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词汇 Sunnis
释义 Sunnis
A good showing by the Sunnis, too few of whom voted in2005, could bring them back into the political mainstream, enabling them to wield serious power in their own provinces at least.
2005年时逊尼派几乎没有人参加选举,但如果积极参加本次选举,他们有可能重回政治主流,至少他们会在省内拥有庞大的权力。 ecocn

Death- squad killings of Sunnis would rise.
敢死队对逊尼派的杀戮会增加。 yeeyan

It took time for the Sunnis to realise they should be inside the political process.
逊尼派教徒认识到他们应该进入政治程序,要花时间; yeeyan

When they controlled the ministry of health four years ago in a previous coalition government, during the worst of Iraq’s sectarian violence, their snipers shot Sunnis from the roofs of hospitals.
四年前的上届联合政府中,他们控制了卫生部,在伊拉克最严重的宗教暴力冲突中,他们的狙击手从医院的屋顶射杀逊尼派。 ecocn

A group of Sunnis sympathetic to Mr Hussein are believed to be behind a series of spectacular suicide car- bombs that have struck Baghdad in the past six months.
一群对萨达姆表示同情的逊尼派分子,被认为制造了过去六个月里袭击巴格达一系列骇人听闻的自杀式汽车炸弹袭击。 ecocn

All the main non-sectarian alliances are headed by Shias, for Sunnis and Kurds have no chance of electing a prime minister.
所有主要的非教派联盟都是由什叶派领导的,因为逊尼派和库尔德根本就没有机会参加选举总理。 ecocn

Although the police have proved a disappointment, and are considered by many Sunnis to be little more than an arm of the militias, the army is a qualified success.
虽然警察带来了失望,被许多逊尼派认为是小菜一碟,顶多抵得上民兵力量的一条胳膊而已,但是军队取得了成功,能够胜任。 ecocn

Bashar enjoys the support not only of his fellow Alawis but also of many of the country's majority Sunnis, who welcome continued Assad rule because it promises stability and a secular society.
巴沙尔不仅有他的同胞阿里派的支持,还有国内占大多数的逊尼派的许多人的支持,逊尼派欣然接受继续阿萨德的统治是因为它承诺稳定和长期的社会。 yeeyan

But unlike Sunnis in Iraq, the Pashtun and the Taliban represent the majority of Afghans, at least in the south.
但不像伊拉克的逊尼派,至少在南部地区,普什图和塔利班代表绝大多数的阿富汗人。 yeeyan

He is widely admired for his shrewdness by both Shias and Sunnis, in Lebanon and the wider region.
他在黎巴嫩和更大范围上在什叶派和逊尼派内的群众基础广受称赞。 ecocn

He has also gained ground, even among Sunnis, by his increasingly acerbic attitude towards the Kurds, who many Arabs think have overreached themselves in the past few years.
由于对库尔德人越来越尖刻的态度——许多阿拉伯人认为他们在过去几年里自视太高——他甚至也在逊尼派中获得了支持。 ecocn

He knows he must tweak the constitution to ensure an equitable distribution of oil wealth and to reassure the Sunnis that federalism does not mean the end of Iraq.
他知道他必须调整宪法,以保证石油收入的公平分配,他必须说服逊尼派,让他们相信联邦制不意味着伊拉克的终结。 ecocn

He may get some votes from Sunnis who think he should be rewarded for stabilising the country after the sectarian bloodbath of2006.
他可能会得到一些逊尼派的投票,这些人认为他在2006年的宗派流血事件之后稳定了这个国家,应该得到奖赏。 ecocn

One survey in September found that61% of Iraqis— including a majority of Shias and almost all Sunnis— approved of attacks on coalition forces.
九月的一份调查发现,61%的伊拉克人,包括什叶派的绝大多数与几乎所有逊尼派,都赞成进攻联军。 ecocn

Privately, however, the Americans are increasingly unhappy about supporting a government that does not appear to be making enough effort to restrain Shia militias and reach out to the Sunnis.
然而私下里,美国人越发不满于支持这样一个政府,该政府似乎并未对抑制什叶派武装分子以及与逊尼派接触作出足够努力。 ecocn

Sectarian hatreds have deepened since that referendum of2005, as the wildly differing reactions of Shias and Sunnis to the hanging of Saddam Hussein demonstrated.
自2005年全民公投以来,教派仇恨加深了,对于绞死萨达姆,什叶派和逊尼派截然不同的反应就是明证。 ecocn

So we are not seeing deals with Pashtun groups that break with the Taliban, as we did with Sunnis in Iraq breaking with the insurgency there?
也就是说我们不会见到与脱离塔利班的普什图团体达成协议,就像我们在伊拉克跟脱离叛乱分子的逊尼派那样? yeeyan

That is better than last time, in2005, when the divide was between Shias, who voted en masse, and Sunnis, who largely boycotted the poll.
这还是比2005年的那次选举好,那一次国家分裂成全体参与投票的什叶派,还有大部分抵制选举的逊尼派。 ecocn

Thus they helped shift power in Iraq from the Arab- Sunnis to the Arab- Shiites, all the while strengthening Iran.
因此他们帮助了伊拉克从逊尼派到什叶派的权力转移,这始终在加强伊朗。 yeeyan

When he lived in the United States, he married a Jewish woman, although that marriage later fell apart. He has spoken to me warmly of Sunnis.
他生活在美国时,娶了一位犹太女人做妻子,虽然这段婚姻早已结束,但他曾经很热情地与我谈起过逊尼派。 yeeyan

Sunnis tend to carry out ambushes like the one that damaged an American tank in this Baghdad district a fortnight ago.
逊尼派准备发起一连串类似于两周前在巴格达街区摧毁美军坦克之类的伏击战。 topsage

Sunnis throughout the country have come to regret their decision to boycott past elections, in protest at the American occupation. Now they will at last secure fairer representation.
伊拉克全国的逊尼派已经后悔因反对美国占领而抵制过去举行的选举举动,现在,他们至少保证了更加公平的诉求。 ecocn




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