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词汇 sundarbans
释义 sundarbans
The fate of the Sundarbans is inextricably linked to the fate of its wildlife.
孙德尔本斯国家公园的命运和不可避免地和那里的野生动物的命运联系在一起。 yeeyan

The largest mangrove forest in the world, the Sundarbans, meaning “ beautiful forest” in Bengali, has never got the recognition it deserves.
孙德尔本斯,世界上最大的红树林,孟加拉语为“美丽的森林”,从来没有得到应有的承认。 yeeyan

“The Hungry Tide”, his previous work, drew plaudits for its portrayal of the beauty of the Sundarbans, the tide country of the Ganges delta.
在他之前的著作《饥饿的潮汐》中,对恒河三角洲时常潮起潮落的孙德尔本斯地区1就写得美轮美奂,从而赢得读者交口相赞。 ecocn

A delta at the mouth of the river Ganges, the Sundarbans spread across parts of Bangladesh and West Bengal, India.
它位于恒河河口三角洲,横跨孟加拉国和印度西部孟加拉邦。 yeeyan

Environmentalists describe the tiger's plight as a wake-up call to save the Sundarbans, which they agree saved tens of thousands of lives last November.
许多环境保护者认为这些老虎当前的境况为挽救孙德尔本斯国家公园敲响了警钟,去年11月他们要拯救在那里的成千上万的生命。 yeeyan

Every year, tigers kill50 people in the Indian Sundarbans alone, making it home to the highest number of tiger fatalities in the country.
每年,仅在印度一侧就有大约50人被老虎杀死,使得这里成为全国因老虎而死亡人数最高的地方。 zhaidou

Had the Sundarbans not taken the brunt of storm, the loss of life and property would have been significantly higher, according to specialists.
据专家说,如果不是孙德尔本斯国家公园抵挡住了暴风的力量,该地区生命和财产损失会更加严重。 yeeyan

In the Sundarbans, beeswax and honey are produced by wild bee swarms that build hives on branches, in tree holes and crevices.
在松达班,野蜂群在树杈、树洞和岩缝筑巢,生产蜂蜡和蜂蜜。 fao

It is adjacent to the border of India's Sundarbans World Heritage site inscribed in 1987.
它毗邻1987年确定的印度三达班世界遗产遗址。 hnlytg

Local specialists warned that the Sundarbans, already severely encroached upon by man, and affected by rising sea levels, could take up to30 years to regenerate.
当地专家警告说,孙德尔本斯国家公园已经严重受到人类活动的侵扰,并且受到逐渐升高的海平面的影响,这些破坏如果想要恢复原状的话至少需要30年时间。 yeeyan

The300-member force will be deployed mostly around the Sundarbans mangrove forests, one of the last refuges of the tigers.
这支三百人的部队主要将部署在孙德尔本斯红树林,这里是孟加拉虎最后的栖息地之一。 yeeyan




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