

单词 summarization
释义 sum·ma·ri·za·tion 英,sʌmərɪ'zeʃən美,sʌmərɪ'zeʃən 高COCA⁸¹⁵⁶²iWeb³⁹³²⁰

the act of preparing a summary or an instance thereof; stating briefly and succinctlysummariz-ation状态⇒n.摘要⁷⁹;概要²¹近义词 contraction收缩summarisation概括相加

用作名词A generalizedsummarizationis made for the automotive brake material.摘要介绍汽车制动器摩擦材料的研究现状。
If justice prefers logic in rules tosummarizationof practice, law will lose its intelligibility and validity.摘要正义如果趋从于规则中的逻辑而不注重实践经验的总结,法律就会渐渐地失去其可理解性和合法性。as in.description
同义词 characterization,confession,definition,depiction,detail,explanation,information,narration,narrative,picture,portrayal,report,sketch,statement,story,summary,tale,versionABCs,brief,chronicle,declaration,delineation,explication,fingerprint,make,monograph,portraiture,presentment,recital,recitation,record,rehearsal,representation,rundown,specification,vignette,yarnblow-by-blow,recountal,writeup
反义词 concealmentmisrepresentation
descriptionnoun account in speech, writing
descriptionsnoun account in speech, writing
Abcs,blow by blows,briefs,characterizations,chronicles,confessions,declarations,definitions,delineations,depictions,details,explanations,explications,fingerprints,informations,makes,monographs,narrations,narratives,pictures,portraiture,portrayals,presentments,recitals,recitations,records,recountals,rehearsals,reports,representations,rundowns,sketches,specifications,statements,stories,summaries,summarizations,tales,versions,vignettes,writeups,yarns A generalized summarization is made for the automotive brake material.
介绍汽车制动器摩擦材料的研究现状。 iciba

An exhaustive summarization is made for free flight motion of spinning missiles.
详尽总结了自旋导弹自由运动特性。 cnki

Based on background analysis and summarization of available achievements, the feasibility and measures of establishing working hour standard system for furniture industry are stated.
在进行背景分析并总结现有成果的基础上,阐述家具制造业建立工时标准体系的可行性及其方法。 dictall

Considering the lack of a unified generation model of news video summarization, the thesis proposes an extensible model called EDU, which is the abbreviation of Entity- Description- Utility.
提出了新闻视频摘要的“实体-描述-效用”模型简称 EDU模型,设计实现了基于 EDU模型的新闻视频摘要方法。 iciba

On the basis of an analysis and summarization of Chinese poems, this paper elaborates the ten functions of rhyme.
文本依据对汉语诗歌作品的分析、概括,集中阐述韵在诗歌中的多种功能。 iciba

So the paper is the summarization of our D & R work and also expected to be helpful to the production personnel and the people long-term involved in site work as well.
作为开发研究工作的总结,期望对生产调试人员和长期从事现场工作的人员有所碑益。 cnki

The amount of summarization is determined by the slice of the cube model that the query accesses.
汇总的数量取决于查询访问的多维数据集模型切片。 ibm

The pipeline processes documents before they are indexed in the full- text index, and it provides automated summarization, document format conversion, and categorization services See Figure1.
在全文索引中建立文档的索引之前,管道将对文档进行处理,并且提供了自动化的摘要、文档格式转换和分类服务请参见图1。 ibm

The proven reserves are obtained based on the continuous summarization and deepened understanding of geologic rule.
探明储量是在不断总结和深化地质规律认识的基础上获得的。 cnki

With the review and summarization of the practice and experience of S& T evaluation of Chinese Academy of Sciences, probable problems of CAS are analyzed.
回顾总结了中国科学院科技评价的实践经验,分析了存在的问题。 cnki

“ A typical summarization system will conclude that people are very, very happy with the size and weight” of the camera, said Oren Tsur, a computer scientist at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
“如果让一个典型的概括系统来判断的话,它会推导出人们对这种照相机的大小和尺寸非常非常满意的结论来,”奥伦·提苏尔说,他是耶路撒冷希伯来大学的计算机科学家。 yeeyan

An approach for building accurate and fast running T- S models is proposed based on summarization of the experience of nonlinear modeling.
在总结非线性建模经验的基础上,给出了一种建立精确且运行速度快的 T- S模型的方法。 cnki

Besides the summarization of the past, this paper also puts forward suggestions for further study and makes a prospect in the future.
论文在总结前期工作的基础上,对进一步的工作提出了建议与展望。 cnki

Firstly, agricultural mechanical products are classified14 kinds by compare, conclusion and summarization in the dissertation.
首先,本文运用比较、归纳和总结的方法,把农机产品分为14大类。 cnki

For ever slow-motion replay, the system generates summarization by using association rule in shots.
以慢动作回放镜头为标志,通过分析镜头间的关联规则生成视频概要。 cnki

Information Extraction, Information Retrieval and Text Summarization fall under the same text information processing research area, belonging to the domain of Natural Language ProcessingNLP.
信息提取与信息检索、文本摘要等同属于文本信息处理的范畴,是自然语言处理的一个研究领域。 cnki

It includes processes for backup and recovery, partitioning, summarization warehouse and recovery consist, aggregation, and archival and retrieval of data to and from alternative storage.
它包含备仓库构成系列份和恢复、分区、摘要、聚合、从替代存储中归档和恢复恢复存储摘要的一系列过程。 www.cto360.com

Large masses of data must generally undergo a process of summarization or reduction before they are comprehensible.
数量庞大的数据通常必须经过概括或删减的程序才能为人所理解。 ebigear

On this basis, the principles of practice, development, creation, vision and integration which philosophical generality& summarization must follow are put forward.
在此基础上,提出了哲学概括与总结必须遵循的实践、发展、创造、超前、统一原则。 cnki

Participate in discussion of instrument troubleshooting, and summarization of repair experience, to provide recommendation for instrument maintenance.
参加仪表故障的分析讨论,总结经验教训,提出改进仪表维护检修工作的建议。 liecai

The provincial CWC affairs authorities shall submit the report to the national CWC affairs authorities within a specific time after careful verification and summarization of local data.
省级《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门在认真审核、总本地区数据后,应在规定时间内报国家履行《禁止化学武器公约》事务主管部门。 jukuu

The basic economic data for a unit must first be recorded, followed by analysis and summarization, and finally by periodic reporting.
各单位的基本经济数据首先要有记录,再进行分析和总结,最后形成定期报告。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

This paper introduced a mechanic automatic text summarization system.
本文介绍了一个机械式自动文本摘要系统。 cnki

This model is divided into three parts: the record of information points, text semantic map and the summarization and estimation of the learned text.
该模型分为三大块:课堂知识点的记录、文章语义网络图的绘制和学习者对学习材料的总结和评价。 jukuu

Summarization, research, and discussion of four kinds of auction forms are executed under the framework of the revenue equivalence and it applications.
在收益等价性及应用的完整框架下对四类拍卖的收益等价性问题进行了总结、研究和探讨。 cnki




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