释义 |
Sunan 基本例句 苏南¹⁰⁰ Up to the mid-Ming, the development of theSunanregion featured the opening up of uncultivated lands.综合市镇的各种特质,显现直到明中叶为止的苏南地区,仍富有浓厚的拓殖性色彩。 The coal-bearing rocks of the Falagou well field ofSunanCounty in the middle segment of the Qilianshan Mt.位于祁连山中段的肃南县法拉沟井田,含煤岩系为晚石炭世浅海型海陆交互相含煤建造。 Subtypes ad-w and adr are the major types inSunanarea. S gene sepuence of HBV has its variability, especially in subtype adw.HBV-S基因序列存在多态性,其中adw亚型略为明显。 ABSTRACT: Based on the development of economy and society inSunanarea, this article analyzes the air freight bottleneck whichSunanarea faces.摘要:本文立足于苏南地区的经济和社会发展需求,分析了当前苏南地区面临的航空货运瓶颈问题; Objective To investigate the flea inSunanHuajian area of Gansu province,and provide scientific evidence for controlling fleas.目的调查了解甘肃省肃南县铧尖地区蚤类分布情况,为防治蚤类提供科学依据。 |