

单词 Summerville
释义 Summerville ˈsəmərˌvɪl COCA⁵⁴⁰⁹²BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹
But before he left, Summerville accused Nora of leading him on, and swore vengeance.
索姆威勒临走前,抱怨劳拉诓骗了他,并发誓要报复。 blog.sina.com.cn

The second week of her stay in London passed, with Edward Summerville attentive and kind.
爱德华索姆威勒殷勤友善与她在伦敦度过了两个周。 blog.sina.com.cn

Then Lady Sylvia announced that you were visiting, and everyone knew why Summerville was here.
辛威女士宣布你要来,所以大家都知道索姆威勒为什么会在这里了。 blog.sina.com.cn

A recent law passed by the Summerville town council mirrors legislation that has been put into place throughout the country.
一项最近由萨默维尔镇议会通过的立法表明这一方法将向全国推广。 yeeyan

Added to the cold menace of his pale eyes and the authority with which he spoke, even Summerville took a step back.
还有他苍白的眼睛的冷酷的威胁,以及他说话的权威,连索姆威勒也吓得后退了一步。 blog.sina.com.cn

But now Summerville had come to heel, which might be another motive for her trip out West.
可是现在索姆威勒紧跟着她,或许离开西方有其它的活动。 blog.sina.com.cn

Edward Summerville was the last person in the world whom Nora wanted to see!
这个世界上,劳拉想见的最后一个人就是爱德华索姆威勒了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Having seen her home life, he understood Nora much better, although Summerville's veiled references still puzzled him, as did Nora's parting remark to the man.
他已经看到了她在家的生活,他就更加理解劳拉了,虽然索姆威勒所遮掩的事一直使他迷惑。 blog.sina.com.cn

He jerked his thumb toward Summerville.
他的拇指刺棱指向索姆威勒。 blog.sina.com.cn

He would send her smartly right back to Summerville, the father of any child she might conceive!
他正好可以巧妙把她推给索姆威勒,做她肚里孩子的父亲! blog.sina.com.cn

However, Summerville's ire was the least of her worries afterward.
然而事后,她略微担忧索姆威勒的愤慨。 blog.sina.com.cn

It didn't mean that she was safe, but at least she had a chance of escaping Edward Summerville.
那并不意味着她安全了,可是,她至少有了一个摆脱索姆威勒的机会。 blog.sina.com.cn

Nora turned and looked worriedly at the front door as it opened to admit Edward Summerville.
劳拉转过身,担忧地看着前门,门开了,爱德华索姆威勒进来了。 blog.sina.com.cn

One of her indignant cousins knocked Summerville down and threw him out of camp.
有个表兄很气愤,一下子就把索姆威勒打倒在地,又把他扔到帐篷外。 blog.sina.com.cn

She asked if Summerville was truly in residence here, and I admitted that he was.
她问我索姆威勒是否真的住在这里,我承认他是的。 blog.sina.com.cn

She didn't say, but my aunt Cynthia wrote us, very worried because that Edward Summerville man has followed her to England.
她没说,可是我姨妈莘济亚写信给我们,非常担心,因为爱德华索姆威勒那个家伙跟着她到英格兰去了。 blog.sina.com.cn

She might have been away with Summerville, he might have wanted to have an affair with her.
她或许会和索姆威勒一起走,他也许想要和她发生关系。 blog.sina.com.cn

Something was wrong, badly wrong, and she felt that it had something to do with that Summerville person.
出了什么事,糟糕的事,她感到那事一定和索姆威勒那个家伙有关。 blog.sina.com.cn

Summerville had no wish to join Mr. Marlowe on the floor.
索姆威勒不希望和玛露先生一起躺在地板上。 blog.sina.com.cn




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