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词汇 sullen
释义 sul·len 英ˈsʌlən美ˈsʌlənAHDsŭlʹən ★☆☆☆☆高四六GIT宝八COCA¹⁹⁰⁶¹BNC¹⁶⁹⁶¹iWeb²⁷⁸⁶⁷Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺


silently showing dislike and lack of cheerfulness


dark and gloomy

showing a brooding ill humor;

a dark scowl

the proverbially dour New England Puritan

a glum, hopeless shrug

he sat in moody silence

a morose and unsociable manner

a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius

a sour temper

a sullen crowd

darkened by clouds;

a heavy sky

它和sole单独的;唯一的同源,都来自古法语soul单独的;-en是后缀,形单影只,孤身一人久了,势必造成情绪的低落。 想想一下,没朋友、没伙伴儿的人,整天孤零零的一个人,是不是很郁闷。
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词sullen looks不高兴的脸色sullen sky阴沉的天空
GRE红宝书sul = sol孤独, len: 因为孤独所以忧郁.
源自sole 单独的;silent 静默
GRE难词记忆sullen→sudden a.突然的→突然之间就变得抑郁起来suddena.突然的⇒突然之间就变得抑郁起来近义词 sour酸的black黑的sad悲哀的dour严厉的dark黑暗的grim严厉的dull呆滞的grey灰色的gray灰色的sulky生气的moody易怒的angry生气的morose郁闷的gloomy阴暗的dismal阴沉的brooding孵卵leaden沉重的cloudy多云的sombre昏暗的somber微暗的surly脾气坏的hostile敌对的heavy大量的glum闷闷不乐的overcast阴天的depressed沮丧的saturnine忧郁的lowering天阴沉的threatening威胁性的bad-tempered脾气不好的moping动词mope的现在进行式…glowering动词glower的现在进…反义词 amiable和蔼的
~+ n.A sullen look shaded his face.他因不快而沉下脸来。
He looked up at the sullen sky.他抬头看了一眼阴沉的天空。
S+be+~He was destructive,sullen,infantile.他捣蛋破坏,闷闷不乐,还耍孩子脾气。
用作形容词Thesullenchild refused to answer my questions.那愠怒的孩子拒绝回答我的问题。
She had not come to him today with this feeling ofsullenantagonism.她今天并没有带着这种愠怒的抵触情绪到他这儿来。
Asullenlook shaded his face.闷闷不乐的表情使他的脸蒙上阴影。
Thissullenweather disagrees with me.遇上这种阴沉的天气我就感到不舒服。
Pleasure, tempt no more a dark,sullenheart!快乐,别再诱惑一颗黑暗而阴沉的心!adj.brooding, upset
同义词 churlish,dour,gloomy,glum,grumpy,hostile,morose,petulant,somber,surly,uglybad-tempered,cheerless,crabbed,crabby,cross,cynical,dismal,dull,fretful,frowning,glowering,gruff,heavy,ill-humored,inert,irritable,malevolent,malicious,malign,mean,moody,obstinate,ornery,out of sorts,peevish,perverse,pessimistic,pouting,pouty,querulous,saturnine,silent,sour,sourpussed,stubborn,sulking,sulky,tenebrific,tenebrous,unsociable,uptight
反义词 agreeable,bright,cheerful,friendly,gentle,happy,joyful,kind,nice,pleasantgrinning
angrieradjective being mad, often extremely mad
angryadjective being mad, often extremely mad
affronted,annoyed,antagonized,bitter,chafed,choleric,convulsed,cross,displeased,enraged,exacerbated,exasperated,ferocious,fierce,fiery,fuming,furious,galled,hateful,heated,hot,huffy,ill-tempered,impassioned,incensed,indignant,inflamed,infuriated,irascible,irate,ireful,irritable,irritated,maddened,nettled,offended,outraged,piqued,pissed,pissed off,provoked,put out,raging,resentful,riled,sore,splenetic,storming,sulky,sullen,uptight,vexed,wrathful
bitteradjective hostile, nasty
acrimonious,alienated,antagonistic,begrudging,biting,caustic,crabby,divided,embittered,estranged,fierce,freezing,hateful,intense,irreconcilable,morose,rancorous,resentful,sardonic,severe,sore,sour,stinging,sullen,virulent,vitriolic,with chip on shoulder
cheerlessadjective depressing, unhappy
austere,black,bleak,blue,comfortless,dark,dejected,dejecting,depressed,desolate,despondent,disconsolate,dismal,dispiriting,dolorous,drab,draggy,drearisome,dreary,dull,forlorn,funereal,gloomy,grim,in the dumps,jarring,joyless,melancholy,miserable,mopey,mournful,oppressive,sad,somber,sorrowful,sullen,tenebrific,uncomfortable,wintry,woebegone,woeful
churlishadjective crude, boorish
cloudyadjective hazy;darkened
blurred,confused,dark,dense,dim,dismal,dull,dusky,emulsified,foggy,gloomy,heavy,indefinite,indistinct,leaden,lowering,misty,mucky,muddy,murky,mushy,nebulous,nontranslucent,nontransparent,not clear,nubilous,obscure,opaque,overcast,somber,sullen,sunless,vaporous A fit of the sullen got short shrift in our house.

A few American critics, addicted to anything new, have moaned that his sullen and fleshy figures put him out of step with where contemporary taste was headed.
一些痴迷于所有新事物的美国评论家曾叫嚣路西安沉闷和多肉的肖像画形象,与当代审美口味格格不入。 yeeyan

Sipping muddy coffee sweetened with gritty sugar, served by a sullen waiter at a greasy table, you are discussing the future with friends.
侍者阴沉着脸,端来加了粗砂糖的混浊咖啡。你坐在油腻的桌边,品着咖啡,与朋友们谈着未来。 ecocn

The sullen, vacant prosecutor submits her closing arguments on a floppy disk; the bullying detective bristles with bravado but cannot look Mr Zúñiga in the eye.
表情阴沉而茫然的公诉人用软盘提交上她的结案陈词;盛气凌人的侦探充满虚张声势,却不敢看苏尼伽的目光。 ecocn

“ I know it’s hard,” she said, catching my sullen mood.
“我知道这很为难”,她说道,也传染了我郁闷的心情。 yeeyan

After the sullen, uncompromising finish to the Bush years, Mr Obama’s logic seemed to be that a big agenda combined with softer, more engaging diplomacy could work in his favour.
布什时代不欢而散之后,奥巴马总统的逻辑似乎是,宏图大志佐以更柔和、更讨巧的外交可以起到理想的效果。 ecocn

After more than a year of sullen stalemate, indirect talks between the two sides look set to resume see article.
在维持了一年多沉闷僵局以后,双方的间接会谈有望重启详见文章。 ecocn

And though sullen-looking armed men in uniform are everywhere, dozens of military roadblocks that choked Srinagar last year have been cleared.
尽管到处都是一脸闷闷不乐的穿制服的武装人民,许多去年堵在斯利那加的军用路障都被扫除了。 yeeyan

And I felt just like a sullen new mom, not ready for her role.
并且我就像一个闷闷不乐的新妈妈,来不及应付她的角色。 yeeyan

Asked about his past he takes a sip from his beer and throws a sullen stare across the dimly lit front room of his cramped farmhouse.
当问及他的过去时,他浅浅地啜了一口啤酒,郁郁寡欢地盯了一眼他那狭窄昏暗的农舍的前屋。 jukuu

Blair denies he subcontracted economic policy to Brown in return for sullen acceptance of his premiership.
布莱尔否认将经济政策大权托付给布朗,以换取对方黯然承认自己的首相地位。 ejinqiao

But this time he was being greeted by sullen indifference.
但是这次欧洲人对他却是漠不关心。 ecocn

Girls hate you initially because you seem mysterious and sullen.
女孩起初讨厌你是因为你看上去很难懂。 yeeyan

He grew sullen, and began to swear.
他又不高兴了,开始咒骂起来。 putclub

He is quieter now than he used to be, if no one provokes him: more sullen and depressed, and less furious.
如果没人惹他,他比往常可安静多了;更阴沉些,沮丧些,火气少些。 putclub

He was gentle as a child as long as the sullen mood did not come over him; but when it came he was fierce, became as strong as a giant, and ran about in the wood like a chased deer.
只要阴郁的情绪不来袭击他的时候,他是纯洁得像一个孩子,因为这时他就变得非常活泼,在森林里跑来跑去,像一只被追逐着的雄鹿。 ebigear

Heathcliff, dear! you should not be sullen now.
希刺克厉夫,亲爱的!现在你不该沉着脸。 putclub

Henry was a neat man, his lab coat clean, what remained of his hair combed and parted precisely; he was quiet, but said enough not to seem sullen.
亨利是一个整洁的男士,他的实验工作服很干净,他的头发梳理过,而且整齐的分开;他很安静,话多的刚好让他不会显得阴沉。 yeeyan

Indeed, the mere presence of a grape in the other chamber in the absence of an actual monkey able to eat it was enough to induce sullen behaviour in a female capuchin.
实际上,仅仅在另一隔间中放上一颗葡萄而没有只猴子来吃,就足以让母猴闷闷不乐了。 ecocn

It took a few steps forward, and sniffed the sullen air.
它试着向前迈了几步,嗅了嗅毫无生气的空气。 yeeyan

It was March, a bright cold day, and the ashy remains of her night’s fire gave off a surprising sullen heat, for which she was not ungrateful.
那是三月里明亮寒冷的一天,晚上壁炉未尽的余火散发出让人吃惊却昏昏沉沉的热气,那是她喜欢的余热。 yeeyan

Jordan is sullen, Algeria unstable and Yemen seethingsee article.
约旦河阴沉,阿尔及利亚不稳定,也门正在沸腾。 ecocn

She had not come to him today with this feeling of sullen antagonism.
她今天并没有带着这种愠怒的抵触情绪到他这儿来。 jukuu

The blossoms she customarily wears in her hair never seem to wilt, even as everything else droops in Burma's sullen heat.
即使其他一切万物都在缅甸的闷热中枯萎,她习惯带在头上的鲜花也似乎永远不会凋零。 yeeyan

Walk into Pakistan, and the mood is equally sullen.
走进巴基斯坦,氛围同样是闷闷不乐的。 ecocn

You see it on the sullen faces of fashion models who have obviously been told that anger sells.
你可以看到时尚模特们那冷酷的脸,很显然,充斥着愤怒的气息。 yeeyan

Sullen and angry, the king of Israel went to his palace in Samaria.
于是以色列王闷闷不乐地回到撒玛利亚,进了他的宫。 ebigear




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