

单词 sunned
释义 sunned 英'sʌnd美'sʌnd COCA¹¹⁵⁴³³BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺

名词 sun:
the star that is the source of light and heat for the planets in the solar systemthe rays of the suna person considered as a source of warmth or energy or glory etcany star around which a planetary system revolvesfirst day of the week; observed as a day of rest and worship by most Christiansas in.bask
同义词 laze,loll,lounge,relax,sunbathesunswim in,toast oneself,warm oneself
反义词 cover,hideas in.heat
同义词 bake,boil,broil,grill,ignite,melt,reheat,roast,sear,steam,thaw,toast,warmbask,blaze,chafe,char,enkindle,fire,flame,flush,frizzle,fry,glow,incandesce,incinerate,inflame,kindle,oxidate,oxidize,perspire,scald,scorch,seethe,singe,smelt,sun,sweltercalorify,enflame,grow hot,grow warm,raise the temperature,set on fire,tepefy,warm up
反义词 freeze,put outcool And I sunned it with smiles.
用微笑来曝晒。 www.xiaoxiaoyuyan.tianyablog.com

The study has sunned up some theories concerning the subject through research on relevant literature.
一方面,通过大量文献研读,归纳相关的理论知识; qfpaper

A skink sunned itself on the rock that Igel had sat upon.
伊格尔坐过的石头上,一只小蜥蜴在晒太阳。 ebigear

But it does send the message of how lingerie could possibly save the planet, Masuda said, adding that the bra should not be washed or sunned on a rainy day to avoid damaging it.
但它的确能让人们认识到内衣也可以保护我们的地球。 此外,这种内衣不能洗涤或在雨天晾晒以避免损坏。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Each morning the same cast of colourful characters dragged their bodies to the pool, sunned themselves for eight hours and then made half- hearted resolutions to“ get out and explore tomorrow”.
每天上午人们穿着色彩缤纷的泳衣跳进泳池,晒上八个小时的太阳后才三心两意地决定“明天一定要出去探访一番。” yeeyan

Having been lying down in her clothes she was warm as a sunned cat.
她是和衣而卧的,所以身上暖暖的,像一只晒过太阳的猫。 hjenglish

Many children were playing close to the water, and we were sunned by their ignorance and daring.
好多小孩在水边玩耍,他们的无知和大胆令我吃惊。 blog.sina.com.cn

She didn't know to watch for the rock spiders as large as barn cats, and she didn't know where to look for the brown spotted lizards that sunned on certain rocks.
她不晓得如何防范岩蛛,这种蜘蛛比仓鼠的个头还大;也不晓得在什么样的岩石上,能够找到晒太阳的褐斑蜥蜴。 yeeyan

They split up, spread out, sunned themselves, bickered.
他们闹翻,舒展身躯晒太阳,他们斗嘴。 yeeyan




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