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sun·flow·er 英ˈsʌnˌflaʊə美ˈsʌnˌflaʊɚAHDsŭnʹflou'ər ★☆☆☆☆高ITCOCA¹⁸¹⁷²BNC⁴¹¹⁴²iWeb¹³⁰⁸⁰ 基本双解英英词源搭配记法近义反义句型例句例句 🌻n.向日葵¹⁰⁰复数sunflowers 常见花卉植物学
n.名词 C 向日葵;葵花a garden plant which grows very tall,with a large yellow flower and seeds which can be eaten or used for making cooking oil Noun: any plant of the genus Helianthus having large flower heads with dark disk florets and showy yellow rays向日葵又名朝阳花,因其花常朝着太阳而得名。英语称之为sunflower却不是因为它的这一特性,而是因为它的黄花形似太阳的缘故,虽然sunflower也多少带有“向日”的含义。sunflower 一词是16世纪到17世纪从拉丁语flos solisflos意为flower.solis意为sun借译过来的。向日葵的法语和意大利语名称tournesol,girasol同汉语名称一样,也是基于 “向日”这一特性来命名的。 Sunflower State堪萨斯州的别名…sunflower cataract向日葵样内障…sunflower oil向日葵油sunflower type relay葵发式继电器…sunflower cake葵子饼sunflower oil cake向日葵籽饼sunflower meal向日葵子油饼…sunflower rust向日葵锈病sunflower seed向日葵籽sunflower moth向日葵螟feeding sunflower饲用向日葵 蒋争熟词记忆sun太阳flower花⇒向日葵;向阳花钱博士sun太阳+flower花⇒向日葵sun太阳flower花⇒向日葵;向阳花近义词 helianthus向日葵 用作名词n.The sunflower turns towards the sun.葵花向太阳。 She is watering thesunflowers.她正给向日葵浇水。 名词100% 用作名词Thesunflowerturns towards the sun.向日葵向着太阳。 His smile looks like asunflower, so brilliant.他的笑灿烂的若盛开的向日葵。 The fertility of soil had a great influence on organ balance ofsunflower.土壤肥力对向日葵的器官平衡有较大影响。 The oil can come from animal fat or plant sources like avocado, coconut or sunflower. 油可以来自动物脂肪或者植物来源,比如鳄梨椰子或者向日葵。 kekenet “ I am what you need, ” said a golden sunflower. “我就是你们要找的,”一朵金色的向日葵说到。 kekenet A bumblebee draws nectar from an Arizona sunflower. Many bumblebee species are in decline, mainly because of habitat loss and likely due to introduced pathogens. 一只大黄蜂正在一株亚利桑那向日葵上吸取花蜜。很多种类的大黄蜂其数量都在减少,这主要归咎于栖息地的丧失和病原体的引入。 yeeyan All nature rejoiced, and it was decided that the birds would each take one sunflower seed and that they would fly over every nation and plant the seed in the earth as a gift. 所有的生物都欣喜了并决定由鸟儿一人衔一颗向日葵的种子,飞便所有的国家并洒下种子作为地球的礼物。 kekenet And the cow-punchers are human traffickers, pushing them into the river on flimsy dinghies or across fields of sunflower and garlic. 而这些“赶牛人“是人贩子,把移民放在不结实的小船上推入河中异或让他们通过种植向日葵和大蒜的田地。 ecocn Cherries, sunflower and flax seeds have traces of this hormone. 樱桃,向日葵籽和亚麻籽都含有这种荷尔蒙。 yeeyan Common Cooking Oils: Safflower, soy, sunflower, corn, and cottonseed. These oils promote inflammation and are made with cheaper ingredients. 普通食用油:红花、大豆、向日葵、玉米、棉籽,这些榨出来的油会引发炎症,它们是由便宜的原料制成的。 yeeyan Do you know how to turn a simple sunflower seed into a piece of delicious meat? 你知道怎么把一个简单的向日葵花籽变成一片片美味的肉吗? yeeyan Every time you look at a sunflower, the whole world starts to smile. 每当你看着向日葵,整个世界也跟着笑逐言开起来。 ebigear From Columbia and Venezuela to northwestern Argentina and everywhere in between, this distant relative of the sunflower remains a traditional favorite. 来自哥伦比亚和委内瑞拉,阿根廷和西北地区,或者在这些地方之间的地区是传统上种向日葵最好的地方。 yeeyan Goldfinches like thistle seeds, hulled sunflower seeds, and oil-type sunflower seeds. 金翅雀喜欢蓟的种子、带壳向日葵籽和向日葵油籽。 yeeyan Polyunsaturated fats include sunflower oil, corn oil and soy oil. 多不饱和脂肪包括葵花子油,玉米油和豆油。 yeeyan Seeds, such as sunflower or pumpkin, are an option. 种仁,如葵花籽或南瓜籽,是不错的选择。 yeeyan That means reducing consumption of omega-6 oils—those found in maize, sunflower, olive and most other seed oils. 那就是说, 我们要减少欧米茄6的消耗量.欧米茄6通常存在于玉米油,向日葵油,橄榄油和其他植物籽油里. ecocn The gods were deeply touched and changed her into a sunflower. 众神为她的痴情所深深打动,将她变成了一株向日葵。 ebigear The sun is yellow, the moon is yellow, the stars are yellow. Every time you look at a sunflower, the whole world starts to smile. 太阳是黄色的,月亮是黄色的,星星是黄色的,每一次你看向日葵的时候,整个世界都开始欢笑。 ebigear The striking, yellow50 guilder note features a sunflower prominently. 动人的黄色50荷兰盾,其中向日葵最显眼。 yeeyan The Sunflower had not started where I saw the stalk begin. It actually had begun under a big rock and grown under and around it to reach the sun. 这株向日葵并不是从我看到的茎梗出开始生长,而实际上是从一块大石头下开始,从下面并绕过石头生长而伸向太阳。 yeeyan These reports from clinics have also thrown up a surprising new player: sunflower-seed allergy. 这些来自诊所的报告还推出了一个令人吃惊的新手:葵花子过敏。 yeeyan They gave their goodness to the world so that everyone who sees a sunflower will know that the golden light of peace is beautiful. 人们把善良给予世界,让每个人都能看到向日葵代表金色和平的美丽花朵。 kekenet We pull onto a dirt road through a sunflower field, heading towards the abyss, and find the jagged shoreline and a lonely parking lot. 我们沿着葵花地里的一条土路往里开,一直来到悬崖边上,看见了崎岖的海岸线,还见到一个荒凉的停车场。 yeeyan Weeks passed and as I made my way back to the mystery plant, it appeared to be a Sunflower. 几个星期之后,当我再一次回到神秘植物边时,它很像一棵向日葵。 yeeyan Why are the florets in a sunflower arranged in a double spiral? 为什么葵花的小花呈双螺旋型排列呢? ecocn Sunflower seeds are rich in iron and low in saturated fat. 向日葵种子富含铁和低饱和脂肪。 yeeyan |