

单词 summertime
释义 sum·mer·time 英ˈsʌməˌtaɪm美ˈsʌmɚˌtaɪmAHDsŭmʹər-tīm' 高COCA¹⁸²⁴⁰BNC²⁷⁴⁴²iWeb¹²³⁹⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

the warmest season of the year; in the northern hemisphere it extends from the summer solstice to the autumnal equinox;

they spent a lazy summer at the shore

summer time夏令时
蒋争熟词记忆summer夏⇒夏季;夏天summer夏⇒夏季;夏天近义词 summer夏天solstice至season季节midsummer仲夏dog days三伏天大热天…

用作名词It doesn't rain much in thesummertimehere.这里夏季下雨并不多。as in.summer
同义词 vacationheat,midsummerdaylight savings time,dog days,picnic days,riot time,summer solstice,summertide,sunny season
反义词 winter
summernoun hot season of the year
daylight savings time,dog days,heat,midsummer,picnic days,riot time,summer solstice,summertide,sunny season,vacation From there hire someone to take you in via boat if it's summertime, or snowmobile in the winter.
如果在夏季的话,可以在那里雇人滑小船进入公园,如果是冬季,则需要雇雪橇。 yeeyan

I’m going in the summertime, so I’m hoping for the best, but anyone who has hiked the AT knows that it’s always a mixed bag.
我将在夏天进行穿越,因此我希望天气会好,但是每个曾在阿巴拉契亚穿越的人都知道,那里的天气总是好坏不一。 yeeyan

“ We call it a ' MYI invasion' and that's going to be the threat as we transition to an ice-free summertime Arctic,” he says.
他还说:“我们见这种情况称之为‘多年并入侵’,而这将造成危害,因为北极正在迎来无冰夏季。” ecocn

All the remaining glaciers were rapidly retreating as average summertime temperatures in the area continued to rise faster than the global average.
由于此地区的夏季平均气温以高于全球平均值的速度持续上升,所有剩余的冰川都在迅速消退。 yeeyan

Arctic summertime sea ice is decreasing by just over7% a decade.
北极夏季海冰正在以每十年刚刚超过7%的速度减少。 ecocn

At his Liberal party's summertime get- together on the Faroe Islands, the prime minister, Lars Lokke Rasmussen, solemnly promised a new law to ban aggressive breeds of dog.
在其自由党在法罗群岛上举行的夏季集会上,首相拉尔斯•勒克•拉斯穆森,郑重许诺制定一条新的法律禁止侵略性狗的饲养。 ecocn

But the rate of snow and ice melting varies considerably, so changes in ice mass come largely from changes in summertime melt.
但是冰雪融化速率的季节变化极大,造成冰层总量变化的绝大部分来自夏季冰层的融化。 yeeyan

Emirates Stadium has previously played host to Bruce Springsteen in2008 and the Summertime Ball in2009.
酋长球场曾在2008年举办过布鲁斯斯普林斯丁的演唱会,还在2009年 Summertime Ball的活动。 yeeyan

In its announcement, Google tried to keep the tone light, noting that cell biology isn't“ too popular in the summertime.”
在它的声明里, Google试图保持轻松的语调,提到细胞生物学并不是“在夏季非常受欢迎”。 yeeyan

In summertime the nature buffs take over, hitting the hills to climb, hike trails, fish for trout and ride mountain bikes and horses.
在夏季,巴里洛切就被大自然的爱好者们接手了,他们来到这里爬山,远足,钓鳟鱼,骑山地摩托车,和骑马。 yeeyan

In summertime there are sword lilies and wild orchids growing everywhere. At the distant island a couple of watchful war eagles nest.
在夏季,剑百合和野兰花竞相开放,漫山遍野,在不远处的岛上,总是警觉老鹰眷侣在那里筑建爱巢。 yeeyan

Mars's seasons last roughly two seasons on Earth; it is now summertime in the southern Martian hemisphere.
火星的季节可粗略地分成地球上的两个季节;它的南半球此时处于夏季。 yeeyan

Meaning Vermont residents may have a reminder of this summertime outage when they pay their electricity bills in the dead of winter.
这就意味着,佛蒙特州的居民在这个夏季的生活支出上可能留有的结余要用来应付带到隆冬去了的这笔用电账单。 yeeyan

She encouraged women to wear sensible shoes to help recover from summertime injuries.
她鼓励女士们要选择适当的鞋,从夏季的伤病中恢复过来。 yeeyan

Some women may notice their hands have blown up, especially if it’s summertime.
一些女性可能会发现她们的手肿胀了,如果是夏季的话就特别明显。 yeeyan

Sometimes in summertime, it can be really crowded and busy.
夏季的时候,有时候颐和园非常拥挤、吵闹。 edu.sina.com.cn

The summertime may be the only time you can squeeze in some courses.
这个夏天可能是您唯一能够恶补这些课程的时候了。 yeeyan

This is thought to be due to an increase in outdoor summertime activities coupled with storms peaking during this period.
造成这样现象的原因一方面是在夏季人们逐渐增多了外出活动的频率,另一方面还因这段时期是雷电暴雨频繁出现时间。 cri

This is a summertime favorite because I can grab vegetables right out of the garden or at the farmer’s market.
这是我夏季最喜欢的因为我可以在我的花园里获得蔬菜或者直接到农贸市场。 yeeyan

While most estimates say the summertime Arctic will not be ice- free until the middle of the century, some models suggest it could vanish within a decade.
虽然大多数的估计称,北极出现无冰的夏季要等到本世纪中期,但也有模型显示这种情况10年以内就会发生。 yeeyan

Summertime camping is a popular activity in Alberta’s Jasper National Park, the largest park in the Canadian Rockies.
夏季露营是加拿大落基山脉最大的公园——阿尔伯塔省的贾斯珀国家公园里的一种流行的活动。 yeeyan

Summertime is the best time of the year.
夏季是一年中最好的时光。 hjenglish

Summertime is a time for the outdoors— soaking up sun and recovering from the days of winter of being cooped up indoors.
夏季是一个适合户外活动的季节——淋浴着日光,扫去在冬天时窝在家中的寒冷。 yeeyan




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