottage spending our early mornings swimming and our evenings spent having meals with extended family and watching the sun set over the lake.
不到两个星期前,我们还一起带在小木屋里,早晨我们就一起游泳,晚上和整个大家庭一起吃晚餐,一起在湖边看日落。 yeeyan

Reclining by the pool on the terrace, I watch the sun set over the wilderness.
躺在平台上的游泳池边,我目睹原野落日。 yeeyan

There aren’t many things more relaxing than watching the sun set from the view of my front porch on a warm summer night.
没什么比在夏天傍晚坐在自家的前廊里看日落更令人轻松的了。 blog.sina.com.cn

When the sun set, he lay down to sleep on a bed of leaves.
日落时,他便躺下来睡在树叶铺成的床上。 jukuu

While you're walking home with a head full of problems, try to notice the sun set the windows of the city on fire.
当你满腹心事,徒步归家时,试着去看看落日照射在玻璃窗上,映出火一般燃烧的城市。 dict




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