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词汇 Batista
释义 Batista bɑ:'ti:stɑ:;fu:l'hensjɔ:
IN THE early hours of January1st1959, as New Year parties were in full swing in an otherwise unnaturally quiet Havana, Fulgencio Batista stole away.
1959年1月1日凌晨时分,古巴首都哈瓦那出奇地安静,新年舞会还沉浸于欢喜之中,而此时的富尔亨西奥•巴蒂斯塔却已只身潜逃。 ecocn

Mr Batista's pilot ensured we made a startlingly close acquaintance with the Son of God.
巴蒂斯塔先生的直升机确保我们以令人惊讶的距离见识了上帝之子。 yeeyan

Segura did confirm Sergio Batista will be in charge for the November19 friendly against Scotland in Glasgow.
他确认,11月19日在格拉斯哥对阵苏格兰的友谊赛将由巴蒂斯塔临时指挥。 yeeyan

The dictatorship of Batista, a former army sergeant, had become notorious for its corrupt brutality.
巴蒂斯塔是位前将军,然而他的暴政却因为腐败成性,残暴无比而臭名远扬。 ecocn

The US first imposed a trade embargo in1960, one year after Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and other revolutionaries overthrew the US- backed dictator Fulgencio Batista.
在菲德尔.卡斯特罗、切.格瓦拉和其他革命者推翻了美国支持的独裁者富尔亨西奥·巴蒂斯塔一年后,美国在1960年对其首次实施贸易禁令。 yeeyan

“ There are more people available who have the right skills and are well-educated, ” says Mr Batista.
“那里有更多的有技术和接受了良好将于的工人,” Batista说。 ecocn

“ You have to be where the cows are, ” says Wesley Batista, one of the founder’s sons, who runs the firm.
“工厂一定要在牛在的地方,”正在经营公司的其中一个公司创始人的儿子 Wesley Batista说。 ecocn

A woman who answered a phone number listed under Batista's name in Miami said she did not wish to comment on the case.
一位女士接听了登记在巴蒂斯塔名下的一个迈阿密地区的电话号码,但表示她不愿对此事做出评论。 yeeyan

Argentina coach Sergio Batista was no exception at this Copa America.
本届美洲杯,阿根廷主教练巴蒂斯塔也不例外。 yeeyan

But after the euphoria of toppling Batista in January1959, his friend proved indifferent to human rights and liberties.
在1959年1月尝到推翻巴蒂斯塔政权的喜悦之后,他的战友变得对待人权和自由漠不关心。 ecocn

Early last year he predicted that a Castro victory in Cuba would be followed by trials of Batista's followers.
去年早些时候,他预言卡斯特罗胜利后将审判巴蒂斯塔的追随者。 yeeyan

EIKE BATISTA, Brazil’s richest man, calls BNDES, the country’s state-owned development bank, “the best bank in the world”.
巴西首富 EIKE BATISTA说 BNDES国有发展银行是“世界上最好的银行”。 ecocn

He emerged as a key leader in the growing movement against dictator Fulgencio Batista.
他后来成为反对独裁者巴蒂斯塔运动的一名重要领导人。 ebigear

Its founder, José Batista Sobrinho, used to carry sides of beef on his back to market, according to a friend.
据其朋友讲,公司创建者何塞•巴蒂斯塔•索布里尼奥José Batista Sobrinho以前常常自己扛着几扇牛肉,到市场去卖。 ecocn

LeBlanc said Batista had his own security business and that “ he was in Mexico for business that wasn't associated with our company.”
李布朗称巴蒂斯塔也经营自己的安全业务,并且“他在墨西哥处理的业务与我公司无关。” yeeyan

Like all her six siblings, she initially supported the Cuban revolution against the regime of Fulgencio Batista.
她像自己的六位兄弟姐妹一样,在初期支持反对弗尔亨西奥·巴蒂斯塔政权的古巴革命。 yeeyan

Mr Batista’s three sons still control and run the company, although49% of it is publicly traded.
巴蒂斯塔的三个儿子仍掌管公司,并负责公司经营,虽然公司49%的股份已可公开交易。 ecocn

Ms Espín helped organise an urban uprising against Fulgencio Batista, Cuba's military dictator, who was overthrown by Fidel Castro in 1959.
埃斯品女士曾协助组织了一场反对古巴军事独裁者弗尔亨西奥•巴蒂斯塔 Fulgencio Batista的都市起义,1959年菲德尔•卡斯特罗推翻了他的独裁统治。 topsage

My father, Jose, had been a military policeman under Batista and was working in the palace when Castro’s forces invaded.
我的父亲,何塞,曾经是巴蒂斯塔政权下的一个宪兵,当卡斯特罗军侵入的时候他正在宫殿中工作。 yeeyan

Only in Nicaragua would the Sandinista guerrillas be successful, against a dictatorship not unlike Batista's.
只有尼加拉瓜的桑地诺解放阵线的革命是成功的,他们打击了一个与巴蒂斯塔不同的独裁统治。 ecocn

Some550 people more or less closely linked to Batista's regime were executed after show trials, a bloodbath in which Guevara played a particularly prominent role.
大约550与巴蒂斯塔有紧密联系的人在经过摆样子的公审之后都被处于了死刑,在这次的血腥大屠杀中,格瓦拉扮演了特别显著的角色。 ecocn

That all changed in the summer of1955, after a chance meeting in Mexico City with Fidel Castro, who was planning his overthrow of Cuban president Fulgencio Batista.
一切都在1955年的夏天改变了。 格瓦拉在墨西哥城偶遇菲德尔·卡斯特罗同志,当时卡斯特罗正琢磨着推翻古巴总统 Fulgencio Batista。 yeeyan

They had no water and now, to cap it all, the troops of Fulgencio Batista were about to fire on them.
此刻,他们没有淡水,而更糟糕的是,四处都是想消灭他们的巴蒂斯塔军。 ecocn

Together, they served their time in Batista's New Model Prison on the Isle of Pines, eating spaghetti with calamari, lounging about in shorts, while Fidel wrote.
他们曾并肩一起过,在松树岛上,在巴蒂斯塔的新模范监狱中服刑的日子里,他们一起就着乌贼吃面,穿着裤衩四处闲荡,菲尔德这么写道。 ecocn

Victory over Batista's forces finally came in January,1959, and his triumphant guerrillas marched into Havana.
1959年元月,卡斯特罗领导的游击队终于击败了巴蒂斯塔的军队,并列队进入首都哈瓦那。 ebigear

Batista was frequently cited as an anti- kidnapping expert at conferences and in the news media.
巴蒂斯塔是经常出现在会议和新闻报道中的反劫持专家。 yeeyan




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