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sum up 英sʌm ʌp美sʌm ʌp ★★★☆☆高牛6研T短语¹³¹⁹³ 基本英英搭配近义反义例句Thesaurus例句 总结; 概括 会议记录
Verb: give a summary of;he summed up his results I will now summarize be a summary of;The abstract summarizes the main ideas in the paper determine the sum of;Add all the people in this town to those of the neighboring town sum up总结to sum up总而言之 近义词 add加sum金额tally帐total总的sketch速写itemize分列add up加起来summarize概述summarise概括resume重新开始tot小孩…tot up合计summate 数求 … 的…add together把 … 加起来…compute(用计算机或计数器计算… Let'ssum upour experience before going on.在继续做之前我们先来总结一下经验吧。 They get together regularly tosum uptheir work.他们经常碰头总结工作。 Now pleasesum upyour opinions in a few words.现在请把你的观点用几句话来概括一下。verb.form an opinion of;summarize 同义词 epitomize,examine,sumclose,conclude,condense,digest,estimate,get the measure of,inventory,put in a nutshell,recapitulate,review,size up,synopsize,total balanceverb make equal numerically adjust,audit,calculate,compute,count,enumerate,equate,estimate,figure,settle,square,tally,total compriseverb make up, consist of add up to,amount to,be composed of,be contained in,compass,compose,comprehend,constitute,contain,cover,embody,embrace,encircle,enclose,encompass,engross,form,hold,include,incorporate,involve,span,subsume,sum up,take in comprisesverb make up, consist of adds up to,amount to,be composes of,be contains in,compasses,composes,comprehends,constitutes,contains,covers,embodies,embraces,encircles,encloses,encompasses,engrosses,forms,holds,includes,incorporates,involves,spans,subsumes,sums up,takes in concludeverb decide, deduce add up to,adjudge,analyze,assume,be afraid,boil down to,collect,derive,draw,figure,gather,have a hunch,infer,intuit,judge,make,make out,presume,ratiocinate,reason,reckon,sum up,suppose,surmise,the way one sees it concludesverb decide, deduce achieves,brings down curtain,calls it a day,ceases,cinches,clinches,closes,closes out,completes,consummates,crowns,desists,draws to closes,ends,halts,knocks off,puts the lid on,puts to bed,rounds off,stops,terminates,tops off,ultimates,winds up,wraps up digestverb make shorter;abridge abbreviate,abstract,boil down,classify,codify,compress,condense,cut,cut down,cut to bone,decrease,epitomize,get to the meat,inventory,methodize,nutshell,put in a nutshell,reduce,shorten,sum,sum up,summarize,summate,survey,synopsize,systematize,tabulate,trim As the “ Year of China-India Friendship” draws to an end, can you sum up its main achievements? “中印友好年”快接近尾声,你能总结一下这所带来的主要成就吗? yeeyan So, to sum up, there are three main findings about you that come out in social psychology. 总结一下,在社会心理学里有三个,关于自我的主要发现。163 To sum up, we can see that the people involved are interested in finding a solution, even though it might take some time to implement and agree on one. 总结一下,我们看到有些人对解决这个问题有兴趣,但是可能还尚需时日才能搞定它。 infoq To sum up: The vision presentation is your essential calling card at the business level. 总结:愿景展示是你在业务层次上的一张必备名片。 yeeyan But it reflects reality: unless you can sum up your movie idea in a single sentence many producers will quickly pass. 不过这也反映出了一个事实:除非你能将你的电影创意用一句话总结出来,否则很少会有制片人注意你的东西。 yeeyan How do you sum up someone as complex as Roy Keane? 我们应该怎样来描述总结如此复杂的罗伊·基恩呢? yeeyan I struggled to sum up the confusing exchange. 我奋力总结出这个令人困惑的交换条件。 putclub.com If one had to sum up2009 in one sentence, it was the year in which elephants bred like rabbits. 如果要用一句话来总结2009年,那就是:这是大象像兔子一样繁殖的一年。 hjenglish Imagine trying to sum up the health of a person with a short list of “ negative” characteristics only. 你可以想象一下,如果仅仅使用少数几个“负面”特征来总结一个人的健康状况会是什么样子。 yeeyan Prosecutors will sum up in the case later on Monday, while the defence is scheduled to give its closing arguments on Tuesday. 检察机关将在周一的晚些时候对该案进行总结,同时,辩护方将在周二给予最后的陈述。 yeeyan So, in this diagram, I've tried to sum up all the current research on sea level rises. What will happen, when it will happen, and where the sea water is coming from. 所以,在这幅图中,我试着总结了所有目前关于海平面上升的研究,会发生什么,何时会发生以及海水是从哪来的。 yeeyan So to sum up my grandpa in a few words: no regrets, live and enjoy life to its fullest and be happy. 如果要总结我爷爷,那就是:了无遗憾,最大限度地享受生活,过得幸福。 yeeyan The blazing orange light from a UFO eloping through a living room door was the master image Steven Spielberg chose to sum up his entire film career. 从卧室门里潜逃出来的 UFO那耀眼的橘色光是史蒂芬斯皮尔伯格选作总结他整个电影生涯的代表形象。 yeeyan The time has come to sum up our discussion. 现在已经到了该总结我们这些念头的时候了。 yeeyan These words sum up all my thinking and I leave you with them. 这就是我今天的总结,也是留给你们的话。 yeeyan We hope that today's Lanting Forum will benefit from your wisdom and strength, sum up past experience and on that basis draw a blueprint for SCO's future development. 希望这次“蓝厅论坛”能够汇聚在座各位的智慧和力量,在总结历史经验的基础上,用心描绘出上海合作组织未来发展的蓝图。 ebigear |